《i'm right here || jasper whitlock》six


Theresa looked out the car window as Jasper drove up to the Cullen's household.

"This is it?" Theresa asked Jasper as the house came into view.

"Not what you were expecting?" Jasper asked as he raised an eyebrow.

Theresa was surprised by the home. It was huge, obviously since there was seven people living in it, but that's not why Theresa was surprised by the home. A lot of the homes in Forks were old homes, built probably around the same time the town was established, but the Cullen household was modern, not like other houses in Forks. It reminded her of when she would take the bus to school, driving through the streets of New York, seeing nice and expensive houses and apartments. She gazed at it as Jasper drove into the driveway.

"I just didn't know there were houses like this in Forks" Theresa said as she took in the beauty of the Cullen's house.

"Technically we live right outside of Forks" Jasper said as Theresa turned her attention from the house to him.

"But your right" Jasper said making Theresa laugh lightly.

"I'm just messing with you Jas."

"Jas?" Jasper questioned.

Theresa pulled her sleeves over her hands and held them tightly, a thing she has noticed she's been doing more often when she gets nervous, before speaking again, "Is that okay? Would you rather me call you Jasper?" Theresa asked him.

"No, I quite like Jas" Jasper said as he parked the car, causing Theresa to blush.

Jasper turned off the car, taking the keys out of the ignition, before getting out of the car. Theresa was about to do the same until Jasper stopped her by opening her door for her.

"Thank you" Theresa said with a smile as she got out of the car, a little surprised and caught of guard by the act.

"My pleasure darlin'" Jasper said causing Theresa's heart to skip a beat at the nickname he gave her.

Jasper was about to speak again, but was cut off by a woman's voice, "Oh, it's so nice to meet you!" A lady with gold eyes, dark brown hair with caramel highlights, and pale skin, yelled happily as she walked down the steps quickly, towards Theresa and Jasper.

"This is Esme, my mother" Jasper said as Esme hugged her.

"It's nice to meet you too" Theresa said as she hugged her back.

"Let's get you inside. You must be freezing out here!" Esme yelled as she linked arms with Theresa.

"Carlisle!" Esme yelled, her arm still connected with Theresa's as they walked through the front door.


"This is Carlisle, my father" Jasper introduced Theresa as the man, Carlisle, walked out of an office.

Carlisle also had golden eyes, like the rest of the family. If Theresa didn't know any better she would think that they were all blood related.

"Nice to meet you" Carlisle said as he put his hand out for Theresa to shake, which she did.

"You guys have a lot of graduation caps" Theresa said as she turned her attention from the family towards the stairs where a frame holding many graduation caps hung on the wall.

"Oh! That!" Carlisle exclaimed before continuing to speak, "It's all of our families graduation caps. We collect them. It's a nice way for the kids to still feel connected to their birth families."

Theresa smiled as a silence fell over the four. Jasper cleared his throat before speaking, breaking the silence, "Well, we have some homework to do."

Esme and Carlisle nodded while smiling, "It was nice meeting you!" Esme said, hugging Theresa once more, Theresa hugging her back.

"Hopefully we'll be seeing more of each other" Carlisle said to Theresa with a smile as Esme broke the hug between the two, stepping away from Theresa.

Theresa smiled and nodded before speaking again, "Same here."

"Follow me" Jasper said, gaining Theresa's attention, as he walked in front of Theresa and stood there with his hand out towards her, which she gladly took.

They began to walk up the stairs and stopped as they reached a floor with a few doors.

Jasper walked towards the last door on the right of the hallway and opened it, "This is my room."

Jasper stood aside and let Theresa walk into his room.

Theresa was speechless. Jasper's room was immaculate.

His bed was surrounded by glass walls, one of those walls had a sliding door that opened up to his deck. You could see the forest from his deck and the river too. He had shelves of books, a record player laying on the floor next to his bed, and vinyls thrown on his floor.

"Do you mind?" Theresa asked Jasper as she pointed towards the record player.

Jasper, still standing in the door way shook his head, "Not at all."

Theresa sat on her knees and looked through the pile of thrown around vinyls before picking one and putting it on the record player.

