《Pokémon Elemental High》Forest Conflict!


Ash: Why are you on a plane if you're scared of heights!!!

Gloria: -puff- -puff-

One of the random passengers: Can you tell your friend to quiet down!! I am not trying to hear her for an entire day!!

Another passenger: Thank you!

Another passenger: Finally someone said it!

Ash: Hey Gloria, it's ok, we're already in the air, calm down, breath

Gloria: -breathing heavily and it gets slower-

Ash: Gloria!! What's wrong!!!

Gloria: I-I

Ash: -puts his head to her chest- Someone help, she is barely breathing!!!

???: She is having an asthma attack!!

Ash: Asthma attack!? -grabs Gloria backpack and checks it-

Ash: I can't find an inhaler!!

???: Where are her suitcases, it could be in there!

Ash: It's right there -points-

???: Ok, don't lay her down, sit her up!!

Ash: Ok, Gloria breath, I am right here

???: -Opens her suitcase and looks through it- *Please Arceus where is it!!*

Ash: Follow my breathing Gloria, 1...2...3 puff in and out

???: Damn she doesn't have one!! -yells at one of the flight attendants- Get me any hot beverage quickly!!

Ash: Is she going to die!?

???: Stay calm young man, don't think like that, if you're her friend you need to stay calm and help her

Ash: -nods- Gloria breath, it's ok

-The flight attendant brings coffee-

???: Thank you, ok, young lady drink this, it will help open your airways

Gloria: -drinks some and breathes again, slowly steading- -she gets a flashback-

Gloria: Daddy!! I ca-n't breathe!

Gloria's Dad: Calm down, don't talk!!! I'm right here, breath slowing, in and out, follow me, -breaths in and out-

Gloria: -breaths in and out-

-end of flashback-

Ash: In....and...out

???: Goodjob, she is starting to breath normally now

Ash: Gloria? You ok?

Gloria: yes -gets up-

???: Young lady, your name is Gloria right. Why didn't you have an inhaler with you?

Gloria: Oh that, I totally forgot -takes off her hat- I usually put it in my hat -laughs-

Ash: -shakes Gloria- Who the hells puts their inhaler in their hat you idiot!! Stop laughing, you could have died!!

Gloria: -looks at Ash's face- Why are you crying?

Ash: I'm not crying!

Gloria: You cry for someone you just met?

Ash: Yes!! One of my new friends almost died, of course, I'm crying -puts his hands on Gloria's shoulders-

Ash: Let me hold on to the inhaler

Gloria: It's ok, I g-

Ash: Just give it! I keep on to it for when you need it the next time

Gloria: Why are you treating me like my dad

Flight Attendant: Miss are you ok?

Gloria: I'm good!


Flight Attendant: Ok great!! I need you guys to sit down now, if you need anything else miss just come to me!

Gloria: Thank you!

-The person who helps them walks back to his seat-

Ash: Wait!! Thank you for helping her, what's your name

???: I'm Brock and I'm a doctor

Ash: I'm Ash and this girl is Gloria, thank again for helping her!

Brock: Ash make you sure you know her triggers so this can't happen again

-They all sit in their seats-

Gloria: -looks around and whispers to Ash- Everyone is staring at us

Ash: What do you expect, some girl just had an asthma attack on a plane

Ash: You've been holding on to me since your asthma attack happened, why?

Gloria: I...I just need someone to hold...

Ash: -smiles- That's fine. Wait, also since we are going to be seeing each other daily I need to know your triggers. So what triggers your attacks?

Gloria: -stays silent for a while and then says- I'm not sure...

Ash: What do you mean not sure?

Gloria: I'm not sure if I should tell you, it's not that I don't trust you!! It's just personal...

Ash: That's fine, I shouldn't be digging in people's personal business

Gloria: Ash-senpai, why do you want to go learn from Mustard? I seen you before in the airport hugging your friends, they looked sad

Ash: Well I just want to get stronger, not for myself but to protect the last family that I have left and hopefully learn about aura

Gloria: Aura? Does that mean you have a lucario!?

Ash: I have a riolu

Ash: This riolu hatched from an egg that was given to me by Professor Kukui 4 years ago, well I do want to learn aura to help make riolu stronger for when it evolves into lucario

Gloria: *It hatched from an egg?* Tell me how it hatched

Ash: How it hatched hmm, I guess that's ok. Fine!

Ash: So let's start when I helped my friend, her name is Risa, catch a pikachu

-Flashback time-

-1 shake-

-2 shake-

-3 shake-


Risa: -goes to pick up the ball- Yes!!! I finally captured the Pikachu!!

Ash: What do you mean "I" -sighs- I did all the work

Risa: Stop complaining, now let's head back and tell everyone

Ash: Alright but Risa, wasn't' that too easy

Risa: It was probably easy because your Charmeleon was at its full capability

Ash: But just think about it Risa, You said you've been trying to get this Pikachu for 2 weeks straight right?

Risa: Yeah so? Are you implying that there is a deeper meaning to this


Ash: It's possible because why would it be coming to the same place at the same time for 2 weeks straight

Ash: I also notice that there are almost no berries and fruits on these tree's around here

Risa: -her face widens- Now that you said that I found it strange how there were no apples on the trees when I was searching for food

Ash: How about you call out Pikachu

Risa: Sure, go Pikachu! -throws the ball-

Pikachu: -starts sprinting deep into the forest-

Risa: Hey wait, stop!

