《Pokémon Elemental High》Rescuing the Slaves 2


Libra: Your time is up kid, time to die!! Zoroark Dark Pulse!!

Ash: Dodge it!!

-Charizard dodges by flying up in the air-

Ash: Ok Wing Attack!!

Libra: Hold your ground

-Zoroark stops Charizard by holding his wings=

Libra: Use Payback!!

-About to hit Charizard in the stomach-

Ash: Overheat!!!

-Launches Zoroark in the air-

Ash: Rock Slide!!

-Rocky Shards launch directly at Zoroark in the air-

Libra: Use Retaliate!!

-Cuts the shards and fly down with blinding speed towards Charizard-

Ash: Fire Punch!!

Libra: Night Slash!!

-Charizard wins this clash sending Zoroark right into a building-

Libra: Zoroark get up!! I do not tolerate weakness!! Get up!!

-Zoroark slowly gets up but has sustained a bit of damage-

Libra: Good, now you Hone Claws!!

-Zoroark sharpers its claws raising its attack power and accuracy-

Libra: Nasty Plot!!

-Zoroark get's a powerful boost of special attacking power-

Libra: Bring it on kid, try and face an even more powerful Zoroark if you can-

Libra: Zoroark charge in with night slash!!

Ash: Dodge and grab it's arm!!

-Charizard easily dodges the night slash and grabs one of Zoroark arm-

Ash: Hit it with a focus punch Charizard!!

Libra: Imprison -he said quietly-

-Charizard hits Zoroark with a super effective Focus Punch and send Zoroark flying in the air-

Ash: Looks like this battle is already over, use Flamethrower!!! To finish it!!

-Charizard tries to use flamethrower but nothing happened

Ash: What?

Libra: He HaHA!! -Laughing- I used the move imprison, which means your Charizard can't use moves that Zoroark knows

Ash: *Dam!! He must have used it without me knowing*

Ash: -breaths- No worries, there are only 2 fire type moves Zoroark learns while I have a whole arsenal of fire moves.

Libra: hmph...you think, so this is just part one of my plan, Zoroark use Torment!!

-Works on Charizard-

Libra: Now for part 3, Zoroark use rain dance!!

-Clouds form from the sky and cover nearly the entire slave market-

Libra: Go Toxicroak!!

Ash: What!? You can't use 2 pokemon against 1!!

Libra: Kid, this is not no official Pokemon battle, I'm simply taking justice on a criminal

Libra: So what are you going to do now? Haha!!

Ash: *This is going to take longer than I thought, Lucas Dawn, please hold on a little longer*

-With the kids in the forest-

Dawn: Where is Ash?

Lucas: Libra appeared, so he's probably fighting him, I'm worried, if he loses he will be sent to prison because of us

Emme (One of the kids there): Hey Lucas, do you know why this guy Ash set us free

Kenny (Another one of the kids there): It is strange, why would he risk his life for us slaves

-Chatting starts accruing from all the kids-

Lucas: Stop!! -he screamed-

Lucas: Ash, is offering to save us even though it's illegal, and all you can do is question him!?!?

Kenny: But how do you know if it's not another scheme to get us out and then sell us again for a big amount of money? I trusted someone before, now look where I am, I have been sold to 6 different slave markets all over region 7!!!

Lucas: If you didn't trust Ash then why did you follow me!!! I know he is ruined because of his eye's!!! It was gentle and brave. When he spoke he was calm, I could also tell that he understood us, he might have gone through similar experiences like all of us.

-The hear footsteps-

Lucas: Everyone hide

-They all hide in the bushes-

Demitri: I know you kids are here. Come on out, I'll give you guys extra food. We known each other for years, your like my children -he said with a sinister smile-


Demitri: *Damn it would normally be easy to find them because of their strong smell, but it's coming from everywhere*

Demitri: Ok, then I'll use this Pokemon -throws a Pokeball- Go Houndoom!!

Demitri: Stiff them out

-Houndoom searches one of the bushes and bite Dawn's arm-

Lucas: Dawn!! -pushes Houndoom off of her-

Demitri: This is perfect!! You two were the ones I wanted to find the most! -grabs them by their neck on each hand-

Demitri: Ha Ha HA, Boss Libra will love me after I bring you two back -about to turn back until he gets him with a rock by the back of his head-

Demitri: Oww!! -looks behind him and sees all the kids that were hiding-

Emme: Let them go!!

Gold: Yeah, you hurt them enough, you hurt all of us enough!!!

Demitri: hmfp, I don't need you worthless kids, Houndoom burn them alive with Flamethrower

Lucas: Noooo!!!! -trying to resist Demitri's grip- Don't do anything to them!!

-The Flamethrower were about to hit the children until something blew it away-

Riolu: Riolu!! -He used Vacuum wave to blow out the flames-

Demitri: What no- -gets hit in the chest-

Pikachu: -uses Volt Tackle on Demitri's chest nearly knocking him out-

Demitri: AHHHHHH!!!!! Damn you! Houndoom kill them all!!

