《Death Note Boyfriend Scenarios》Meeting Him
Another day, and I am still failing math. I don't understand! Everything else is a breeze. In fact, in all my classes, I have perfect scores, and yet with math, I can never get anything higher than a D+! God, and I know how much grief my parents will give me for doing poor on another test.
Just as a bell signals class is over, I made a mad dash to the door in hope to escape my math teacher and his badgering, but alas, I failed.
"Ms. (L/N), could you come here please?" I sigh, and turn around with a small smile.
"Yes, sir?"
"(F/N), this is the tenth test that you have failed. I know that everything comes to you as a breeze and you have expressed how much you are against having a tutor, but have you considered that maybe, math is something that you just need a little help on?"
"Y-yes, sir, but-"
"I can't give you an option of opting out of one. If you do not pass this class, you'll have to repeat."
"What!? No, I pass all my other classes with flying colours! This can't have that much of an effect."
"And yet it does. I'm setting you up with a tutor."
"Oh, no, please-"
"I have talked with the head of school and he has assigned you to our brightest student, Light Yagami. You will meet with him everyday after school in the library until your grade in math has gone up to a B."
Light Yagami? Yes, I have heard of him, of course I have, everyone has! He is the top student in Japan, and he rightfully deserves that title, however, I have heard from friends how he is stubborn and cocky and has no real interest in actually helping anyone. I sigh knowing that now there is no way of getting out of this.
I trudge my feet across the ground, (B/F/N), my best friend running up to me and grabbing my arm.
"Hey, (F/N), why do you look so sad."
"I'm not, just frustrated. I need a tutor in math."
"Oh, it won't be too bad. Who's your tutor?"
"Light Yagami."
"Lucky!! I wish I could have had him for a tutor. He's incredibly cute."
I scoff. "I don't care if he has the looks of a god, I just need him to help me pass."
The next day I slowly make my way to the library. I walk in, and just as I thought, there he is sitting at a table with a vexed look on his face. Scattered around him are books, his jacket lazily tossed over the chair, and his head resting in the palm of his hand. Next to him the window was open so his light brownish hair seemed to swish elegantly and his dark orbs stared into my (E/C) ones. I must admit, he is pretty attractive. As I walk closer to him, his eyes narrowed at me.
"You're late." I quickly look at my watch.
"Only by three minutes."
"I have things to do."
"Well, then you shouldn't have signed up to be a tutor."
"I didn't have a choice in the matter. So, why don't you just sit down so we can get this done with."
I bite my lip to restrain myself from snapping back at him. I sit down slowly pulling out my books as he goes on a long tirade about how I must have poor study habits and that this stuff is easy. By the time our study session is over, I'm exhausted. I think to myself, these are going to be a long few months...
My mother told me now that I am (Y/A) I need to get a summer job. At first I was against it, mainly because I really wanted to go back to (your summer camp) again this year, but the more I thought about it, our family could use extra money. Financially, my family was not doing alright due to the fact my father lost his job and he had no interest in finding another one, and my mother doesn't particularly get paid much by her employer.
During the last few months of school I did research looking for a job. I looked into working at the library, a waiter, and all sorts till I finally scored as the cashier at a local bakery. I was getting ready for my first day when my mom came in. She had a small smile on her face but it looked as if she was trying to stop herself from crying.
"Thank you so much for doing this, (F/N). We- I really appreciate this." I wrapped my mom in a warm embrace and gently kissed her cheek.
"We're gonna get back on track, I promise you." My mother just shook her head sadly.
"Don't promise something you can't, honey."
"(F/N)... here I want you to have this." My mother handed me a beautiful necklace. It had a silver heart with a red jewel in the middle. I gasped as I gave my mother another hug and put the necklace around my neck.
"I love it thank you."
When I got to the bakery everyone gave me a warm welcome. I was given an apron, some instructions and a tour around the small bakery. For the next few weeks, everything had been peechy. I hadn't messed up and everyone was so kind to me. One hot day it was just me in the bakery and so far no one had come to get anything until I heard the little bell over the door ring.
I look over and I see a guy, who must be a few years older than me, walk in. He stood awkwardly; his back was kinda hunched and he had black hair that was a mess. I couldn't tell if it hadn't been combed or if it was naturally like that. His face was pale and he had dark bags under his eyes. He wore a white shirt and jeans and kept his hands in his pockets. He was quite attractive in my view.
He walked as if there was someone watching him, which made me wonder if there was. He kept checking his surroundings and fidgeting with his pockets. He made his way towards me but he didn't say a word he just stared at me.
"Um... can I help you sir?"
"Yes." he said. We were both silent. No one talking.
