《Pokémon Elemental High》Aether Experience, The start of a new bond


Fennel: First of all, I may have to shut off there brain

Clemont: What!? Why

Fennel: Well I believe that every has their own separate box in the dream world when they're sleeping

Clemont: I only read of bit of your theory a year ago, you said something like that now that I remember

Fennel: Yeah, and since I'm putting you to sleep you will have your own dream box. The problem is that I'm not 100% certain if you can get out of that box and into the dream void

Clemont: You're good at naming things, unlike me. But what do you mean by 100% certain, that's implies that you do have a way, does this have to do with the shutting off of the brain

Fennel: That's exactly it, I believe if I shut off a person's brain while dreaming it will break this sleep box and enter the dream void.

Clemont: That's a dangerous gamble, you could end up just killing someone, but why exactly do you need to shut down the brain

Fennel: I believe that everyone's consciousness is in the dream world, so shutting off the brain wouldn't kill this "person."

Clemont: -grabs a needle- Clemont what kind of drug is this? It's pink in color

Fennel: That's my custom made sleeping drug, it shuts down the body from the neck down in seconds

Clemont: Isn't this illegal?

Fennel: Yes I know

Clemont: Why are you telling me all this then?

Fennel: If Burnet trust you then I will too, and you're just adorable -pitches his cheeks-

Clemont: Can you stop. Ok back to this dream world thing, you say this drug will put a person into a deep sleep? So lets say I enter the dream void, how do I get back to the real world

Fennel: I'm not entirely sure, I have thought of multiple ways if a person would get stuck in the dream world. This person might have to get out of the dream world by him/herself. Another way is to use a special feather.

Clemont: A special wing? -Thanks to himself- Are you talking about the Legendary Pokemon Cresselia's feather!?

Fennel: -laughs- You actually got it with your first try, it took Burnet a few seconds to think about it

Clemont: If I remember in its description it is said while holding a Cresselia feather people or pokemon will have joyful dreams, but why bring it up like you're going to get a hold of its feather, it's a Legendary Pokemon of a reason


Fennel: -Goes to the other side of the room and places her hand on the wall-

-The wall opens up-

Clemont: What the!? -sees a case-

Fennel: -takes the case and opens it in front of Clemont

Clemont: Is that what I think it is

Fennel: Yes, it's a Cresselia feather

Clemont: How did you obtain that, it's extremely rare!!

Fennel: I don't know... -she said looking down- This has to do with why I want to go to the dream world so bad. Can I trust you?

Clemont: What do you mean "can I trust you", you already told me all of this so just go ahead

Fennel: You don't have to be rude about it! -sighs- I was found on a bleach 7 years ago, I had no memory of anything. So the ones who found me sent me to an orphanage in region 5 and that's when I found this feather in my hair. I don't know where it came from but when I held it, suddenly the name dream world came out of my mouth. Just a couple days after I was brought into the orphanage a lovely couple came and said they wanted to adopt me. Of course I accepted and I went to their house and found out they were scientists so I asked them to teach me everything they know. Another thing I didn't know was that they were friends with the famous Professor Juniper. I knew if I went with Junifer to region 5 that there would be more advanced technology for me to make some progress about the dream world. That's it basically -fake smiles- haha!

Clemont: You left something out didn't you, tell me everything

Fennel: So you can tell? You're smarter than you look

Fennel: Well it's true that I forgot my entire 7 years of life, but at some moment I remember being on the beach and a strange figure levitating above me, it was Cresselia. That's really all I remember.

Fennel: Enough about me, what about you Clemont?

Clemont: Me? Um....What do you want to know?

Fennel: What's your blood type!?

Clemont: O

Fennel: That's perfect!!! -quickly grabs a needle- You don't mind if I take a gallon of your blood will you -turns her head and smiles-

Clemont: A gallon!?!? Hell no!!

Fennel: 2 gallons?

Clemont: Why are you getting bigger!?!? I'm going to die!!

Fennel: Ok my bad........how about 3 gallons?


Clemont: -gives Fennel a murderous look-

Fennel: hmpf!!

