《Pokémon Elemental High》Forest Conflict 3 and an Aether Experience!


Risa: It's my fault, he got hurt becau-

Ash: Boooo!!!

-The everyone falls back-

Ash: Hahaha!! You guys fell for it!!

Mallow: You moron, don't do that -hits Ash on the arm-

Ash: tsk...I'm sorry I'm sorry haha!!

Mallow: I'm out -angrily storms out the room-

Ash: -gets out of the bed- Come on Risa let's go outside -smiles-

Risa: -Nods her head with a speechless face-

-They slowly go back into the direction of the forest where they found Sceptile-

Risa: -takes a deep breath and breaks the silence-

Risa: Why are you up, you shouldn't even be walking!?

Ash: I'm fine, now let's go

Risa: But Ash you have a deep cut in the middle of your chest

Ash: I'm aware

Risa: It's dangerous lets go back -realises something- Oh no I forgot to clean the lab!!

Ash: I took care of it

Risa: What?

Ash: I woke up an hour ago and cleaned everything up

Risa: What about Scept-

Ash: It was gone, and I also notice that the egg your dad gave me was cracked

Risa: The pokemon that hatched was a Riolu

Ash: So we were right!! Great!! -falls on one knee- Ow

Risa: Let's go back if you keep walking like this you will reopen the wound-

Ash: -puff- puff- I know... but I can't rest until...I help Sceptile -falls face first to the ground-

Risa: If I can't change your mind then at least rest for a few minutes then we can walk again

Ash: Fine -goes to a tree and lays on it-

Risa: How about you let me check your chest -lightly removes the top bandages-

Risa: What the hell

Ash: What's wrong?

Risa: Impossible

Ash: What's wrong!? What's impossible!?

Risa: Your wound....it was deeper than this

Ash: It was?

Risa: Yes I'm sure of it. But there's no way you could of healed so fast

Risa: Let me see your arm -unwraps the bandages-

Risa: Even your bruises are a bit better than before, and some of the small scrapes I saw are completely gone

Risa: At this rate you will be completely healed in a week or 2

Ash: That's great and all but I think it's time we start moving -gets up-

Risa: You still need to take it easy Ash

Ash: I'm sorry Risa but I can't wait any longer, that Sceptile is suffering by the minute. I know because I did a scan on one of my cuts with Sceptile DNA. It was very dirty and was not your regular red color blood cell, a murky reddish green in color.

Risa: What I'm wondering is how you're leading us towards this area of the forest

Ash: I just feel something, it was the same feeling that lead me toward you guys house

Risa: It is prominent that a riolu can sense a person's strong aura, maybe you were destined to be together

Ash: While we're talking about riolu I would like to know where did you get it's egg.

Risa: It was in the middle of the ocean


Ash: What? Can you explain that

Risa: Sure I guess, I would say it was about 2 months ago when I was on a private cruise ship with some of my family members. The egg was just there in the middle of the ocean, so my dad jumped in and got it, that's basically it. Don't think to hard of it

Ash: -chuckles- You're going to do a good job as a ranger

Risa: What?

Ash: Oh nothing

-Risa phone rings-

Risa: Why is my dad calling me?

Ash: You have connection here!? *I think I better leave* -slowly walks off-

Risa: Yes Dad?

Kukui: Risa, why is there a gigantic hole in the lab wall and why are a bunch of test tubes on the floor!!!

Risa: U...m....I'll tell you later -hangs up quickly-

Risa: Ash!!!

Ash: *Crap Crap Crap* -turns around- Yes Risa?

Risa: I thought you said you cleaned the lab!!!

Ash: What I said is I cleaned all the blood. I can't fix a big whole in the wall

Risa: You could have at least tried to hide the debris

Ash: Didn't I tell you I have everything figured out. I cleaned the blood off the floor and left the empty cracked egg riolu hatched from and put it on the floor. That will make it look like riolu did all the damage, and that also gives us an excuse to come out so far into the forest. We can say "We were looking for riolu."

Risa: You're a lot more deceiving than you look

Ash: Believe me I hate lying, it's troubles me to my core, but it's either my personal feeling or Sceptile's life

Risa: I don't understand why we can't just tell my parents, their professors so they know a lot of stuff

Ash: -stops walking- Why didn't I think of that!!!

Risa: -laughs- It amazes me how you can be extremely smart and dumb at the same time. We're already this far into this so let's keep going

-After many minutes of walking they reach the area where all the berries are-

Ash: Shh... -slowly moves through the bushes- Is that

Risa: Riolu!?

-Scepitle and Riolu look at Ash and Risa-

Riolu: -Does multiple flicks moving towards Ash-

Ash: So you're my riolu huh

Risa: I asked riolu to watch Sceptile but that was 3 hours ago

Ash: -bends over and pats riolu on the head- So you have been watching over it for 3 hours, good job!

-Sceptile speeds over to them about to attack with Leaf Blade-

Riolu: -quickly reacts to Sceptile by dodging it and hits it with a force palm in its side slamming it into a tree-

Risa: Now what Ash? How are we supposed to help it?

