《Pokémon Elemental High》Get to the Airport!!!


Korrina: Even since I was born, I was compared to my sister Bea. We are twins but look nothing alike. I could tell even as a child that my parents favored Bea more, they treated her better, they praised her more, but it's for good reason. Bea is better than me in everything, I have never beaten her once in anything.

Ash: Don't tell me she bullies you!?

Korrina: NOOO!!! That's far from it!! I'm the younger one by 2 minutes but she treats me like her equal. When I get in trouble she takes the blame for me, she's everything I want to be. I have no right to be jealous, but I just can't help it. All the other nobles also know that she is a prodigy, but then me, no matter how hard I train she is just better, she trains more than me, she studies more, she's tries her best each and every time.......my big sister Bea is my closest friend, she has not once thought of herself as better than me.

Korrina: I just want to not be a burden to her, to not be inferior!!!

Ash: -puts hand on Korrina's shoulder- There's something my dad once said to me, "Everything in this world was created by our father, Arceus, the sun is there to guide us through the day, and the moon guides us through the night."

Ash: "The stars have a meaning to them, I love to think that when people or pokemon pass away they are reincarnated as a new star that fills the galaxy, our loved one's look over us and light up along with the moon to guide to a rightful heavenly life."

Ash: I know you're probably thinking that what does it have to do with you, well, that statement my dad made has many different meanings and ways to interrupt it.

Ash: One of the meanings I found out is that we are all stars, sometimes one star shines brighter than another. Look at the sun and the moon, the sun is way bigger than the moon, everyone sees the sun, but at night the moon doesn't get the same treatment but in the end, it is just as important as the sun, it has its own unique shine, it's own self-value, it's own will, the moon is not insignificant, it's far from it!! People might not see it because they are sleeping but to those who are awake, it's a light, a beautiful light that helps all over the earth!!


Ash: Do you understand me Korrina!! Do not think of yourself as inferior, you are the moon!! You shine and help in your own way. We may have not even known each other for a day, but I can tell that you are a kind person, you love to be free.

Korrina: I don't deserve those amazing words. I am not nice, I'm a selfish person who is jealous of my amazing sister when she has been protecting me for years.

Ash: KORRINA!!! You came to another region with no money, back up clothes, or anything just to see your grandfather's new student. You even helped out the kids when you had no obligation to do so. Honestly, I can't wait to know more about you, your really funny too hang out with and you're my newest friend after all -smiles-

-They get off the Ferris Wheel after a couple of rounds-

Ash: I know where we can go come on- grabs her hands and runs-

Ash: We're here!!

Korrina: A roller skating rink?

Ash: Yeah!! Let's try it

Korrina: But I don't know how to skate!

Ash: Me too!! It will be a new experience for the both of us!!

-On the rink-

Korrina: Don't let go Dont let go!!!

Ash: I won't let go, calm down

Korrina: -takes a breath- Ok let's go

Ash: That's good!! -push Korrina-

Korrina: Wait you said you were go- -falls on the ground- Ow, why did you push me

Ash: Get up Korrina!!! Don't give up yet!! Life is roller skating, you can fall down tons of times but you need to get back up again and keep doing it until you master, and even then the master sometimes falls too. -reaches out his hand-

Korrina: -grabs his hand- You know, you should make a book of all your motivational quotes.

Ash: Never thought of that haha!! Well most of these motivational quotes that you call are from my dad, the older I got the more I realize how much of what we taught is helpful

Korrina: I would like to meet your dad, he seems nice, where is he now?

Ash: He's dead

Korrina: Wha.... -tilts head-

Korrina: I'm sorry for asking

Ash: Don't be sorry, if he's dead, he's dead we can't change that or run away from it. I'm not going to wallow in the past feeling sorry for myself. Now come on skate Korrina!! Show me your light Korrina!!


Korrina: *He's amazing, he can listen to me and not laugh, he gives good advice too, hmmp, Ash, your something special* Since you ask I will do it!! I'm not leaving until I can skate on my own!! I promise!!

Ash: That's the spirit!! -They start moving-

Korrina: *I don't know why, but skating suddenly got a lot easier, it felt like a missing link*

Ash: You're doing good!!

-About 5 minutes later-

-Ash's phone rings-

Ash: That's probably my friends, Korrina can you go on your own?

Korrina: -thumbs up- of course!

Ash: Ok, don't push yourself too hard -leaves-

Ash reminded me that there are other good people like my sister and grandfather. He was kind, gentle, and brave. When I traveled to this region I expected him to be high and mighty cause my grandfather doesn't just accept to train anyone, but I'm glad he's not like that.

Just for him, I will fly, fly towards the sky, and shine. I started laughing because of how cheesy that sounded. I started picking up speed flying across the rink. It feels so good to have someone listen to all your problems, I never felt so free, so relaxed, so good

Ash: -comes back- Woo, she really is doing it. Korrina!!!! You're a natural!!

Korrina: Ash! -gores to him- Did you see I was roller skating on my own!!

Ash: Yeah!! You adapted fast!! My friends are on their way, in the meantime let's skate!!

(Korrina and I skating together for about 30 minutes and she got even better and better, I was still trying to keep up)

Ash: -Heavy Breathing- I'm done...-puff- I can't, so tired!!

Korrina: Fine

-The others arrive-

Ash: Finally, what took you guys so long!!!

Clemont: Tell him Mallow, tell him what you did!

Mallow: Come on, it's not my fault your little invention got this damaged

Clemont: Yes it is!!!! I worked 2 months on it, poured my blood sweat and tears into it!!

Mallow: You don't have to be a baby about it!!

Serena: Now that we are all here why don't go on a big ride -pulls out a map-

Clemont: Hey why don't we go here -points to a place on the map-

Mallow: The Aether lab? No one wants to go see some boring experience!

Clemont: But I got a card to see the lab, and I'm going to be working here with Burnet so I might as well look at it

Bonnie: That's boring!!

Mallow: Exactly! Bonnie let's go!!

Clemont: She's been corrupted...

RIsa: Hahah!

Serena: Your overreacting!!

Korrina: -whispers in Ash's ear- Your friends are very energetic

Ash: I guess so!! Haha. But Korrina, why are you still wearing the skating gear?

Korrina: Oh, because I'm want to feel free all the time

Ash: You can still feel free without them you know?

Korrina: No.... -smiles- You picked this out for me, you gave me freedom, and it feels like a christmas present, so just let me wear it ok -looks up at Ash's face and quickly turns around- Sorry that sounds really strange!!

Ash: No No, go ahead and wear it if you want, it fits you -smiles-

Korrina: -blushes and quickly turns down-

Mallow: Ahhem, we're still here you know!! Stop flirting in front of us!!

Ash: I really wouldn't call it flirting, but anyway thank you Korrina I realized something, it's Christmas!!

Clemont: Oh no!!

Everyone: What?

Clemont: Look!! -shows them the phone-

Ash: What!!?! You're kidding me!!

Risa: Ash we got to get there quickly!!

Serena: But isn't the airport extremely far away!!

(The worst happened, there was going to be a big storm on the day of our flights and they were scheduled all the flights from 6:00 Am to 3:00 Pm on Tuesday, December 27, so we only have 2 days to reach the airport)

Ash: We need to move!!

-They all quickly finish their foods and leave immediately-

Ash: Clemont if we keep going without stopping how long will it take to get there!!

Clemont: Like I said yesterday morning by foot it will take 4 days

Ash: Ok, I have an extremely stupidly dangerous idea

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