《Pokémon Elemental High》Get to the Airport!!!


Ash: Ok, you said 4 days right, then if I do the math right, at full speed me and Charizard will get there in about 13 hours without stopping

Clemont: You are right but you can't do that!??! It's too dangerous for you to ride on Charizard for that long when it's going so fast. Also, it's dangerous for Charizard too, no way it can fly at stupidly high speeds for 13 hours straight without rest.

Clemont: And even if you do get there, what are you going to do about us?

Ash: -checks his phone- Ok, there is a city that is a couple of miles from here that I can reach in a couple of hours, and it says there are flying pokemon to ride on, so I'm going to rent some flying pokemon bring them back here and then we go all the way to the airport.

Serena: But Ash, we can't force pokemon to fly us that far without any rest and even if you do get flying pokemon what makes you think they will be as fast as Charizard.

Risa: She's right, your Charizard is abnormally strong and been heavily trained

Ash: -Throws Charizard's pokeball out- Only option I got, just make sure get really far on feet -hops on Charizard-

Korrina: Wait Ash, take me with you!!

Ash: Sorry, the extra weight will slow Charizard down

Korrina: -jumps on Charizard-

Ash: Did you not just hear me!!!

Korrina: Trust me on this one, I got a plan of my own

Ash: Bu-

Korrina: -puts finger on his lips- No buts!!

Korrina: Just go!!

Ash: hmfp, ok I will believe in this plan that you got, fly Charizard!! -they leave in an instant creating a supersonic shock wave that shakes the very entire-

Clemont: Ok go Luxray!!

Clemont: Ok Serena and another person can go to ride Luxray


Mallow: Why do I have to go!?

Clemont: Cause I don't want to deal with you today

Serena: I'll go too

Risa: Ok then I'll stay here with Clemont

Clemont: No you go to!!

Risa: Can Luxray really carry all of us and run at the same time

Clemont: Just believe in Luxray, I know he can do it!

Clemont: Luxray I need to run as fast as you can but be careful not to knock my friends off, go!!

-They leave-

Bonnie: Now what about us?

Clemont: It all depends on Charizard because my Luxray is as fast as Charizard but Charizard has an extra advantage in the air with barely any obstacles. I can say confidently Luxray could reach the airport in about 23 hours. Charizard the next rental pokemon station in about multiple cities over where Ash is heading, so Ash will come back and hand the pokeballs to Serena Mallow and Bonnie then come to us and then we go all the way to the airport

Bonnie: Why couldn't I go, now I'm stuck with you

Clemont: So....rude..... Well the main reason is that they are the only one's going on the plane remember, we're staying here. Hopefully, everything works outright.

-Back with Ash and Korrina-

Korrina: Arceus your Charizard is fast!!! -Nearly about to fall off-

Ash: -grabs her- be careful, hold my back so you don't fall off

Ash: Now tell me this plan you have

Korrina: Just stop Charizard for a second

Ash: Charizard stop

Korrina: -grabs her phone and calls someone- Come on pick up!!

Korrina: -phone cuts off- I'm going to kill her! -calls again-

???: Hello

Korrina: Ok good, let me tell you what happened -tells this mystery person the situation were in-

???: Ok I understand, I will be there as fast as I can!! -hangs up-


Korrina: ok Ash fly again!!

Ash: Charizard go!! -they fly off again-

-1 hour later-

Ash: -turns around- Korrina you ok?

Korrina: Of course I am, I'm the granddaughter of Mustard, something like this is trivial

Ash: Keep going buddy!!

-With Risa, Mallow, and Serena-

Mallow: -yawns- So tired!!

Risa: We have to deal with it, Luxray caring all of us, be thankful

Serena: I wonder how Ash is doing by now

Mallow: Uhhh!! Serena why can't you just tell Ash you like him

Serena: I told you for the 1000th time, Ash is not interested in a romantic relationship.

Mallow: And I told you for the 1000th time that's an excuse!!

Serena: Just give it a rest already, you've been trying to do this for 6 years now, you and blue used to love to tease me.

Mallow: Tomorrow might be the final day we all get to see each other for a Long while, at least try and tell him, what do you think Risa?

Risa: Um...I'm not a person you should be asking about this love stuff

Mallow: Uhhh!! What is wrong you people, and you dare call yourselves girls, pathetic

Risa: Serena, may I ask why you like Ash?

Serena: It's.....a long story Hahah

-With Clemont and Bonnie-

Bonnie: Why do we have to ride in a car

Clemont: We need to get as far as we can in a car so Charizard can have a shorter distance to reach.

Bonnie: -sighs-

Clemont: Hey, you want me to tell you a story

Bonnie: It's probably going to be boring, don't bother

Clemont: It's about our mother

Bonnie: Oh... -looks down-

Clemont: -pats head- I'm sorry Bonnie, I haven't told you about our parents at all, and I don't have any pictures to show you but. You look like mom when she was a child, her name was Autumn Toshiro, we both look exactly like her, then there's our father, Meyer Toshiro, he is -sighs- something else.

Bonnie: Can I ask you something

Clemont: Go ahead!

Bonnie: -tightens her fist- Why do you guys leave me out of everything!!

Bonnie: I asked you multiple times for years but you always had the same excuse, so why are you telling me now!?

Clemont: I'm sorry -smiles-

Bonnie: Why are you smiling, you think this is funny -shakes Clemont's body- Why won't you tell me about where we are from!!

Clemont: hahaha! Ok settle down, I'll tell you. Listen closely

-Back with Ash and Korrina-

Ash: *Damn!! It's getting hard to breath!* Korrina you ok?

Korrina: -cough- I can barely breath, huff.

Ash: Charizard stop!

Ash: Dammit!! This isn't going to work!! Charizard is going too fast that we can't get enough oxygen to breath

Ash: -Thinking- *What now, even if we reach the rental pokemon place and come back Charizard is going to be really week from flying for 2 days straight, it's damn near impossible*

-Korrina's phone start's ringing-

Korrina: -picks it up hello- Hello

???: Where are you, I'm at Aether's Paradise already!

Korrina: You're already there!?!

???: Yeah, I took the old man's fastest jet. Now where are you?

Korrina: Sorry, me and my friends already left there 2 hours ago.

Ash: How about let's meet at the next city, Sukasuchi city.

???: Who is that?

Korrina: Never mind that now, let's just meet up at Sukasuchi city now!! -hangs up-

Ash: Who was that?

Korrina: Just a friend, anyway let's hurry up!

Ash: yeah we're only about 45 minutes away, let call the other's and tell them -calls Serena-

Serena: Yeah Ash?

Ash: Wherever you are, let meet at Sukasuchi city, there is someone Korrina called to pick us up. -hangs up and calls Clemont-

Clemont: Uhh? What you need? Are you already there!?!?

Ash: No not even close but we have a new plan, meet up at Sukasuchi city! -hangs up-

Ash: Ok Charizard go!! -They boost off-

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