Ash: We need to find the cause of it's sickness first

-A bullet seed from Sceptile shoots at Risa and Ash-

-Riolu uses Vacuum wave to protect them-

Ash: At least we got riolu so we can think for a moment -throws a pokeball- Charmeleon don't hurt Sceptile too much but just hold him off


-Current Time-

Ash: So me and Risa were trying to figure something out while Riolu and Charmeleon hold Sceptile off

Ash: -looks over at Gloria sleeping on his arm-

Ash: hmm, rest up, we have a long path ahead of us -takes out his phone and looks at it-

Ash: It's already 6:44, Risa's flight is 6:45 so she should be leaving to the plane

-With the girls-

Risa: Well it's my time now

Mallow: -pats Risa's back- You got this girl, blow all the competition away

Risa: I can't underestimate my fellow brethren, I wanted to become a ranger when I was 5 but some of the kids I'll be meeting have been training for this since birth, on top of top the #1 ranger in the world's granddaughter Solano is going to be starting this year. I can't afford to be cocky!

Serena: Even so, you have worked hard everyday honing your body, mind, and your pokemon -takes her hand- You can do it!

Risa: Thank you! -takes her Suitcase-

Mallow: You have to stay at the Academy until you're 16 right?

Risa: Yes unless I failed the entrance exam, give Clemont and Bonnie my regards, see you all in 6 years -walks out and heads towards the plane-

Mallow: And then there were 2

Serena: When do we leave again?

Mallow: 11:00 Am so we got about 4 hours before it's our time -sits back in a seat-

Serena: Mallow do you think all of this is a good idea

Mallow: What do you mean?

Serena: Like should we be using our real names

Mallow: No...its, but me and Cheryl already thought of excuses to say if someone asked. I'm not sure what Ash is going to do. The black ops they're a special unit of assassins controlled by King Giovanni. They kill all the time so I'm hoping they don't remember our faces if we cross paths with them again

Serena: But still, you're planning to be the world best cook and open a famous restaurant. Even if you have excuses the government might try and search into you, they might search into Ash or Clemont too. That will be a big problem for Burnet, Kukui, and Risa

Mallow: I was thinking the same thing, and I'm pretty sure Clemont and Ash have had this thought to. They are both going to be working closely with a Lord. We still don't know why the Black Ops attack us, for all we know they couldn't have mistaken us as a part of the revolutionary army.....but, I know if any of us get caught we are all going to be there for each other right -smiles- "We're family"

-They both start laughing-

Mallow: That's something Chief RIley would say

Serena: Yep you're right! Haha!

Mallow: Let's all keep moving forward and let fate do its thing, if we die, we die, there's nothing else to it

-With Clemont-

Clemont: -sighs- Lillie is going to be trouble. -looks at the clock on the wall. It's 6:48, Ash is on the plane right now and Risa is probably just leaving as well. This Aether Paradise room is pretty great!!! -looks at Bonnie who is sleeping next to him-

Clemont: -gets a flashback-

-Meyer, Riley, and Grace come out of the hospital room-

Riley: Meyer tell him

Meyer: -tears dripping from his face- I can't...

Grace: I know exactly what you're, but you need to pull yourself together and tell the boy, it's his mother

Clemont: Daddy what happened? Has my little sister been born?

Meyer: -wipes the tears from his face and smiles- Yes Clemont, she is healthy and very beautiful

Clemont: -his face widens in excitement- Yeah!! Can I see mom now

-A breath of silence fill the room-

Meyer: Yes...go in there, she is waiting for you -hugs him tightly- stay strong although I shouldn't be telling you that since I'm over here crying like a baby.

Clemont: Ok? Well I'm off!! -goes in the door-

Clemont: Hello mom!!

Autumn: Clemont is that you? -she saids in a faint voice-

Clemont: -has a worried look on his face- Yes it's me, but why are you talking like that

Autumn: So Meyer didn't explain anything, he is still the same little cry baby like he was when we were kids. Let me hold your hand

Clemont: -Gives her his hand-

Autumn: -tears start running down her face- I;m sorry I'm so weak, you and your sister are going to be going on without a mother, dammit, I'm so sorry

Clemont: What....what are you talking about

Autumn: I have always been a weak and skinny girl that had a bunch of medical problems. I told you lots of times how I get hospitalized at least 3 times a month.

Clemont: Why are you telling me all this!!! What do you mean going on without a mother!!

Autumn: I met your father when he came for a doctors appointment, he came up to me and cheered me up, he started coming every week which turned to everyday to come and visit me. Eventually we started dating and then years later got married. Our ultimate happiness was when we found out I was pregnant with you. -holds Clemont's hand tightly-

Autumn: You're my pride and joy....and it pains me that I can't get to see you grow. Riley always loves talking about how people and pokemon reincarnate as stars. If that is true then I will be watching the both of you.

Clemont: Mommy!! -crying heavily-

Autumn: I have one request Clemont, please....please please please protect your sister Bonnie -suddenly her hand stops moving and her eyelids close-

Clemont: Mommy? Mommy!!!

-Meyer rushes into the room and quickly grabs Clemont while a bunch of doctors come in-

Clemont: Put me down!! I'm not done talking to mommy!!! Let go!! -hits Meyer;s back over and over again-

Meyer: -puts Clemont- Clemont!!! Tears keep rushing down his face- She's gone...

Clemont: No.....No No No No she's fine, she's just sleeping, it makes sense given that she just gave birth, she is not gon!!!!!

-Ash walks up to Clemont from the waiting room-

Ash: -puts both his hands on Clemonts shoulders- Wake up to reality Clemont!! Your mother Autumn Toshiro is dead!!!

Iris: You're going to far Ash!!

Ash: No, making excuses for himself is going to make things worse

Clemont: But she promised me that we would go out to eat after this...

Ash: -hugs him- I'm sorry Clemont

Clemont: Mommy...

-End of Flashback-

Clemont: I'm going to protect no matter what, I'm your big brother after all

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