《Death Note Boyfriend Scenarios》Becoming Friends
I have been seeing Light everyday for two weeks now, and I'll admit, my last test I got a C- on, which was an improvement for me. However, when I showed it to him he didn't seem to impressed. At home I turn the T.V. on to hear the latest on the Kira killings. It fascinated me because I had such a high respect for Kira. People call him just a typical vigilante who doesn't really know what justice is, but to me, he is more than that. He is ridding the world of evil, and even statistics have shown that crime rate has gone down since he came to light. God above knows I would do anything to meet him and tell him much I appreciate what he is doing. But unlike every other night where I am invested in the news on Kira, I'm distracted. Maybe Light is right -- I need to start getting into better study habits. I rest my head on a nearby pillow and before I know it, I'm asleep.
Finally, Friday, that day I've been waiting for all week. Me and (B/F/N) are going to binge watch (least favorite T.V. show). We hate the show but that's the best part. We love to make fun of the poor acting and unrealistic story line. We always have a blast when we do these marathons. We order pizza, get junk food, and talk about the usual things best friends talk about.
I see her placing books in her locker and I startle her by taking a strong grasp on her shoulders.
"(F/N), you scared me!" She laughed.
"Haha, sorry! So, I've got the box set of (least favorite show) from the library, and I talked to my mum, she isn't going to be home tonight so we have the house all to ourselves! I was thinking, we could make this extra, extra awesome and do another one of our forts-"
"Uh, (F/N), about that..." (B/F/N) interrupts me. I scrunch my eyebrows. "I can't come tonight."
"What! Why?"
"You know, Kim? Well, she's throwing a party and I want to go."
"Oh... Can I come." (B/F/N) awkwardly rubs her shoulders rocking back in forth on the balls of her feet. She shakes her head, and I feel disappointment rise up in me.
"I-I asked her if you could come but she said she didn't want you to."
"Why not?"
"Well... she thinks you're a loser and that you're weird. She said she didn't want 'a nerd reeking the place' and that you would just bring the mood down by keeping your nose... in a book." I never felt so hurt before. I mean, yeah I've been called names before but, 1) I didn't think wanting to have good grades made you a nerd, 2) I don't have my 'nose in a book' all the time, and 3) (B/F/N) is my best friend. How could she ditch me for someone who says such hurtful things.
"You don't think that, do you?" I thought with her being a good friend she would turn around say, of course not, or even say I'm sorry. But she shrugs.
"Well, you could maybe try and have some fun for once. And by fun, like, go out. You're always either studying or watching the news to hear about Kira. And by fun, I don't mean making lame forts out of cushions and blankets and shit, like having fun." I stare at her blankly. I didn't think forts were lame. Sure, they could be a little childish, but who cares. "I'm sorry, (F/N)." And like that she walks off leaving me dumbfounded.
For the first time in forever, my best friend actually hurt me and made me feel... lame. I never thought that I was lame or a loser or weird. I like to do things just live everyone else. And why does studying make me a loser? When I got to the library with my study session with Light, I barely paid attention. I didn't care at this point what he was saying. At this moment, all I wanted was to go home and just sit in my room, alone. I didn't even feel the single tear fall down my (S/C) cheeks. But he had stopped talking.
"(F/N)... are you crying?" I quickly wipe the tear from my face and shake my head trying to get back to the textbook. I expected him to start making fun of me too honestly, but instead he reached out and stopped me from opening the textbook. "What happened?" And of course, like that, I become a sobbing mess as I told him about what (B/F/N) said and the forts and the stupid T.V. show and why I wasn't invited to a party. I still expected him to laugh at me but he was kind. He let me talk and he let me cry and he didn't interrupt or tell me I was being silly, he just sat there and listened. By the end he handed me a tissue which I gracefully used and laughed after I saw all the smudged mascara.
After awhile, he broke his silence. "You should be proud of your achievements. You will get into a good college, especially when we get this math grade up. And did you really want to go to such a piteous party where everyone is gonna get drunk and high? Trust me, by the end of the night they're all gonna be arrested because they're gonna piss of the neighbors or something."