"Can I have two pieces of chocolate cake, 5 strawberry macarons, 2 croissants, and 3 vanilla cupcakes." I just stare at him.
"Sir, can you write-"
He hands me a piece of paper with the exact order. Smart guy. I give him a polite smile and go to collect his order. This can't all be for him, he must be having a party or something. But wow, such a small guy and he wants all this?
I put all the food in a box and bring it over to him. He takes it without hesitation and begins to walk away. I'm about to call back at him for the money but I look down and see it all there, the exact order. I didn't even need to tell it to him. I would have shrugged it off but I see a small card on the ground. It looks like his ID since his picture was on it. It must have dropped out of his pocket while he was carrying the box out. I rush over and pick it up reading it. Ryuzaki. I open the door to see him getting in a car.
"Wait! Ryuzaki!" The black haired man, or Ryuzaki, looks over at me in shock that I knew his name. I wave the card above my head. "You dropped this!" He took a sigh and walked over to me, the same awkward walk and without a word, he yanks the card out of my hand. I watch him drive away and I wonder if I will ever see him again.
I hope.
Ever since I was a child I have been afraid of the dark, so when I had to walk home from school late, in the dark, I was a bit of a wreck. I wasn't showing, I made sure I kept it all in the inside not wanting to seem weak, but that was just it; on the inside I was screaming. Every corner I went I was afraid something would jump out at me, like a monster, a rabid animal, or a just some creep.
As I walked down the street I kept myself alert. I had one hand covering my purse, the other in the pocket of my hoodie fiddling with a little stress toy I kept in there. As I looked up though, I found myself somewhere I had never been before.
"Dammit, (F/N)," I mumble to myself. I pull out my phone to bring up a gps, but to my dismay, my phone is dead. I sigh trying to find something that I recognize like a sign or a tree or anything. But I can't seem to find anything I recognize. I was debating in my head whether to knock on someone's door and ask for directions, but I find a small town and phone booth where I quickly call my mom to come and pick me up.
A little unsettled, I sit on a bench and wait.
I hear a noise coming from behind an alley way. I look over to see a man stumbling out looking pretty drunk since he was wobbling and held a bottle in his hand. I quickly look the other way in hope that he will just walk by me.
I jumped as I heard the bottle smash to the ground. "Oopsie!" the man yells. I take a deep breath trying to calm the anxiety rising up inside of me. In the corner of my eye I see the man coming towards me. At this point I am on the verge of having a panic attack. Before I know it he's in front of me. He is bald with a scrubby red beard, his eyes are bloodshot and his face is red from all the drinking. He is in torn up clothing and reeks of vodka and booze.
"Hey baby, why aren't you.. Lovely, mmm." he mumbles. I try my best to stay calm as I rise from the bench to walk away. He suddenly grabs my arm and shoves me back on the bench. He cage's me in as he places his palms on boths sides of the bench. "Where you going sweetcheeks. Wanna have fun?"
I shake my head frantically pushing him away and jumping up running the other way. But the drunk guy is fast as he collapses on top of me. I begin to scream but he quickly covers my mouth with his stinky hand. "Now... Now, now... we wouldn't want anyone else to hear us having fun," he slurs. I begin to cry as I try to push him off of me. I feel one of his hands snake down to my jeans and begins to unbutton them. I shake violently in an attempt to get him off of me but nothing seems to work. I feel him pull out my blouse and I'm ready to just accept my fate, but the man is suddenly torn off of me. I jump and and huddle into a corner and watch as another guy begins to beat the drunk man.
From afar, I see he has longish blonde hair and is wearing a leather jacket and pants. The drunk man suddenly gets up and runs the other way leaving the blonde haired main without a scratch. He looks over at me. I hug myself to cover my chest which was slightly exposed due to the drunk man pulling at my shirt. My blonde man walks over to me and suddenly hands me his leather jacket.
"Hey, you ok?" he asks. I stay silent and only nod. "I'm Mello, you?"
"Hm, thats a nice name. Need a hand?" He reaches his hand towards me and I hesitantly take it. He is quite strong as he seems to pull me off the ground and I land perfectly in a standing position. I see headlights coming up and it's my mothers car. I begin to take the coat off but he shakes his head. "I've got tons, you can have it." He then walks off pulling a chocolate bar out of his back pocket. Huh. I didn't get to properly thank him.
I get in the car and while my mom frantically shouts that we need to go to the police station to report the drunk man, all I can think is how I hope to see Mello again so I can thank him.
Yes! The game I have been waiting for for the last five months, Outlast 2, has FINALLY been released, and I, of course, made sure I took a day off of work so I could be one of the first to get it. The minute my alarm went off at 5:30, I jumped out of bed, put on a comfortable outfit, my toms and rushed downstairs. I saw my mother standing at the door.
