《Pokémon Elemental High》Rescuing the Slaves 1


Hi there my name is Ash Ketchum and a lot of stuff happened. Four years have passed since me and my friends ment Kukui, Burnet, and Risa. I'll explain all that has happened. First of all I am 10, Clemont is 10, Mallow is 10, Bonnie is 5, and Serena is 11. We live on the planet Earth and the ruler of Gaia (Earth) is King Giovanni. On the news for the past 4 years things have changed. There are new members of the Elite Four and Lords.

Since the former Elite member Maxie was a spy they had to replace him and also only 2 Elite Four members said they were, Country Destroyer Cynthia and Dragon Master Lance. Leon was defeated by a 9 year old boy who specialized in electric types, Volkner!! This was an historical event in the nation, the youngest Elite Four member was a 36 year old but at age 10 Volkner became one of the strongest trainers in the world. The person that replaced Maxie was Brandon the former leader of the battle frontier brains!!!!

The Kingdom of Gaia is split into 9 regions and each region has a Lord governing it. The Lord of region 1 is King Giovanni Oak, it is where the royal castle is located and it's capital. The Lord of region 2 is Archie Neptune, he is called the conqueror of the earth's sea's, and the only person to ever tame the legendary pokemon Kyogre , and the current leader of the Neptune clan. The Lord of region 3 is Normal Maple, an extremely strong pokemon trainer and the current leader of the Maple Clan. The Lord of region 4 is Wulfric Cryosphere, Lord Wulfric is called the Frosted Golem and is the current head of the Cryosphere clan. The Lord of region 5 is Dragon Master Clair, cousin of Elite Four Lance and granddaughter of former Elite Four member Drayden and also daughter of former Lord Drasna. The Lord of region 6 is Lysandre, a talented individual who worked his way from the bottom to the top of the "food chain." The Lord of region 7 is Lusamine, she is the founder of the Aether Foundation, the one who discovered the ultra wormholes and the ultra beast who come from it, a former general in the army, and the keeper of what was believed to be the first pokeball, Magearna. The Lord of region 8 for over 60 years was former Elite Four member Lord Mustard but a year ago he retired and now the new Lord of region 8 is Lord Chairmen Rose. The Lord of region 9 is Steven Stone, he runs the biggest prison in the world, Fort Stone, his family called the Iron Fortress because of how his family has defended attacks for centuries.

During these 4 years Burnet and Kukui taught us more about this world and its history. We are eternally grateful, but I think it's time that we left them.

-Current Time-

Burnet: Are you sure about this!?

Ash: Yes, It's time we move on

Burnet: B-but!! -Tearing up-

Risa: Mom didn't we tell you this 2 years ago!!

Burnet: Yes, but I didn't know it was going to hurt this much!

Kukui: -puts hand on Burnet's shoulder- Come on, it time for the bird to get out the cage

Everyone: So Generic..

Kukui: I've been working on that!!

Kukui: Anyway, Ash when you get to Region 8, there will be an someone there to pick you up

Ash: Ok -nods-

(Let me explain, Kukui asked his friend Leon, a former Elite Four member to get in hold with the Former Lord Mustard. I'm hoping that Mustard knows the secrets of Aura or whatever my strange powers are)


Risa: Don't forget about me!! -winks-

(Risa is trying to become a Pokemon Ranger, so she is going to region 3 to attend school there)

Clemont: I'll become an amazing scientist just you wait Ash!!

Bonnie: I can't believe I'm going to be stuck with this idiot... -sighs-

Clemont: Bonnie don't say that, I'm your brother!

Bonnie: -sighs- this is going to be a nightmare...

(Clemont is stay here in region 7 to learn get his certificate on being an official scientist and Bonnie is staying with him too cause they are family)

Mallow: I can't wait to check out the foods in region 2!!!

(Mallow is going to attend a convection in region 2 and will participate in an all out cookout event there)

(As for Serena, she doesn't know where to go, so I decided to invite here on my journey to region 8)

Ash: -turns to Burnet and Kukui- Thank you so much!!! We wouldn't be here if it weren't for the kindness of you too, we will remember what you did for us always -bows head- Thank you!!!

Clemont: -bows head- He's right, Thank you!!!

Mallow: -bows head- Thank you!!!

Serena: -bows head- Thank you!!

Bonne: -bows head- Thank you!!

Kukui: It was a pleasure -smiles

Burnet: Stay safe...

-They leave-

Burnet: Kukui...let's have more children -smiles-

Kukui: Are you nuts!!!

Burnet: I'm just kidding -laughs- I will sure miss them..