I smile at him and giggle softly. He looked taken aback, but he slowly returned the smile and I swore I saw him blush. I was blushing too, I was sure of it.
"I guess tonight I'll just watch it alone then," I said solemnly. I watched Light fidget in his seat before he awkwardly sat up in his chair.
"If you want... or don't mind... I'm not doing... I wouldn't mind watching (least favorite show). I'm curious to what's so bad about it..." he said stumbling on his words. I smile and tell him how much I would enjoy his company tonight.
And it was a very good night. He came around 7 o'clock -- I had thought he would have wanted to walk to my house with me but he said he had to do something at home quickly -- and we ordered pizza and watched the show. He agreed the show was bad, and he even made a fort with me. The fort was kinda a failure though because halfway during the first season of (least favorite show) it fell apart and we were a laughing mess.
I've been working at the bakery for a month now and I'm beginning to hate it. It started off great. Everyone was kind, the job was easy, and I was getting paid a good amount. But now that someone quit, my boss has become rude and demanding and been having me work later than normal. I wouldn't have minded if I was getting paid for it but I've started to get paid less then I was before.
It is Saturday and I'm tired. I was at the bakery till eleven last night cleaning because my boss dropped a whole bunch of cupcakes on the ground. I was trying my best not to fall asleep when I heard the bell above the door ring. I look up and see Ryuzaki. He had come a few other times, I had even told him my name, but he hardly ever called me by it. He hardly ever talked to me even. It was usually me who was trying to strike up a conversation. There was something about him that was so intriguing. I couldn't tell if it was his odd personnel or his face...
"Just one slice of Strawberry cake." I nodded and went to get the cake but in my tired state I accidently cut up a chocolate slice. "That's the wrong slice."
"Oh, I am so sorry, let me-"
"(F/N)!" I jump as I heard my boss' voice boom through the bakery. I turn around and see him with a furious look on his face. His face was bright red with fury, his fists were clenched, and his eyes squinted. "You idiot!" he began yelling. I was honestly frightened. I had no idea what I had done. "Are you trying to make us lose our best customer!"
"You are useless, we would be in the drain without him!" I was shaking as I tried to keep a my voice calm.
"Sir, I don't understand-"
"It really isn't a big deal." I heard Ryuzaki say from the other side of the counter.
"It is a big deal!" And just like that my boss threw the plate across the room. I was in utter shock. "You're fired," he then spat in my face. I should have just walked right out the store but then I remembered that state we were in and how disappointed my mother would be to hear I was fired. I began to beg him to just give me a second chance. But he wouldn't have it.
I should have just accepted it and walked out but I couldn't. I kept begging and begging until he turned around and grabbed the collar of my shirt and shoved me backwards until I banged into a nearby table and fell to the ground. I look to my right and saw on the ground the necklace my mother had given me. Before I could grab it, my boss stamped on and the necklace broke apart.
I felt someone wrap a hand around my forearm and drag me out. I was sure that it was my boss about to throw me out, but I looked to see it was Ryuzaki pulling me out of the shop. I was still shaking as I was trying to contemplate what the hell had just happened.
"Are you ok?" I hear Ryuzaki asked. I shake my head as I sit down on a bench and rub my arms to calm myself.
"No, not really. My family really needs the money." And plop my head into the palm of my hands. "That necklace... my mother gave it to me."
"I'm sorry."
"It's-" before I can say anything I see him walking away leaving me alone on the bench. I sigh and rub my forehead before rising and beginning to walk home. What a day.
My mother kept telling me she wasn't disappointed or upset with me when I told her what happened but I could see in her eyes she was sad and worried. The next day I sat alone on the couch flipping through channel. I stop on the news channel when they discuss the 'Kira crisis'. I roll my eyes. I hate Kira. In my opinion he does anything but justice. Sure, ridding the world of criminals is good if it were actually possible. You could never really get rid of every criminal out there. And also, just the fact of knowing he only wants this so he can become a god is pathetic in my view.
