《Pokémon Elemental High》Forest Conflict 2!


Gloria: Wait, what does this have to do with your riolu hatching

Ash: It will make more sense if I tell the whole story

Gloria: ok...

Ash: I started a battle with the Sceptile and it went pretty well actually, probably because Sceptile was heavily weakened at the time

-Flashback begins again-

Risa: Ash you can't battle it right now, it will make it worse

Ash: Just trust me, I need to battle and catch it

Ash: Charmeleon Flamethrower!!

Charmeleon: Char! -gets a direct hit on Sceptile-

-The Sceptile was struggling to get up but when it did it use bullet seed-

Ash: Use Slash and then charge at it with a fire punch!

-Charmeleon stops the bullet seed with slash and gets up close about to hit Sceptile-

Sceptile: Scep! -Stops the fire punch with his left hand and does a right hook to Charmeleon's face while still holding on to his hand-

-The Sceptile thens does a seismic toss throwing Charmeleon to the ground and without a moment of waist it use Leaf Blade hitting Charmeleon directly in the stomach-

Ash: Charmeleon you ok!

Charmeleon: -gets up slowly and backs up a little- Char Char!

Risa: What speed

Ash: Yeah it's pretty fast, I can't imagine it at its full capabilities!

Sceptile: -falls down on it knees- tile!

Ash: *Please work* Charmeleon Fire Blast on the tree's

Risa: What!?

Charmeleon: -looks back at Ash- Char!?

Ash: Just do it!

-Charmeleon listened and charges a Fire Blast that is hurdling at the tree's-

Sceptile: Sceptile!! -It quickly jumped in front taking the full force of the Fire Blast making it faint-

Ash: -Gets a pokeball from his back pocket- Go Pokeball!

-1 shake-

-2 shake-

-3 shake-


Risa: That was dirty Ash

Ash: I'm sorry, but now I know that Sceptile is good, it protected pikachu and the tree while being injured. Also since I caught it we take it back with us


Risa: Just never do that again, please, playing dirty is not right, promise me, never do that again

Ash: Sorry

-They followed their footprints and eventually reached the house after a hour-

Risa: huh!! I ready to sleep

Ash: Not yet, lets go to your dads lab

Risa: Fine

-They reach the lab-

Ash: No bodies home

Risa: They must have left for something

Ash: Ok, let's do this ourselves, do you have any needles to sedate Sceptile?

Risa: Yeah, let me get them -finds them and hands one to Ash-

Risa: You seem to know what you're doing

Ash: I helped many sick Pokemon before with my Dad

Risa: Your dad again huh. You Mallow, Serena, and Clemont mention him a lot, Chief Riley was it? He must be amazing, teaching you guys things only adults and some teens would know. If you need help I'm here, my dad taught me how to do x-ray scans and look into a person's blood

Ash: That's perfect!! Let's do an x-ray scan but first, we need to get Sceptile out

Ash: -Throws out Chameleons Pokeball- Bring Eevee out in case Sceptile goes wild

Risa: Right -brings Eevee out-

Ash: You take a needle too. The moment Sceptile is out of the ball inject it

Risa: Ok!! -nods-

Ash: -Throws Sceptiles pokeball-

Sceptile: Sceptile!!

Ash: Now!! -They both go in to inject Sceptile but it dodges-

Sceptile: -Goes in for a Leaf Blade-

Charmeleon: Char!! -Blocks the hit and protects Ash-

-Sceptile jumps back on a table breaking some equipment-

Risa: Oh no, I'm dead! I'm dead Im dead I'm dead!!!

Ash: Don't space out Risa, let's calm it down!

Ash: Charmeleon Slash!

Charmeleon: Charmeleon!! -Charges at Sceptile-

Sceptile: Tile -Launches a Focus Blast at Charmeleon-

Risa: Eevee use Swift!! -Collides with the Focus Blast-


Risa: Wooo -turns to Ash- We need to be careful, if anything else breaks I'll be grounded for a month!

Ash: Then I'll stand here

Sceptile: Scep -Charges at Ash using Leaf Blade-

Risa: Eevee quick u-

Ash: No!!! Don't do anything!!

Risa: Are you nuts!?

Ash: -Looks at Sceptile- Come on big guy, I'm right here!!

Sceptile: Scep Scep!! -Hits Ash directly in the stomach sending him flying but just before it hit Ash injected it-

Ash: -Gets sent through the wall leaving him unconscious on the floor bleeding-

Sceptile: Scep -gets dizzy- Tile -Charges a lat effort Focus Blast heading towards Ash-

Charmeleon: -jumps in the way holding in with both hands- Char!

Risa: Eevee help it!

Eevee: Eevee!! -jumps in to help Charmeleon push it back-

-They tried their hardest but they couldn't push back the Focus Blast and it still heads towards Ash-

Risa: Damn! -rushes to Ash and uses her body to protect Ash-

-The egg that Kukui gave to Ash starts glowing and cracking-

-A pokeball comes out of it and launches an extremely fast vacuum wave cutting the Focus Blast in half-

Sceptile: Sceptile -it falls on the ground-

Risa: -looks back- It's a riolu, it finally hatched from the egg -looks at Ash-

Risa: He's bleeding from his head and chest and has minor cuts all over -picks him up and puts him on her back-

Risa: -stumbles a little- He's heavy

-Risa puts on him one of the medical beds-

Risa: -grabs a clean big white towel and puts it on Ash's chest-

Risa: Now apply pressure -pushes down the towel to help stop the bleeding-

Charmeleon: Char Char!!

Risa: You want to help?

Charmeleon: Charmeleon!!

Risa: Thank you, ok push this towel down while I grab some bandages

Risa: Eevee can you please get a bucket of water

Eevee: Eevee!!

Risa: -Looks through the cabbits and grabs a bunch of bandages-

-1 minute later and Eevee brings a bucket of water-

Risa: Good job girl!! -Grabs another towel, soaks it in water, and puts it on Ash's head removing some of the blood-

Risa: -Wraps bandages around Ash's head and she does the same for both of his arms-

Risa: Ok Charmeleon let go

Risa: -She sees a big deep cut across his Ash's chest-

Risa: This looks bad! -takes a deep breath- Ok I got this -grabs a towel and puts it on Ash's chest-

-Risa repeatedly does this about 20 times-

Risa: Now to grab some ointment -looks through some cabinets again and picks one and slowly rubs some on Ash's chest-

Risa: -looks at Ash's other bandages on his arms and head- I should of applied this before putting the bandages on -sighs-

-She does this which took a couple of minutes-

Risa: Charmeleon let's move him to his room

-In Ash's room-

Risa: -Sits next to Ash's bed- Please wake up soon

-Soon enough Risa falls asleep-

-About 3 hours past before Burnet, Kukui, and everyone else returns-

Clemont: It's pretty quiet

Burnet: Yeah

Mallow: Ash and Risa are most likely in the lab doing God knows what

Clemont: Well I'm going to my room, call me when the food is done

Mallow: Learn to be more respectful, we get to stay here for free

Clemont: I know I know, my bad

-Clemont opens the room door and sees Risa sleeping and Ash on the bed with bandages-

Clemont: Ash!! -he yells-

Clemont: -Shakes Risa waking her up- Risa!!

Mallow: -walks by- Why are you yelling! -sees Ash- Ash!!

Risa: -wakes up- huh?

Clemont: Risa what happened!!

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