Kukui: We may not be related by blood but, it felt like a big family!!!

-With the gang-

Risa: -nervous-

Ash: Those no need to be nervous, you got this!!

Risa: But, I never been by myself, but now I'm going to another region alone. What if I fail!!

Ash: Risa!! Your dad didn't train us for 4 years just to lose, you got this, truly believe that you will make a fantastic ranger!!

Clemont: Guys, look -shows them his phone- The airport is all the way of the other side of the region, by foot it will take us about 6 days, without any rest it will take 4 days, and all of your flights are on December 31 which is 7 days from now, so we don't have to rush there.

Bonnie: That means tomorrow's Christmas!!

Risa: Hmm, my first Christmas without my parents -sighs-

Ash: Since we have an extra day, why don't we head to Aether Paradise for Christmas

Clemont: Sounds perfect

Mallow: Ahh, I the forest is such an annoying place!!

Clemont: Nothing more annoying than you Mallow

Mallow: -hits Clemont- Wanna say that again!!

Clemont: Ow, your just like Iris, a full grown gorilla

Mallow: -hits him again-

Risa: -laughs- you had that coming

Clemont: Anyway, I don't have good connection here so I hoping that we reach the next town

Mallow: You're so useless, why didn't you look for a path to Aether Paradise before!!

Clemont: Because I didn't know we're planning to go there!!!!

Ash: Don't worry, I'll search the entire area -sits down-

Ash: -scans the area with his powers-

Ash: What is that...

Risa: You found something

Ash: Go Charizard!!! -Throws ball out-

Ash: Fly up!!

Clemont: Where are you going!?

Ash: There's no time, just follow me. Ok Charizard fly straight ahead!!!

(I saw a big man with a whip hitting a girl and a boy who seems to be around my age)

Big Man: A Charizard?

Ash: -jumps off of Charizard- Hey!!! What do you think you are doing!!!

Big Man: Oh a kid, hff what I'm doing is none of your business

Ash: Why are you hitting her!!!

Big Man: I'm am the slave trader Demitri, it is my job, if you have a problem with it, go complain to Lord Lusmine


Ash: Bastard, Charizard Flameth- -gets interrupted-

Clemont: Wait!!!

Ash: Why are you stopping me!?

Clemont: You will be sent to prison if you interfere, didn't Kukui tell us


-In town-

Ash: What is he doing, she's just a child

Kukui: Noo!! -stops Ash-

Kukui: If you see a slave trader, don't do anything

Ash: Why, their people too, it's not right for people to enslave others!!

Kukui: We have no choice!!! It's allowed in this region if we want it gone then we will have to ask the Lord, which is Lord Lusamine!!

Ash: That's Burnet's boss, why can't she ask her!!!

Kukui: Do you think we already tried that!!! For many years there has been protest to get rid of slavery in this region, it's all up to the Lord. Slavery is illegal in many of there other regions but here it's allowed, and you can't force Lord Lusamine to take it away!!

Ash: So you're saying if I see a slave, I look away!!!

Kukui: -sighs- Yes...

-End of flashback-

Ash: Clemont you know damn well I can't sit still while someone is getting hurt!!

Demitri: You should listen to your friend there, let's go!! -pulls the two children-

Risa: Vaporeon hydro pump!!!

-hits Demitri-

Demitri: Ow!!! You brat -gets up- You will regret this!! Go Muk!!!

Demitri: Gunk Shot

Ash: Charizard counter it with Wing Attack!!! -cuts right through Muk's attack-

Ash: Now Flamethrower!!!! -Makes Muk faint-

Demitri: You brats, how dare you!!! HaHa!!- laughing- I heard you say the name Kukui, and that girl over there with the Vaporeon is Risa isn't she, if would be a shame if the famous professor Kukui and his daughter were charged with assault -laughing- it would ruin your family

Ash: Don't act like Risa is the villain, your over here hurting Children, you should be the one charged with physical assault!!!

Demitri: Child, this is region 7, slavery is allowed and you can't do anything about, I have to right to treat my slave anyway I want, it's you kids who forceful attack me!!

Clemont: Ash calm down, he's right

Clemont: And Risa, you should know better

Risa: I feel the same way Ash does!!!

Demitri: The Blonde boy is a smart one, I'll be on my way now, follow me and I report this little incident

Ash: Wait!!!

Demitri: What now!!?

Ash: You're a slave trader right!? Then how much are these 2 kids!!

Demitri: Now you speaking my language kid, follow me, I'll happily do business if you can pay -goes off-

Mallow: Ash, you need your money for your trip to region 8!!