Ash: Come on Risa let's follow it!

(It was hard navigating to the forest with trees and pokemon while following a small Pikachu. I would say we followed Pikachu for about maybe 20 minutes before it stopped, and what we saw was simply....amazing)

Risa: -says quietly- It's beautiful

(We saw a big beautiful crystal clear lake surrounded by trees with many fruits and berries on them. There was also pokemon everywhere. We were so captivated by the scenery that we lost where the pikachu went)

Ash: Where did it go

Risa: I don't' know

-A big tree fell creating a loud noise across the area-

Risa: -points in the direction of the noise- Look over there Ash!

Shiftry: -uses Leaf Blade on Pikachu-

Pikachu: Pika! -gets slammed into a tree

Ash: Let's help

Risa: -nods- Right

-They both leave the bushes they were hiding in-

Ash: Go Pok-

-A strange creature jumped on them-

Sceptile: Scep -use Leaf Blade- Tile!!

-Shiftry gets pushed back-

Pikachu: Pika

Sceptile: -holds Pikachu in it's hand- Scep scep

-Sceptile and Shiftry stare each other in the eyes-

Risa: -pulls Ash in a bush again-

Ash: What's going on

Risa: It must be a turf war, it's pretty common with wild pokemon

Ash: Turf war? That's most likely it, but why a Sceptile and Shiftry

Risa: Not sure, Shiftry is viewed as the guardian of the forest, it's said multiple times in the Pokedex, and also Sceptile is also sometimes viewed as the protector of the forest and it helps trees and plants grow

Ash: Let's keep watching and maybe we can try and figure this out

-Shiftry broke the long pause and jumped from tree to tree forwarding towards Sceptile with Leaf Blade-

-Sceptile dodges quickly and tries counters with slash-

-Shiftry reacts fast and counters the slash with night slash which makes both of them flew away in the air-

-Shiftry lands delicately on the ground while Sceptile also lands but falls down on one knee-

Shiftry: Shiftry! -uses sucker punch and hits sceptile directly in the falls throwing it into a tree

-Shiftry uses Leaf Storm-

Pikachu: -jumps in front of Sceptile and uses Thunderbolt- Pika

-A wild Amoonguss protects Shiftry from the thunderbolt-

Shiftry: Shift Shift

Pikachu: -points to Sceptile- Pika Pika, Pika-bee!!

Shiftry: -gets more furious- Ry!!! -uses energy ball-

Ash: -throws chameleons pokeball- Ok flamethrower!!

-The flames incinerate the energy ball-

Ash: Isn't that going a little too far!

Risa: -pick Pikachu up- Are you?

Pikachu: Pika....chu!! -electrocutes Risa and goes to Sceptile-

Risa: Ow..

Shiftry: Shiftry!!! -he screams-

-Pokemon from all over the forest show-

Ash: What the!!

Risa: We have to get out of here!! Come on Pikachu!

Pikachu: Pika! -it shakes its head refusing her call-

-Sceptile stands up holding Pikachu and leaping out of the area-

Ash: -returns Charmeleon- Follow Sceptile!

(We ran as fast as we can until the pokemon stopped chasing us)

Ash:-out of breath- That was close

Risa: Quiet! Look

(There were piles of fruits and berries)

Ash: So it collected all of them, but why?

Risa: Don't know

-Sceptile falls down laying the grass, but the grass around it die-

Pikachu: Pika-bee -feeds a berry to Sceptile-

Sceptile: -smiles- Tile!

Risa: -looks closely- That's a Lum berry

Ash: You can tell from this far away?

Risa: Yes, when becoming a pokemon ranger I need to know what's around my surrounding so I can help a pokemon, berries are an important factor.

Ash: If that's a Lum berry then Sceptile must have some type of status right?

Risa: That is correct. The status is most likely poison

Ash: That's probably it because if it was a burn, paralyze or sleep we would see the effects. But. That's the same with poison but Sceptile looks normal on the outside.

Risa: If it's what I think it is then it's too late

Ash: Too late? For what?

Risa: You saw it too right, the plants around it died, and we can't visibly see any sign of status, so it must be a virus or disease from the inside

Ash: I only know a couple of berries but is there anything you can do to help?

Risa: Ehh, maybe. I memorized every single berry but I only know a handful of medicines off the top of my head. Even if we make medicine for Sceptile I'm not 100% sure it would do anything

Ash: Why's that?

Risa: As we said before, Pikachu has been collecting these fruits and berries for 2 weeks now. If this was a normal sickness status condition then Sceptile should have been cured by the Lum berry it ate, but it didn't which means it evolved inside Sceptile

Ash: -thinking-

Risa: Don't think too much, this is just speculation, I don't know if Sceptile truly has a virus.

Ash: I want to test something -comes out from the bush-

-Sceptile and Pikachu instantly take a stance-

Ash: Risa return Pikachu

Risa: Why?

Ash: I just need Sceptile alone

Risa: Return Pikachu!

-Pikachu tries to fight back but it goes into the Pokeball-

Ash: Now for you. -Throws a Pokeball- Go Charmeleon!!

Ash: Let's battle Sceptile!!

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