I turn the T.V. off when I hear the doorbell ring. With a heavy sigh, I find the strength to walk to the door. When I open it, I'm surprised to see Ryuzaki standing there. He looks uncomfortable, well, more uncomfortable than usual. He stares directly into my eyes as if he is afraid if he looks away I'll disappear. I give him a smile and gesture for him to come inside.
"Hi, (F/N)."
"Wow! You finally used my name," I say in a jocking manner. He gives a small smile. I'm pretty sure it's the first time I saw him smile. "How did you know I live here?"
"I just did... I have something for you." He pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to me. When I open, I gasp to see it's my mother had gave me.
"How did you -"
"I knew a jeweler who owed me a favor. He was able to fix it." I couldn't even contain myself from hugging him tightly. He just stood not knowing what to do, but I soon felt his body relax and his arms wrap around me. It was.... Nice.
"Thank you, Ryuzaki."
He smiled, patted my shoulder and walked away.
I wake up to my phone buzzing frantically. I look over to see (B/F/N) calling me. I sigh and pick up the phone.
"Hey, (F/N), you up?" I huph.
"Yeah, now I am."
"Well get dressed, we're meeting (some other friend) at the ice cream shop in one hour."
"We just are, so get up, get dressed, do whatever and meet us there in an hour." I sigh, getting up to quickly take a shower and put a comfortable outfit on and make my way to the ice cream parlor. When I get there I see (B/F/N) and (other friend) talking loudly. When (B/F/N) see's me she jumps up and pulls me over to the seat; I don't even get the chance to get any ice cream. They begin to ramble about random stuff like school, TV, and who they like and all sorts... things I really didn't feel like talking about. I suddenly lean up in my seat though when I see Mello, the guy who had saved me, with another boy in a striped shirt. He notices me staring and smirked giving me a small wave.
(B/F/N) suddenly waves her hand in my face. "Uh, (F/N)? You alright?"
"Uh, yeah, just give me a second." I get up and go over to Mello and hesitantly tap him on the shoulder.
He looks over at me and puts a finger up to tell me to wait a minute. "Hello sir, may I have three scoops of chocolate on a cone?"
"Damn, you really gotta lay of the chocolate," the boy next to him said.
"F*** off, Matt," he snaps.
When he gets his ice cream he gives me a quirky grin. "Sorry about that... (F/N), right?"
"Oh, yeah, you met me last night, um, I would have brought your jacket, but-"
"I did tell you you could keep it," he says almost unamused.
"Yeah, I.... I just wanted to say thank you. I've always been afraid of the dark and you know being alone so when that guy came I really thought my worst fears were gonna come true and then you came along and basically save-"
"You talk a lot," he interrupts laughing.
"Oh... yeah, my friends tell me that I ramble quite a bit."
"Hm, well, I can't stay long since I promised this dips**t I would drive him to a gamestop, but hey," he stops and suddenly takes out a piece of paper and writes his name and number on it. "Text me, you're pretty funny, I wouldn't mind hanging out with you sometime."
"Really? Wow, ok! Um, by Mello."
"Bye, (F/N)." I smile to myself.
Due to my constant anxiety, whenever I text him I begin to worry that I am annoying him with my constant texts, but he never seems to mind. In Fact, he sometimes tells me how my texts are 'the highlights of his day' because they are so funny and random. I would never admit it, but over two weeks of texting each other and seeing each other every once and awhile, I've grown feelings for him.
I sigh and place my phone on the bedside table. "Dammit, (F/N), you hardly know him..." I let out a loud groan and sulk into my pillow.
Outlast 2 was just as I imagine. All the right jump scares in all the right places. But once I was done playing it, I felt like there was nothing left to do. I needed a new game. So obviously, I got up and decided to go to the closest Gamestop and find something new. When I got there, I greeted the worker.
"Hey, Lenny!"
"Hey, (F/N)! Did you enjoy it then?"
"Duh! It was just as I thought it would be."
"As good as the first one?"
