《porn star | taekook》024


Surprisingly, Taehyung and Jungkook is suddenly the "power" couple of the school, but why is that a surprise? Well, a lot of people didn't expect the quiet and smart boy, Jungkook, to be attracted to boys or be so open about it either.

He's not the reason why he's so open about it, since Taehyung is the one who's really open about their relationship after all. He posts misleading pictures on instagram, for example.

No one would have thought that Jungkook is still a virgin, cuz yes, he's still a virgin.

It's actually a bit interesting that no one is actually acting a slightly bit homophobic against them, since homosexuality isn't that acceptable, yet, in Korea.

They're just living the life at this point.

"I'm not going to ditch the only class that we don't have together, just because you want to buy, uhm, mountain dew flavored condoms?" Jungkook says to the older "Hold on, does that even exist?"

Taehyung nods "Yes, I saw it the other day, but I was too scared to buy it alone, cuz I don't wanna be judged"

"So, you want me to be judged?"

"No, but you actually got some muscles under there" the older points at the younger's white shirt "So no one will mess with me! You gotta be my prince charming, and besides, I'm not gonna use the condoms alone" he adds a little wink at the end of the sentence, which Jungkook found really embarrassing, that's not really weird though.

"Mr.Kim and Mr.Jeon, me and the rest of the class find your conversation really interesting, but could you please finish it after class?" the teacher asks, or rather say to them. The two boys just nodded and didn't say a thing to each other for the rest of the class.


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