Ash: I can work it back!!

Clemont: There's no talking him out of this...

-They are in the nearest city-

Demitri: Ok, how much are you willing to pay?

(I looked around, he had many slaves, about 26, I was discussed)

Ash: How much for all 28 of your slaves

Mallow: ASH!!! Are you crazy!!

Serena: I want them to be free too, but you can't use all of your money!!!

Demitri: -laughs- If you have the money for all them than I'll agree, all of them together is 100,050,000 dollars

Risa: -slams hands on table- are you crazy!!!! Slaves are not worth that much money!!

Demitri: Bring them over!!!

Worker: Yes sir!! -bring the 2 children that he was beating-

Demitri: These 2 kids are part of the Twilight clan

Risa: What!!

Clemont: That's impossible... I thought they were completely annihilated 7 years ago!!!!

Demitri: Take a look at their hair, members of the Twilight clan, and also -grabs a knife and cuts the girl on the arm- This also proves they are a part of the twilight clan, their blood is blue

Demitri: One of them is worth 50 million dollars together that's 100 million and with the other kids together that's 50 thousand dollars.

Demitri: Since the girl over there is the daughter of professor Kukui and Burnet, she is a noble, she can probably pay no problem.

Ash: Risa...how much did Burnet give you?

Risa: On my card I have 200 million dollars

Clemont, Mallow, and Bonnie: 200 million!!?!?

Clemont: Jeez, I only got 102 thousand

Mallow: And I got about 45 million -sigh-

Clemont: How the hell did you get 45 Million dollars!?

Mallow: I have connections -smirks-

-Mallow's flashback-

Mallow: 400 million!?!?! I can't take this!!!

Cheryl: It belonged to your father, it's years worth of work

Mallow: That's too much, I'm only ten!!

Cheryl: Then take ¾ !!!

Mallow: No!!!

Cheryl: Take half!!!!

Mallow: No!!!

Cheryl: Take a quarter of it then

Mallow: You know what, I'll take 45 million

Cheryl: -sighs- fine

-End of Flashback-

Ash: -sighs- That's a lot of money, looks like the deals off, sorry to waste your time

Demitri: Don't you dare come back!!!

-They walk away-

Clemont: Ash, your going to do something stupid aren't you

Ash: Yep

Risa: So what's the plan?

Ash: We will wait till it gets dark and sneak in and get everyone of those kids out of there

Mallow: So were stealing them?

Ash: Basically

Serena: But Risa has enough money to pay? Why do we need to steal them?

Ash: He's not planning on giving us the twilight clan kids. He probably going to keep those kids for a few years and sell for higher amounts

Ash: You guys go ahead to Aether Paradise, I'll meet you guys there

Risa: I'll stay with you

Ash: Nooo!!! Think about it, if you come with me, that bastard will probably blame it on Kukui and Burnet, So I want you guys to go to Aether paradise and sign in there with your Id, if he does blame it on Kukui and Burnet you can use Aether Paradise to look at when you logged in and your name will be cleared.

Clemont: That's pretty smart

Ash: If I'm not there by tomorrow night then you can all leave an head to the airport without me

Mallow: Perfect plan!!! Goodluck

Bonnie: By Ash!!

Serena: Stay safe

Risa: Don't get caught, ok

-They leave-

Ash: Now to do a little research

-After 10 minutes-

Ash: Ok -heads back to the slave market-

Demitri: What do you want now!!!

Ash: Can I talk with all the kids

Demitri: Do you think I'm stupid!!

Ash: I won't do anything!!! Here -places his pokeball's on the table- It will just be for a few minutes

Demitri: Fine, make it quick!!!

Ash: -looks around and walks toward the 2 twilight clan kids- Hello there!!

-They look away-

Ash: -sits down- Let me see you cut -smiles-

The Boy: Will you hurt my sister?

Ash: *He spoke* No, I swear on my life, I'm just going to help, but before that what are your names?

The Boy: I'm Lucas and this is my sister Dawn -he said quietly-

Ash: Lucas and Dawn? Those are nice names, I'm Ash nice to meet you -shakes his hand-

(His hands were dirty and cold, and when I looked at his face I could see how much pain and hatred he felt)

Ash: I know how it feels, when I was 6 years old my entire home got completely destroyed, only me and my friends that were with me early survived.

Ash: I read that your clan was destroyed by the revolutionary army 7 yea- -gets interrupted-

Lucas: No!!!! They saved us!!!

Ash: -covers his mouth-

Ash: Quiet down, now tell me what happened to you and your sister 7 years ago

Lucas: Why are you talking with us?