-Houndoom uses fire fang and rushes towards pikachu-

Riolu: Riooo!!! -Use a tree to build momentum and launches toward Houndoom with force palm and proceeds to one-hit KO's Houndoom-

Demitri: Useless dog!! -pulls out a knife from his pocket and grabs Dawn and puts the knife to her neck-

Demitri: Ok no one moves!!!

Lucas: Dawn!!

-Something comes from behind him-

Demitri: What the hell!!!

Libra: Zoroark Night Slash, Toxicroak Stone Edge!!!

-The Zoroark uses the Stone Edge to move around and build speed-

Ash: Use Blast Burn!!

-The Blast Burn destroys the Stone Edge forces Zoroark to go on top the building-

Ash: Focus Punch!!

-Charizard completely overpowers Zoroark nearly fainting it-

Libra: Good Job using the Blast Burn to get rid of the Stone Edge, but I'm not done!!!

-While Charizard was dealing with the Stone Edge and Zoroark, Toxicroak used Gunk Shot was poised Charizard-

Ash: Charizard!!

Libra: hahaha!! Not only do your fire type moves weaken heavily from the rain, but you also have to worry for 2 pokemon now!!

Ash: -smirks-

Libra: What's with that smirk? Any more of this and your Charizard will lose!!

Ash: Haaaa, ridiculous!! You think this is the limit of me and Charizard's abilities, we have trained for 4 straight years every single day!!!! Your pokemon are nowhere NEAR as strong and fast as the person I was facing, he is a true trainer. You on the other hand are disappointing, a disgrace to all pokemon trainers!!!!! -he scream-

-Charizard starts heating up so much he evaporates the rain-

Ash: We are not even at half power!!! Now get ready Libra!!! Charizard Flare Blitz!!!

-Charizard speed blitz's Zoroark making it faint-

Libra: What the hell!!! I didn't even see it!!

Libra: I'm not done yet, Toxicroak u- wait, where is Toxicroak

Ash: -points up in the air-

-Toxicroak falls down from the sky-

Libra: W-when d-d-did you.....

Ash: You didn't see did you? Charizard also took out Toxicroak with the flare blitz too

Libra: Bastard it's not over yet. I may have lost, but I can arrest you for breaking the law!! If you resist then Lord Lusamine will interfere and then it will be over for you!!

Ash: *Damn*

-Somebody starts walking up to Ash and Libra-

???: If you want to send someone to jail, then send yourself Libra!!!


Libra: What the hell are you doing here!!!

???: Well this boy is a friend of mine, so if you want him in jail, I'll just report all the illegal trades you have done secretly

Libra: *How does she know about that!!*

???: Now, get out of here before I make you!!

Libra: Dammit!! -runs off into the city-

Ash: -sighs- Thank you very much!! You saved me!! Oh wait, the kids!! -about the run into the forest but he stops when he sees the kids coming out-

Ash: You're all safe!?

Lucas: Yeah she saved us -points to the girl-

Ash: Thank you so much, you saved me and them!!!

???: Don't worry about it, you are my responsibility after all!!

Ash: Responsibility?

???: Yeah, your Ash right? You're going to region 8 to see my Grandfather Mustang right?

Ash: Grandfather!?!? Then you must either be Korrina or Bea

???: Well I'm Korrina!! Nice to meet yah Ash!! -goes for a handshake-

Ash: So your Korrina -shakes her hand- I was expecting to meet you in region 8, but why are you here?

Korrina: Well 2 weeks ago my grandfather told me he was having another student from region 8, so I decided to come here and pick you up!!

Ash: You came from another region just to pick me up!!??! You really didn't need to do that, professor Kukui said when I get to region 7 there will be someone there to pick me up

Korrina: Yeah my sister Bea was going to pick you up, but trust me you don't want her near you. She scares off all of the new recruits and she is extremely strict and extremely not fun.

Korrina: I can tell you're going to be different from all the others, so let's be friends!!

Ash: Sure thing!!!

Ash: Pikachu Riolu good job you helped a lot, now return

Ash: And thank you Charizard now get some rest

-Returns them all-

Ash: -looks around- Where's Kaiwe and Mimo?

Kenny: Why should we care, isn't he the one who told Libra about the plan in the first place

Ash: Don't blame him, he's just protecting his sister

Korrina: I hate to ruin the moment but what are you all going to do now?

Ash: They can go choose their own paths from here on out -turns to Lucas and Dawn-

Ash: Thank you for trusting me, a complete stranger, since you guys are survivors of the twilight clan people will be chasing you so here -gives Lucas and Dawn one Pokeball each-

Ash: Go find some strong loyal pokemon that will protect you. I recommend going to region 4 where slavery is illegal and there a safe haven for kids that have no families.

