《Pokémon Elemental High》A New Trainer!


I have been gone for a while because I have been learning some other stuff to do, like piano and computer coding, and also mainly because of school, since it's almost spring/Easter break for me I will be posting more chapters at the a time this week

(That night we had so much fun. Serena bought her ticket so that she could go with Mallow. We ate then told funny stories all night long. We slept on the seats at the airport and woke up the next day, December 27 at 5:15 AM and before we knew it, it was already 5:55 AM.)

Ash: my flight is at 6:00 sharp huh...

Mallow: Yeah...it looks like this is where we part ways

Risa: hmph...

Ash: -stands up and grabs his suitcase- Well goodbye guys

Serena: Wait, take this -hands Ash a necklace-

Ash: Is that...

Risa: A necklace?

Mallow: Yeah, we got some of those necklaces 5 years from our teacher


-In a classroom-

Chief Riley: Does everyone have a necklace or bracelet?

Gold: -turns to Lyra- What do you think this is for?

Lyra: How am I supposed know

Red: Maybe if you would just shut up and listen you would of heard what he said earlier

Yellow: Your one to talk

Red: -sighs- I'm not going to waste my energy with you yellow

Chief Riley: That's enough guys, now listen. Everyone is going to come up to me and I'll give you a special gem

Iris: Are we going to get our key stones!?

Chief Riley: Yes Iris, as you all already know everyone is required to obtain these beautiful shining gems we call key stones at the age of 5. But since you are all of age I will now go in depth a little more about this stone. When you are all ten years old you will graduate and find your first pokemon and I will give you the same stones once again but it will be for your pokemon

-pulls out another gem-

Chief RIley: This is what we call a mega stone. We humans react to the key stones while pokemon react to a mega stone, and only when trainer and pokemon hearts are one and bonds are at its fullest will see your pokemon's true inner strength.

Serena: -raises her hand-

Chief RIley: Yes Serena, speak

Serena: So these key and mega stones are scaling our bonds with our pokemon like how an actual scale weighs a human

Chief Riley: Very good comparison, but it's more than that. Unfortunately I can't go into detail until you are all 10, but for now everyone come up in a single file line to get a key stone.


-Everyone in the class got a key stone and sat down-

Ash: It's pretty small

Iris: Chief Riley what's this symbol inside it

Chief Riley: Can't say until you're 10 years old

Iris: Uhh!

Mallow: It's glowing!

Chief Riley: The stone is responding to your emotion. Your anger, sadness, happiness, and all your other emotions will make the stone shine bright.

Chief Riley: Now here's the next part of this experiment. I want groups of 2 right now.

Gold: Why?

Chief Riley: Just do it Gold

Gold: Ok...

Serena: -looks in Ash's direction and sees Blue already there

Blue: Hey Ash, what to be partners!

Ash: Sorry Blue I already have someone in mind -gets up and walks towards Serena desk-

Ash: Want to be my partner Serena?

Serena: Huh...me!?

Ash: Yeah, why not

Serena: Ok!! -said cheerfully-

Blue: hmph

Chief RIley: Ok when I say so, put both of your stones together

Iris: What is the point of this?

Chief Riley: Just like how Serena explained the stone will measure your emotion in a way. But, now when both of your stones meet while you are all touching them it will measure your emotion or bond towards that person.

Ash: So the brighter the key stone is, the more we feel heavy emotion towards that person

Chief Riley: Exactly Ash, just remember that a heavy emotion towards someone doesn't always have to be love, it can be hatred or sadness.

-After 2 minutes all the kids have a partner-

Chief Riley: Ok!! 3...2...1 Go!!

-Everyone did as he said and the stones radiate the entire classroom, but there was one stone that shined the most-

Mallow: Wow!! That is bright! Serena is that your stone!!

Ash: Wow!!

Serena: Why is mine so bright!?

Red: Turn that off, I'm trying to sleep!

Chief Riley: Ok that's enough!! -pulls their stones apart-

Chief Riley: It is 11:46 so I have 9 minutes before lunch, but you know what, I'll let you go

Everyone: Yes!!

Chief Rile: Serena can I see you real quick

-A couple of minutes later-

Serena: Is this about my stone?

Chief Riley: Well yes, It's been a long time since I saw a key stone shine so bright. You truly love my son that much?

Serena: -blushes- What!? NoNoNo!!

Chief Riley: It's fine you can talk to me, I've gotten lots of requests from parents for Ash to marry their daughter, he seems to be pretty popular. It does make sense because he is my son which means he is going to be the next village chief. Most of the time it is either for Ash's looks or his future money that he will inherit while you on the other hand truly love him.


