《Pokémon Elemental High》Aether Experience, Fennel!


-At 11:34 Am-

-Bonnie wakes up-

Bonnie: Ahhh -stretches and looks around- Clemont?

-A maid comes from another room-

Amara: You finally awaken my lady -bows down-

Bonnie: Who are you?

Amara: I am Amara, I have been assigned as your maid -does a curtsey- It is my pleasure to to meet you milady

Bonnie: Ok? Where is my brother

Amara: The young master has already proceeded to the Aether Foundation with Miss Burnet

Bonnie: He left me!? -she whimpered-

Amara: No need to worry, I shall get you dressed and to the Aether Foundation right away!

-With Clemont at the entrance of the Aether Foundation-

Clemont: Is it ok for me to wear my usual clothes

Burnet: It's fine for now, I'm just showing you around

Burnet: I'm telling you to be ready for angry stares

Clemont: Why?

Burnet: Well I did resigned from my position as a head of an important project

Clemont: Oh yeah, but then how are you still getting money

Burnet: I didn't completely remove myself from this organization. I did lots of small jobs requests and file document checking for the foundation for these 4 years.

Clemont: But why would they be mad? You were on the first original co-founders of Aether along with Lusamine right?

Burnet: Well the day I "quit" Lusamine was furious and took it out on everybody which lead to many people losing their jobs

Clemont: -Looks at Burnet with a worried face- I don't understand why did you quit, me and the other might still be kids but we can take care of ourselves

Burnet: Oh believe me I know, you were all more mature and intelligent than the average 6 year old, but I wanted to watch you all grow with my own eyes. I'm usually not home a lot because of the foundation and Kukui would sometimes leave for research meetings and invitations for gatherings which would leave Risa alone a lot. You guys were new to this nation so I thought I could have a fresh start with guys, I didn't want to make the same mistakes, selfish huh?

Clemont: Not of all, you're just trying your best. I think it's time we go in

-Both Clemont and Burnet step into the building heading towards the people that would greet them-

Lusamine: Burnet

Burnet: -touches Clemont shoulder signaling him to kneel and bow his head- Hello Lord Lusamine

-Lusamine Aether, Lord of Region 7 has come in person to greet Burnet's return with both her child at her side-


Lusamine: -sighs- I'll just tell you now, if you dare leave again I make sure you will regret it!!

Burnet: I am very sorry my Lord!!

Lusamine: But it is good that you are back, you're an important asset to the Aether Foundation -looks down at Clemont-

Lusamine: Who is this boy, stand both of you

Burnet: This is Clemont Toshiro, the boy I told you about on the phone

Lusamine: So this is the boy you were talking about

Lillie: A mere commoner. Professor Burnet I respected you, but then suddenly you quit and now you come 4 years later bringing this boy. Is how far you have fallen. What will he offer

Gladion: Quiet girl!! Mother didn't allow you to speak!

Lusamine: No she's right for once, what can this boy offer

Burnet: I advise you that Cle-

Clemont: -smiles- What will I offer you say? -looking straight at Lusamine-

Clemont: Don't underestimate me "Lord" -looks at Lillie- And you, don't you even disrespect Burnet again, she taught me many things these 4 years and I will ont let it go to waste!

Gladion: You rood peasant!! How dare you speak to- -Lusamine puts her hand in front of Gladion-

Lusamine: I'll give you this child, you have determination but I will see for myself if you have promise. I already had a list of trials prepared for you before I allow you into my organization. You have been trained by a world renowned scientist -turns around while walking away- Don't disappoint Clemont Toshiro

Clemont: Wait, I know you're about to head to region 1 for the summit so take this. -pulls a notebook from his backpack- If you like it then can you please suggest this while in the summit

Gladion: -clenches his fist- Now you dare demand my mother something, know your place

Clemont: Know my place? Was I talking to you?

Gladion: Damn Co-

Lusamine: Silence Gladion before you embarrass yourself further!!-looks back at Clemont- I shall read this whale on the Jett, I will judge if its worthy of being of recommendation to Giovanni -turns around and leaves through a door-

Burnet: Clemont never do that again!

Clemont: I can't promise that, if people are going to disrespect you for quitting then I will show them that me, a mere 10 year old commoner can reach to the top of this organization from Professor Burnet and Kukui's teachings

Burnet: -sighs- Don't ever do that again, you're extremely lucky!!


Clemont: But sh-

Burnet: -hits his head- No buts!

Clemont: Ow!!