Ash: -looks at the rest of the kids- All of you should do the same!! Here -hands each child money

Ash: I had 23 million dollars, now it's split to each of you kids, re-build yourself, find new paths, oh and if any of you see Kaiwe and Mimo tell them to find Professor Kukui and Burnet

Ash: This is where we part ways. Good luck with your new lives everyone!!! -turns around and walks away-

Korrina: You're an interesting person. I started watching you as soon as you entered this city with your friends. You risk life in prison to save a couple of slaves. And now your walking away so casually

Ash: -smirks- I don't really know what I'm thinking half the time, but what I do know is that if someone is in danger I'll help, even if it costs me my life, that's just how I roll!!! -smiles-

Korrina: Where are we heading now? The flight schedule is in 7 days I presume

Ash: I'm supposed to meet my friends at Aether Paradise

Korrina: Aether Paradise? I heard about it but never been there

Ash: That's good, we can experience it our first time together!

Dawn: Ash!!! -heavily breathing-

Ash: Dawn? Why did you run after me?

Dawn: I just......wanted to ask, um.. Thank you!!! -bows her head and hands Ash a necklace-

Ash: You don't have to thank me, but what is this necklace for?

Dawn: It's the necklace my father gave me, he said whoever wears it will have good luck

Ash: WoWo!! I can't take this!! If it's your father you should keep it in his memory

Dawn: Please take it!! My father said I give this necklace to the one you love!! So please take it!! -Blushing extremely hard-

Ash: The one you love? -points to himself- Me? You love me?

Korrina: Don't make a girl repeat herself

Ash: What am I supposed to say!?!

Korrina: Your problem -walking away-

Ash: Wait!! -turns to Dawn- Well.......um thank you -he said awkwardly and takes the necklace-

Ash: I will keep this and not let any harm come to it, I promise. Now you should get back to your brother -pats her head-

Ash: Have a nice life Dawn, don't let people decide your future, only you can shape it

Dawn: Thank you!! -leaves-

Ash: hm -smiles-

Ash: Now then, let's go!!

-The next day-

Ash: (Me and Korrina finally reached Aether Paradise an spent the night in a hotel, now we're meeting up with my friends)

Clemont: Ash -waves his hand- Over here!!

Risa: Did you save those kids?

Ash: Of course, they are finding their new paths

Bonnie: Who is she -points to Korrina-

Korrina: Well I am Korrina Kiyoto granddaughter of Mustard Kiyoto, nice to meet you!!

Risa: Oh yeah!! Korrina!

Korrina: Wait.....Risa?

Risa: That me!! I remember you from 7 years ago when I visited region 8

Korrina: Oh yeah, I remember that.

Risa: So how's your sister Bea

Korrina: She's doing fine, but still a real pain

Mallow: Korrina Serena, they are similar

Clement: Of course they are, you don't have to point it out like some child

Mallow: Do you want me to hit you again!!!

Ash: Anyway, why don't we enjoy Aether Paradise for today

Korrina: Ohhh I can't wait, let's go on the Ferris wheel first -grabs Ash hand and runs to the Ferris wheel-

Ash: Wait, slow down!! We need to get our tickets first!!

Korrina: Oh yeah, your

-They go to the ticket booth-

Ticket Booth Guy: 50 tickets right? That will be 30 dollars

Korrina: ok!! -turns to Ash-

Ash: Why you looking at me, I gave all I had to the kids, don't you have any

Korrina: Uhh, -rubs her head- sorry no, I didn't' think to bring money

Ash: So you're telling me you came to another region without any money?

Korrina: yep... -she said quietly-

Ash: -sighs- well let's go!

???: -puts 30 dollars on the table- I'll take 50 tickets, please

Ticket Booth Guy: Thank you, have a good day!!

???: Here -hands Korrina the tickets- You're the granddaughter of former Lord Mustard, foolish mistakes like that will get you shamed

Korrina: HahHa, yeah your right thank you -stares at the person for a long time-

Korrina: Your Lillie Aether aren't you?

Ash: Lillie Aether? Daughter of Lord Lusamine!?

Lillie: -completely ignores Ash- Yes, as a noble, Korrina, you can't be that foolish to come to another region without cash, anyway carry on with your business -about to leave-

Ash: Hey don't ignore me!!

Lillie's Bodyguards: Sorry Miss Lillie doesn't speak with commoners -they leave-

Ash: -sighs- I always forget how arrogant some of these nobles are, thank Arceus that Burnet and Kukui aren't like that, let's go Korrina

-Currently on the Ferris wheel-

Ash: Why are you quiet, didn't you want to come here?

Korrina: ...I'm...sorry. -said quietly-

Ash: What's wrong, did the little ice princess get to you

Korrina: I'm a mistake...

Ash: huh? What do you mean?

Korrina: I'm sorry, It's not right for me to flood you with my problems

Ash: No!! You can tell me, I know we barely know each other but trust me, I'll listen.

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