"(F/N), and where do you think you are going?"
"Mum! I told you that the release of Outlast 2 (author's note: ok, for those wondering why I choose Outlast 2, I love the first game and I've not been able to play the second one I've only been able to watch youtubers play it and it looks soooooo gooooooodddd)"
"Yes, but you didn't say you would be getting at 5;30!" she said emphasizing the time. I groan and give her a hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Trust me mom, the minute I get the game, I will be in the house ALL day!" She only laughs and reminds me to keep my phone and to call her if anything happens.
When I get to the game store there are already about twenty people outside the doors. I check my watch, 6;00, and get in line. I can barely hold my excitement as I rocked back and forth on the ball of my heals. Another thirty minutes later and the doors still hadn't open but the crowd was much larger. I hear two people come up behind me, but I don't give them much notice until I hear them talk.
"I can't believe you woke me up for this."
"Come on, man, you ever played this sh**? It's f***ing awesome!"
"Yeah, I bet it is."
I hold in my laugh as I keep eavesdropping on the two people behind me.
"This is just another game that's gonna cause you to hog the damn T.V.!"
"Whatever man!"
"This is just gonna be the same as that... that... Five Nights At Freddy thing. The thing with the bears?!" I turn around to look at the two boys behind me. One has longish blonde hair, and the other, who I thought was quite attractive, has striking red hair and a striped shirt.
"Five Nights At Freddy's is nothing compare to Outlast. For example, Outlast actually has jumpscares that scare you." The cute one laughs and shoves the blonde one.
"See! She knows what she is talking about. What's your name?"
"(F/N). You?"
"Matt," the red head says. "This is Mello. You see, he has no intellect what's-so-ever-" The blonde, Mello, shoves Matt and I burst into a fit of laughter.
"I can see that!" I say laughing.
"Hey! You know what, I'm out, I got better things to do," Mello says pushing past the crowd of excited gamers.
"Huh, now that he's gone, I guess I can talk to you!"
While we waiting for the doors we opened, we talked for a whole twenty minutes about our favorite games and all sorts. By the time the doors did open, I was kinda sad to say goodbye to Matt, but all was forgotten when I got home and got to play my game. ;)
My older brother and four year old nephew were over visiting from the United States (for the sake of this story, you live in Japan, btw) I was so excited when he told me he was coming with his girlfriend and son -- I hadn't seen them in two years and I missed them terribly. I missed all the fun times I had with my brother, and I miss my little nephew and his chubby cheeks.
When they arrived, it was absolutely amazing. There were tears, hugs, kisses and bundles of love being thrown everywhere! We all got in the car and headed to my home when my nephew began jumping up and down.
"No! No! Can we please go in there, please!?" I looked out the window to see what he was so excited about. I wasn't very surprised when I saw a toy store.
"Uh..." my brother was very conflicted. "Only if Aunt (F/N) will go in with you." I laugh and agree to bring him in. More time with my nephew and anything to make him happy!
We go inside the large toy store and I'm honestly amazed with how many toys are inside. This is heaven for any child. I let my Nephew lead me around until he suddenly gasps. I look down to see his big blue eyes twinkling, a large smile on his face. "That one, that one!" he said point at a toy rocket ship in its box sitting alone on a shelf. I smile and follow him to get it. He's like a cat chasing a ball of yarn. He is so excited that it tears my heart apart to see it taken from the shelf just as he's reaching for it. Naturally, he begins to cry, and I see a boy around my age with white hair just stare at him and... walk off.
There was no way I was having that. I chase the teen and quickly grab his arm spinning him around. He gave me a cold glare but there was no way in hell I was gonna let this guy intimidate me.
"Hey, what's wrong with you, why would take that right from a little boys reach?"
"I saw it first," the boy said.
"Seriously? You saw him reaching for it. That was cruel."
"Whatever," he says and begins to walk away. Oh no. I am not letting him off that easily.
"I'm not done. Give it to him, please. This is his first time in Japan, he lives in California. I don't want his first day to be ruined by some teenager taking a toy away from him."
"I want it!" He says childishly.
"How old are you anyway?" I question him. The boy then squints his eyes at me.
"What's it to you?"
"You're a teenager taking toys away from little boys." The boy just groans and shoves the rocket at me.
"You can have it. I don't want it anymore. I don't have time for your pestering."
I watch him walk away as I hand my nephew the toy when his phone falls out of his pocket. I sigh, picking it up and running to hand it to him.
"You dropped this... Near." He looks at me before yanking the phone out of my hand. "I'm (F/N) by the way."
"I don't really care," he says. I snort as I watch him solemnly walk out of the toy store. What a weirdo.
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