"How did you get this?" Theresa asked Jasper as she ran her fingers over the record player, that seemed to be old, maybe even an original, "Beg your pardon?"


"It seems like it's old, good condition, but it's not new. It's beautiful just the same though."

"So, you like The Four Seasons?" Jasper asked her, changing the subject, as he looked at the vinyl that she chose case cover.

"Like? More like love" Theresa said with a smile on her face as she picked up the vinyl case and inspected it, running her fingers over it, "Every Sunday my mom would clean and put The Four Seasons on. She would dance around to it and sing as she vacuumed. My dad always said she was so talented. That's why she moved to New York, you know, to be a singer, but plans change and so do people," Theresa said with a sigh as she looked up from the vinyl cover to see Jasper staring at her, "I'm sorry for rambling" Theresa said, quickly apologizing.

"No, no, don't be sorry!" Jasper said quickly, before continuing to speak, "I just don't think I've ever heard you talk so much."

"Well," Theresa said with a smile as she stood up from the floor and dusted off her pants, "We should start studying."


"It really is beautiful here at night" Theresa said as she watched the raindrops fall from the dark sky onto Jasper's window.

They changed the record from the Four Seasons to an Elvis record, Jasper's choice this time, as Jasper spent the whole night helping her study for her civil war test the next day.

"It is" Jasper said as he stared at Theresa, unbeknownst to her.

"I always used to play in the puddles when it rained, even though my mom hated it. She always said that New York puddles may be the dirtiest puddles ever" Theresa said with a laugh as she shook her head.

"Do you miss her? Your mom?" Jasper asked her as the smile fell from Theresa's face.

"Yeah" Theresa said, pausing before speaking again, "I do, I really do."

Jasper noticed the change in her emotions, he didn't need to be an empath to know that the question he had asked made the girl sitting in front of him sad.

Jasper contemplated his next step as "I Cant Help Falling In Love With You" began to play from the record player.

Theresa turned her attention from the window towards Jasper as she noticed him standing up from where he was sat on the floor.

"What are you doing?" Theresa asked him as he walked over to the bed where she sat, before offering her his hand to take.

"May I have this dance darlin'?" Jasper asked, southern accent shining through, as he nodded towards the door to the balcony.

Theresa shook her head, smiling.

"We can't go out there Jasper, it's raining. Plus I don't even know how to slow dance" Theresa said, making up an excuse to get out of embarrassing herself in front of the Cullen.

"If I heard you right a few minutes ago, you weren't afraid of getting a little wet" Jasper said with a smirk as Theresa sighed, knowing he wasn't going to take no as an answer.

"But I can't dance" She said, trying one last time to get out of possibly tripping over her own two feet and eating shit in front of him.

"Then I'll teach you" Jasper said.

Theresa sighed before moving the textbook off of her lap and onto the bed before taking Jaspers hand and standing up from the bed.

Jasper smiled as he led her to the balcony door, still hand in hand, and opened it.

He motioned for Theresa to walk out first, before him, so she did, about to disconnect their hands, but was stopped by his firm grip on her hand, causing her to blush. She smiled as Jasper followed in suit behind her, before closing the door to the balcony behind the both of them.

They could still hear the music fine as Jasper placed his free hand on Theresa's waist and began to slow dance.

"Just follow my lead, okay?" He said as Theresa nodded, watching his feet with every move they made, causing Jasper to smile.

"You're doing great" Jasper said as Theresa smiled and shook her head, "That's not what I'm worried about" She said, laughing lightly before continuing, "I don't want to step on your toes or trip over your feet and fall off this balcony to my doom."

"You're not going anywhere as long as I'm here darlin'" Jasper said, disconnecting his hand from Theresa's, causing her to frown at the feeling of his hand away from hers, but was quickly distracted by Jasper using his finger to make Theresa look at him.

"No more looking at my feet, I'm getting jealous of them" He said, causing Theresa to laugh.

Jasper decided in that moment that her laugh was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard in his lifetime.

"Too corny?" Jasper asked her as she nodded while still laughing slightly.

"A little" She said as she stopped laughing and started smiling, "But I'm okay with it" She said, causing Jasper to smile.

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