Ash: -whisper in Lucas's ear- I'm going to get everyone out of this place

Lucas: How will you do that!?

Ash: Just gather all the children out back at exactly 8:00 Pm sharp -hands him a watch- make sure they don't find you with this watch

Dawn: How can we trust you -she said quiet-

Ash: You're Dawn right, well I can't prove anything, but..- puts hand on her shoulder- I promise I will get you guys out of here

Dawn: we trusted people before, and now look where we are -coughs-

Lucas: Dawn, I told you don't talk

Ash: -feels Dawn's forehead-

Ash: What the....... She's extremely hot!

Lucas: Yeah.......she's been since we came here 7 years ago...

Ash: -takes dawn's hand- I'll heal

-Ash's hand starts glowing-

Ash: There, that should last for 2 days.

Lucas: Dawn you ok!! -feels her forehead-

Lucas: What, she's not hot anymore? How did you do that!?

Ash: I don't really know myself, it just happens, anyway let's get you out of here

Lucas: I don't think it's possible until we get this off -points to the chain on his leg-

Ash: Your right, I bet there's a tracking device there too. -get's up-

Ash: I'll figure it out, now let me talk to the other kids

Dawn: -grabs Ash's leg- Ash.... thank you

Ash: -smiles-

Ash: No problem!!!

Ash: -walks up to one of the kids-

Ash: Hello there -waves-

Mimo: High!!

Kiawe: Mimo!! -covers her mouth- I told you not to talk to strange people!!

Mimo: But Kaiwe, Dawn and Lucas were talking to him!!

Kiawe: Everyone here is none of our concert, if we want to survive, we will do it on our own!!

Ash: Settle down Kaiwe, you shouldn't talk to your sister like that

Kiawe: -Gives ash a death stare- Did I allow you to say my name

Ash: No sorry my bad, anyway, you shouldn't talk to children that way -gives him a death stare back-

Kiawe: What do you want!!

Ash: Before I answer that, let me ask you this. Do you want to leave this place?

Kiawe: Of course -he said extremely quietly-

Ash: Well I'm here to help you escape!!

Kiawe: Hff, you think I'm that stupid

Ash: What do you mean?

Kaiwe: If you somehow get us out you're probably going to re-sell us as slaves again!!! It doesn't make sense, this world is a living hell, you get no benefit from freeing us. I'm not falling for your little mind games!!

Ash: Your not wrong, but your also not right

Kiawe: huhh?

Ash: This world can be cruel sometimes, there are cruel people, at the time there are those who help others because they want too. You understand?

Kaiwe: Notice!!

Ash: Ok, you don't have to trust me. Tonight Lucas and Dawn will wake everyone up and you will all meet right there -points to the farthest wall

Ash: I'll use my pokemon to break the wall and then you guys escape in the forest, I gave Lucas a watch with coordinates, so just follow him.

Kiawe: -facepalms- There's so many flaws in that plan. First of all how are you going to get these chains off, there's no point in running in the forest if they can just track us. Second , these wall are made of titanium steel, and third, where are we going to go after we escape

Ash: Just leave it all to me, if you just me, please follow Lucas and get all the kids and escape.

Demitri: -comes in- Ok, your time is up, get out!!!

Ash: Ok -whispers- I'm promise I will get you guys out of here -leaves-

Demitri: Don't come back!!

Ash: Ok OK!!! -walking-

Ash: *How do I do this.....I'll call clemont*

Clemont: Hello Ash?

Ash: Yeah Clemont I'm here, I need your help on something

Ash: I'm going through with my plan on getting these kids out here, but each of them have chains on their legs and there's a high probability that there's tracking chips in them. I need to know how to get rid of the chips without alarming the slave traders

Clemont: Tell me you full plan

-After a long explanation*

Clemont: I see.......have you tried water?

Ash: I was thinking the same thing but what if they get electricuted. So I was thinking of using Pikachu to shock the chips off

Clemont: That's good thinking, but there's a possibility that the chips could overheat and explode

Ash: That's why just before the chips could explode i'll close my hands together

Clemont: You could burn your hand that way

Ash: A small price to pay

Clemont: -laughs- Ha Ha!!! That sounds just like you, goodluck!!

Ash: I don't need luck, I got this, see you later -ends call-

-5 minutes before the escape-

Ash: 5 minutes left. -throws pokeball-

Ash: Ok Charizard quietly use flamethrower to burn this steel

Charizard: -nods- Raaaaaa

-The flames barely put a dent on the steel-

Ash: This is some tough steel, Charizard keep using flamethrower

-After 4 minutes and 50 seconds-

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