《porn star | taekook》019


Taehyung doesn't feel confident at all today, because he suddenly started to think that Jungkook actually doesn't like him at all and the only thing he wants to do is to smash.

Even though in Taehyung's opinion, he's really hard to get.

The nineteen year old was currently just laying in bed, alone, thinking about his life and Jungkook, basically the same thing to him. "Oh my god, I got a fantastic idea!" he said to himself.

He called Jungkook, who picked up right away.

"Hey Jungkookie!"

"Let's go on a date"

"Because I want to go on a date?"

"To be honest, whenever you can, cuz I'm really bored and I just want to see you" the older confessed, but he obviously left out the part where he thinks Jungkook doesn't like him.

"okay, see you!"

the younger said and later hung up on the phone.

"Hell, I gotta get dressed and perhaps take a shower" Taehyung whispers to himself, later walking into the bathroom.

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