《porn star | taekook》020


"I didn't know you could drive" Jungkook says as he buckles the seat belt in Taehyung's car, which he honestly didn't know the older owned.

"I'm 19, why wouldn't I have the driver license?" he asks and looks over at the younger, but he immediately regretted that he didn't do the cliche seatbelt thing people usually do in dramas. He also made a mental note that he should do it next time. "Anyway, babe, where do you wanna eat?"

"I don't know, but your dick would be nice" Jungkook jokes, while the older rolled his eyes to an another galaxy "Okay, sorry, but I'm not lying"

"So, we should eat something with sausage? Got it." Taehyung just wanted a normal, non sexual, date, but the younger just ruined it "Seriously, where do you wanna eat?"

"Hyung, I honestly don't know, like I wasn't prepared for this date? Why can't we just stay at your home and order a pizza or something? It's better than being surrounded by a lot of people" the younger said, but Taehyung obviously had to misunderstand what he said.

"Are you ashamed of being with me or something? Do you even like me, or are you just playing with me for some dick?" the older suddenly snapped and looked at the male's face, who quickly got a shocked expression.

Jungkook didn't know what to say, even though he could answer all of it, but his words were stuck in his throat.

"You can't even answer me, okay, just forget about this date then I guess" Taehyung says and quickly got out of the car. He started walking towards his front door, but he didn't even notice the tears that were rolling down his cheeks, he also didn't notice that Jungkook also got out of the car.


"Hyung, please, I'm sorry" the younger boy says, as he hugs Taehyung from behind "I'm just awkward when I'm with a lot of people, and I'm scared of what people think, cuz you would be really cute and cuddly even though we're in public"

The older pulled away and turned around, Jungkook was shocked to see him crying "What's wrong with being cuddly even though we're in public? Straight couples are, so why can't we? Why are you ashamed of me?"

"Hyung, I'm not ashamed of you, I just.."

"You just?"

"I'm not used to any of this, so I don't know what to say or do, but I'm not with you just because you got a nice dick" the slightly shorter started blushing "I realized after I found out that you're not just some horny guy, but a cute, cuddly and nice boyfriend, that I actually like like you"

The situation is getting more and more awkward, so Jungkook just kissed Taehyung before he got a reaction from the older.

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