"The first one will always be the best, but even so it was amazing! Do you have anything new for me?"
"There might be something in the back, but hey, (F/N), I was wondering if you-"
"I remember you!" I turn my head around to see Matt, the guy I met waiting in line for Outlast 2. He had a cigarette in his mouth and puffed a bit of smoke which drifted right into Lenny's face.
"Hey, no smoking in here!" Lenny shouted.
"Sorry, man," Matt said throwing the cigarette away with almost a look of longing. "Did you enjoy it, then?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Damn, I played it in one night. Hey, you wanna come to my house and play something?" I quirk an eyebrow at his request. "Amnesia? You must have heard of it."
"As a matter of fact I have. Pretty old, but I've heard it's good and I haven't played it yet. So I will take up your offer." He laughed as he put his arm out in a gentlemanly manner.
"NO! NO! NO! STOP! PLEASE!" I shout as the monster chases me. I squeal as I throw the remote control up in the air and quickly jump into Matt's arms. He laughs at me as I blush pushing myself away from him.
"I thought you don't get scared easily.
"I-I don't, it's just that... really startled me." He snickered and I lightly punched him on the shoulder. "Are you really telling me that thing doesn't scare you one bit."
"I've seen scarier."
"Oh, really? Like what?" I challenge. At that moment I see an almost sad look cross his face and I regret saying it but he suddenly smiles again.
"That's a story for another day."
I laugh as I begin to play the game again. I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see Matt's friend Mello.
"You two have been playing this for hours. Don't you get bored?"
"Do you get bored of chocolate?" Matt asked. Mello shook his head and shrugged walking away. "Now, if this scared you, just you wait for the next game I got..."
The damn rocket was absolute bogus. The minute it came out of the box it broke and my nephew was a mess. There goes a good first day in Japan. I sigh as I try to fix the rocket but there is absolutely no use so I promise him that tomorrow I would go back to the toy story and demand a refund. Well, so far, I wasn't getting very far in demanding a refund.
"What do you mean you won't let me return it? This thing is crap!"
"I'm sorry Ma'm, but we have a no return policy."
"Where? I never saw a sign saying so."
"... there isn't one."
"And no one ever told me there was a no returns policy. I want a refund! The minute he took it out the box the speaker fell out and the top came off."
"I'm sorry but we just can't do that."
"Where's the manager?"
Well, the manager only told me the same thing which is they refused to take it back and and return my money. SIghing I went outside with the busted rocket and headed towards the large dumpster.
"After all that yesterday and you are throwing it out?" I turn around to see the white haired boy I had met yesterday trying to fight for the rocket. What was his name... Near!
"You can have it if you want. But it's broken." He takes the rocket out of my hand and spins it around a bit.
"It can be fixed." I quirk a brow. "Come with me."
"... what?"
"Come with me and I will fix it." Hesitantly I follow Near not really knowing what to expect.
"Wow! I can't believe you fixed it!"
It was amazing! He even painted the rocket to make the colours more bolder and he even painted my nephews name on it. "You are extremely talented!" I praise.
"Oh. Thank you... (F/N)."
"Ah, so you remembered my name!"
"I'm a genius."
"Huh." It was then Near brought me to a kitchen in which he offered me lunch and I happily obliged to eating with him. We didn't really talk much however. Some few things came up, but other than that, we ate in silence.
"I'm sorry," I hear him say.
"What for?"
"For yesterday. I was rude. I'm sorry." I laugh at him ruffling his hair and relishing in his small blush.
"All is forgiven." He smiles and for a moment my heart stops at how absolutely sweet and adorable he looked.