Clemont: Why are you mad!? You're trying to take 3 gallons of blood from me!!!

Fennel: I just want to test different experiments with your blood, come on, please

Clemont: Why can't you take your own blood

Fennel: Cause I can't afford it...

Clemont Can't afford it?

Fennel: Nevermind

Clemont: Hey Fennel give me your arm

Fennel: Why?

Clemont: Just give it

Fennel: ... -slowly puts her arm out-

Clemont: -lifts her lab coat sleeve up and sees bandages covering her entire arm-

-They both look at each for a couple seconds until Clemont said something-

Clemont: As soon as I entered this room I smelled something weird, now I know it was blood. You also have way too many needles -picks a needle filled with the sleeping drug- You have been testing this drug on yourself, have you?

-They both were silent for a while-

Fennel: -takes a deep breath- You're right but that's not quite it, don't tell Burnet please... -takes off a bandages and reveals multiple cuts-

Clemont: -eyes widen-

Fennel: I been cutting myself when I'm dreaming. I cut marks on both my arms, legs, chest, and -pulls her collar down- my neck. Each cut represents how many times I entered the dream world, I counted a total is 2107 cuts around my body

Fennel: You might think I'm suicidal, or something like that......but that's not it. I can say that I have an addiction of some sort. I want to go to the dream world, even if it kills me, I must reach it, I can feel its presence everyday, but no matter how many drugs I put in my body, how many cuts I give myself, how many times I try adjust my dream emulator, I can't get out of this dream box. It's like an infinite paradox of failure!!! Even though I know one day I will die from all these side effects of my drug or even blood lost I just can't seem to stop myself -tears streamed down her face-

Fennel: I don't know why I'm telling you all this, but it felt good getting it all out cause now I know it's truly hopeless -grabs one of the knife off the table and quickly moves the knife towards her neck-

Clemont: -he quickly grabs her arm stopping her-

Fennel: Why did you stop me?

Clemont: Why did I stop you? You really think I would just stand here and watch you commit suicide.... -slaps her across the face-

Clemont: Don't be stupid!! -he goes towards the bed, lays on it and put on the shackles-

Fennel: What are you doing!?

Clemont: I'm going to try and enter the dream void

Fennel: No you can't, it's stupid to try, it's impossible

Clemont: I have no choice because you're just going to keep hurting yourself until you're dead, I won't let that happen so hurry up and put me to sleep

Fennel: But...

Clemont: I'll do it myself then -about to put on the helmet-

Fennel: Ok!! I'll help!

Clemont: Thank you, but before I get put to sleep can you explain to me how everything works again

Fennel: -takes a deep breath- Ok. This helmet is what I call the dream emulator. Its purpose is to collect signals from your brain and stabilize it incraise you have some sort of brain shock. These 4 shackles go around both your wrist and legs. Located in them are needles filled with a special sleeping drug I created. When in the body in a matter of 5 -10 seconds it completely shuts down the body and puts in a temporary sleeping phrase.

Clemont: That's all I need to know, now let's do this!

Fennel: Wait, it's too dangerous! I have been putting this drug into my body for years I'm not sure what it can do to you

Clemont: I'll take the risk

Fennel: But what if when I shut off your brain it just kills you

Clemont: Then don't

Fennel: Huh?

Clemont: You assume that turning off the brain means I can get out of what you call a "dream box." But what if I can break out of my own will, if it's possible then try atleast

Fennel: Clemont.....don't over do anything, just remember. It's not real.

Clemont: -does a thumbs up and puts on the helmet-

Fennel: I don't get how you can risk your life for someone you know for not even 20 minutes

Clemont: I have this one friend who would gladly risk his life for any people or pokemon in need. I think it's a good trait but only fools have it. I guess I want to try saving you or something corny like that. Let's go Fennel

Fennel: You're the first person near my age that actually listen to me and now trying to save me -a tear drops from her eye- Thank you

Clemont: Hmfp, no problem

-Fennel releases the sleeping drugs into Clemont body putting him to sleep-

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