Burnet: -comes closer to Clemont- Lusamine is dangerous, anyone who has talked back to her have been fired or in some cases have been killed, you're lucky see wasn't mad so don't do something stupid like that again. She rarely ever gives people a second chance.

Clemont: Ok, I understand

-A girl comes over to Burnet and Clemont-

Burnet: Fennel!

Fennel: Professor Burnet!

-they hug each other-

Burnet: You have gotten big!! You're 13 and this tall!!

Clemont: You're Fennel Yumeakumu

Fennel: Oh and you're Clemont Toshiro right? I just saw how you talked back to Lord Lusamine and Miss Lillie. -takes Clemont's hands- If Professor Burnet recommended you then you must be amazing

Clemont: -blushes- Oh, why thank you, hehe

Burnet: You didn't just come here to greet us hello did you Fennel

Fennel: Oh yes of course. I have been assigned as your guide/instructor for your trials

Clemont: So what are these going to be about?

Fennel: When the actual trials will start when the President is here, some mostly likely in 14 days time

Clemont: 2 weeks? Thats plenty of time!

Fennel: -chuckles- You're so cute -pats Clemont's head- I can't wait to work with you

Clemont: -blushes and nods-

Burnet: You two talked enough here, let's go to my lab now, I haven't seen it in 4 years, oh I'm excited!!

-A few minutes later-

Burnet: -Her eyes widen- Oh my computer!! It's still in good shape. Everything is exactly how I left it!!

???: -pops out from another room- Of course Burnet, your work is very important so this room hasn't been touched at all since you left

Burnet: -turns around- Wicke!

Wicke: Hello Burnet

Burnet: I missed you so much! Let's talk over some coffee

Fennel: Professor Burnet I'm going to take Clemont to my lab

Burnet: Ok, but come back in about half an hour

-They leave-

Fennel: So Clemont, what are you planning in majoring in

Clemont: That's a secret! But can I ask something about you?

Fennel: Sure, go ahead!

Clemont: I know that you specialize in studying pokemon trainers and pokemon dreams, but what is it specifically

Fennel: It's not that interesting...

Clemont: No it is, your theory is pretty solid in my opinion

Fennel: You don't have to flatter me. The backlash I get is expected since I made such dumb statements

Clemont: -grabs her wrists- Then why aren't you trying to prove them wrong!! If this is your resolve then you're going to get nowhere. Some of the greatest scientists have been hated because of their ideas and you know what they did, they kept going.

Fennel: Burnet said the same thing to me 4 years ago...

Fennel: It was when my theory got rejected by the committee of science and I became a laughing stock but Burnet came up to me and said "Don't let others bother you, I think your theory is pretty good, keep working towards it and prove everyone who doubted you wrong. Why don't you come to the Aether Foundation, I will recommend you to Lord Lusamine."

Fennel: Honestly the only reason I'm here is because of Burnet, I'm not as smart as everyone here, I feel out of place. I still....I still haven't made any progress on my project for 4 years now. I'm surprised Lord Lusamine hasn't fired me yet.

Clemont: Then let me see

Fennel: What?

Clemont: Let me see the original document of your theory

Fennel: But why?

Clemont: I want to see if I can help you

Fennel: It's in my lab

Clemont: Then let's hurry up -grabs her and hand and runs-

Fennel: Wait!! Do you know where you're going

Clemont: -stops- Oh yeah -awkwardly laughs- You lead the way then

-They go up to the 3 floor of the building and final reached Fennel's lab-

Fennel: -puts her hand on a scanner which opening the door-

Fennel: Sorry I know it's a bit messy!!! -trips-

Clemont: -catches her- You need to be careful

Fennel: Thank you

Clemont: Don't mention it -notices something- What's that? -points-

Fennel: Oh that. Well I call it the Dream Emulator, it is supposed to put humans into a deep sleep -picks up a helmet and shows it to Clemont-

Fennel: The person is supposed to wear this while they're in their sleep to measure brain signals. -points to a big black screen-

Fennel: That's supposed to be a visual representation of the dreams coming from the signals of a person's brain

Clemont: That's sounds really simple

Fennel: Yeah that's a short explanation but this machine is a lot more complicated than that

Clemont: You can tell me more details later, I want to know wants the problem

Fennel: The problem is that I can't guarantee if the person will survive

Clemnot: Why's that?

Fennel: You see this -holds out 2 shackles-

Fennel: Inside these are many small needles exactly 20 in each, and I can press a button over here at my control panel and inject the said person with a special sleeping drug that I created

Clemont: This is all interesting but what exactly is the problem?

Fennel: -takes a deep breath- The problem is...

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