- In Serial68 Chapters
Mana Soul
Like many others across the multiverse, Markus was chosen as this world's hero to fight against the steadily approaching cataclysm. Only, something went horribly wrong. Left with only a handful of memories, Markus has spent years clawing his way up from poverty and officially registered as an adventurer to try and make his fortune. Unfortunately, Artificers are the least combat-capable class of the four classes, and Markus has no connections to join an established party. With the fate of countless worlds hanging in the balance, a chance meeting will determine the course of a war nearly as old as reality itself. Warning: Markus has trauma induced amnesia and will occasionally 'act out of character' or make 'poorly thought out' decisions. These events are rather obvously telegraphed abd represent conflicts between his current personality and the one repressed alongside his trauma. Just something to bear in mind.The story will bounce predominantly back and forth between the primary protagonists every couple of chapters. The time stream is linear, so events are not revisted/rehashed/retold through the narrative format. Characters may comment on something that has occurred, but that's different. Just giving a heads up.Chapters will be around 7-9k and updated 1/week on the same schedule as my other story Ogre Tyrant over the weekend.[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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The Guardian (The Legend of Little Red Riding Hood & Her Wolf)
Ever wonder what happened to Little Red Riding Hood after the big bad wolf ate her granny? Well, let's just say that was only the beginning. Somehow, those who know the Event got to calling me Little Red Riding Hood, a moniker I hate to this day. I was there. The blood; the smell—it still haunts my nightmares. A Timber Wolf killed my grandma. And then... a little cub saved me from the same fate. She became my best friend from that night on. That was years ago. This is now. Within a world of magic, mystery, and rich history: a man searches for purpose and freedom, a kingdom teeters on the brink of a hidden war destined to shake the foundations of the four worlds, and a common girl and her wolf remain at the heart of it all. Aria is doing her best to survive. Thrown into life with little more than a set of twin swords, a family who depends on her, and the memories of her father's teachings, she must scrape and scramble for enough to feed herself and her family. With a sister no healer can cure, a brother whose middle name is Trouble, and a Timber Wolf as a best friend—her life is far from tame. Will the life she yearns for ever be hers? Can she protect her family through what is coming? This is a book that will take you to the deepest, darkest parts of a girl's life and the highest mountains upon which she will, someday, stand. Join Aria as she fights for her kingdom, her family, and The High King. Plus, there's a pesky prince. And what's with all the ruckus about Prince Protector, anyhow? Edit 5/6/22: This was originally going to be one large volume... then the volume became too large. Going to split into two, with no cliffhanger at the end of Volume One, but with a few strings left untied. Then we shall begin the venture into Volume Two. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!
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Oh, My Beautiful Moonlight Goddess!
Yarou Kansouke, a regular guy from the boondocks that was exposed to the art of ero at a very young age. Emi. The only clue the girl left him behind that night. Ever since then, he's vowed himself to meet her again no matter how much hardships it might take. Watch Kansouke grow in the most ero—err interesting hero ever!!Mature tag is there for the lols, bring your sense of humor with you when you read it too~
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Alone No More
A young man interested in science was given his father's secret research. Afterward, he became completely engulfed by that same research with the intent to finish what his father started. How much of an impact will his technology have in a world that doesn't use electricity, but rather magic? A whole new era of change is coming, and not all of it is pretty.*Rated Mature for: Gore and Language. (Not entirely sure about sexual content)*This will not be a happy story. *It takes more than one chapter to create a story.
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*Dropped*There comes a time when we have to step out into the world on our own. No matter how frightening or depraved your world might be you have no choice but to face it and more terrible, still, to face yourself. For Ulen Gunter Lars Yeadon this is a struggle to lift a life long curse that has made him a object of pity for those around him. As he faces this struggle he will come to realize that the most terrible curses are those we inflict on ourselves.This fiction is Mature: for adult situations, language, depictions of gore, violence and enslavement.
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Peridot x Human!Reader
When you continue your day as usual, you receive an unexpected guest that arrives in your home. ( This may become a Peridot X Human!Reader romance)I tried to keep the 'human', or you, with simple pronouns, so that way everyone can enjoy it, whether you be male or female. or whatever you choose to be respectfully called. ^u^*Characters and Steven Universe, the show, both belong to the amazing, beloved Rebecca Sugar. **ART ON COVER IS MINE AND BELONGS TO ME. DO NOT USE WITHOUT PERMISSION*
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