Serena: Why are you telling me this... -said quietly-

Chief RIley: I'm giving you my consent that's all -puts something in Serena hands-

Serena: -looks at it- Another key stone, but I already have one

Chief Riley: Just hold on to it for me, give to Ash or something, he will know what it is

-End of Flashback-

Ash: This is my dad's necklace!! Why do you have it!?

Serena: Well he sort of gave it to me

Mallow: Serena you had it this whole time and never told Ash

Serena: Yeah, I'm sorry, I was waiting for the right time, but then weeks, months, and years past by

Ash: It's ok -quickly turns to Serena and puts the necklace around her neck-

Serena: Why this Ash?

Ash: Keep it, my father gave it to you so its yours

Serena: Same old Ash -smiles-

Mallow: -touches Ash's forehead- Goodluck idiot, don't get yourself killed

Risa: -winks- Stay safe!

Ash: Bye, until we meet again!!

Ash: -walks away to the exit until the others didn't see him anymore-

-With Ash on the plane-

Ash: *It's so crowded!!*

Ash: Right here!! -puts suitcase in the upper cabinet and sits down-

Ash: Perfect, I'm right at the window!!

Ash: -holds Charizard and Riolu's pokeballs in both his hands- This is a new beginning, hopefully, we can catch more pokemon that will help us!

???: Hello

Ash: Oh, hi!! Are you sitting here?

???: Yeah, I guess we will be together till we get to region 8 -sits down-

???: My name is Gloria!!

Ash: I'm Ash!!

Gloria: Ash!?

Ash: What's wrong?

Gloria: Sorry it's nothing. Want some pokepuffs?

Ash: Sure -takes one- Wow, these are good!!

Gloria: Thank you! -sees something in Ash's pocket-

Gloria: No way is that Mustard's emblem card!!

Ash: This?

Ash: -Pulls it out- Dang, I forgot to give this back to Klara

Gloria: You met Klara Maldad!? Wow, you're a big shot aren't you!?

Ash: I wouldn't say that ha, I just met her yesterday and she pretty nice although my friend Korrina says she evil or something like that

Gloria: OMG!! Are You talking about Korrina Shiroihono, granddaughter of Mustard!?

Ash: Yes that her -quickly turns his head-

Ash: *What the, I felt something just now*

Gloria: Hello? Are you ok?

Ash: Oh yes, sorry I was spacing out *Maybe it was my imagination*

Gloria: Wow Ash, I guess you're going to be my senpai -smiles-

Ash: Senpai?

Gloria: You're heading back to Mustard's dojo right? I'm going to be a new student there, please teach me all you know Ash-senpai -gets up and bows her head-

Ash: Wo wo wo, drop the senpai, I'm also a new student myself

Gloria: -notices the other people on the plane is staring at her-

Gloria: -blushes and sits down-

Gloria: Ok, sorry if that was...awkward

Ash: Haha!! It's fine, so you're a new student too so we are going to be seeing each other every day, nice to meet you Gloria! -smiles-

Gloria: Thank you!

Gloria: -stretches her arms- I wonder what Mustard is doing at today's summit

Ash: Summit?

Gloria: Yeah, haven't you checked the internet and news channels, King Giovanni requested a summit of all the Lords and a few elite four members at the capitol yesterday night. I'm not sure why Mustard is there since he is not a Lord anymore but the topics of the summit are interesting.

Ash: What are they?

Gloria: The Revolutionary army, the jewel that was found, and an academy.

Ash: Academy, like a school academy?

Gloria: I'm not sure myself about that but that what the topics are, maybe one day I can be an elite four member just like Leon

Ash: Leon.....professor Kukui loved talking about him in his younger years

Gloria: Professor Kukui!? OMG!! You know Korrina and Klara, and now you're telling me you met professor Kukui, one of the great professors!?

Ash: Yeah I guess.

Gloria: Wait if you know professor Kukui then you know professor Burnet, and if you know her then you know Lord Lusamine and her child Lillie Aether and Gladion Aether!!! I can't believe I'm in the presence of you Ash, Thank you for this!!

Ash: Settle down, you overreacting. I haven't met Lord Lusamine or Gladion, but I did Lillie at Aether Paradise.

-The pilot uses the speakers to give an announcement to everyone on the plane-

Pilot: Ok everyone make sure you are buckled up in your seats, we will be taking off shortly. -repeats in a different language-

Ash: It's about time

-5 minutes later and the plane starts moving across the runway-

Gloria: -pitches Ash's shirt- Can I hold on to you...

Ash: Why?

Gloria: Well..um...

-The plane speeds up tremendously and lifts off the ground-

Gloria: Ahhhhh!!! -grabbing Ash's shirt-

Ash: What's wrong Gloria!?

Gloria: Help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me

Ash: Calm down!! Why are y... dont tell me....are you afraid of heights!?!?!

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