《Pokémon Elemental High》Beginnings 6


-Back with Clemont and Burnet-

Clemont: There, that's my side of the story

Burnet: I'm sorry, must have been hard

Clemont: ......You said you understand my pain, hurry and tell me how you cause a fire

Burnet: ok

Burnet: It all started on that day before the fire, on my 15 birthday


Cheryl: I'm sorry Kukui...

Kukui: But I love you Cheryl!!!

Cheryl: You don't have to lie, I know you truly like Burnet...

Kukui: We have been dating for 2 years please don't leave!!!

Cheryl: And I am grateful for these pass 2 years, thank you, Burnet's birthday is tomorrow right? How about you get a gift and ask her out, Burnet liked you since you were kids, it's only fair...

Sonia: Looks like Kukui lost his only girlfriend -laughs-

Leon: Sonia!!!! -walks to Kukui-

Leon: It's ok buddy

Nessa: Your too soft Leon

Leon: Uhh, woman -sigh-

Sonia: Anyway this is perfect, Kukui can finally be with cousin Burnet

Kukui: Wait what? Burnet is your cousin Sonia!!

Sonia: We knew each other for 5 years and you didn't even know that?

Kukui: -laughs- I guess so

Sonia: Well we have the same Grandmother and both our mom's are sister's

Kukui: Wait so Burnet's grandmother is the famous professor Magnolia!?! -sigh- I don't got a chance with her

Nessa: -death stare-

Kukui: What!?

Nessa: Not even 5 minutes and you already forgot about Cheryl, you men are sickening.

-Abe arrives-

Abe: What's up everyone!

Sonia: -evil laughs-

Leon: Sonia don't do anything!

Sonia: Oh Abe how you doing, I wonder where your sister is

Abe: Did you already break up with Kukui?

Sonia: You already know -sigh- that's no fun..

Abe: Yeah, she told me yesterday -turns to Kukui-

Abe: No hard feeling, were still friends right -extends his hands for a handshake-

Kukui: yeah -shakes Abe hand-

Abe: -tightening grip- You know, she was crying yesterday, if you ever make her cry again, I mak-

Leon: Easy there abe

Abe: Oh my bad -laughs-

Kukui: *Dam that hurt*

Sonia: Anyway, we all need to get gifts for Burnet tomorrow, any suggestion?

-2 minutes later-

Sonia: You know it's not that hard to think boy's, I know you brains are small but you can still use them

You know Sonia you really are a bitch uhh

Sonia: Uhh, did I ask? Guzma

Guzma: Yes you did actually, I here for my buddy Kukui

Sonia: Ok "buddy", got any idea's smart ass?

Guzma: Feisty as ever I see, that's why you don't have a boyfri-

Sonia: -throws scissors at him-

Guzma: You know, that could of killed me

Sonia: It should of hff

Sonia: Back on topic people!!! We need Ideas!!

Kukui: That's it!!!

Leon: What, you have an idea!?

Kukui: Yeah!! Come to my house everyone -about to leave-

Nessa: You do know we're still in school?

Kukui: Oh yeah, right

-The next day at the party-

Everyone: Happy birthday!!!

Burnet: Thank you everyone!!

-A couple minutes into the party-

Kukui: Hey Burnet, can you come with me for a second.. -blushes-

Burnet: U-uh Sure -blushes-


Kukui: -bows his head- Can you wait for me!!

Burnet: What?!

Kukui: I want you to be my girlfriend!!! But It would be rude to Cheryl if were started dating right after we split up

Burnet: Wait you and Cheryl broke up!? *wait* -gets a flashback-

Cheryl: Burnet, goodluck, I know you will be happy with him -smiles-

Burnet: what does that mean?

Cheryl: You will see...

Burnet: Ok? Also are you coming to my party

Cheryl: Sorry, I think I will pass


Burnet: Please -does a cute face- Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

Cheryl: Ok Ok!

-end of flashback-

Burnet: I get it now... she was looking out for me

Burnet: I can wait a week or 2

Kukui: Wait does that mean a yes!! -said joyfully-

Burnet: -blushes- Y-Yes, I liked you since we were kids -said quietly-

Kukui: *YES YES YES*

Kukui: I got a gift for you, I asked my family if they were ok with this -pulls out the gift-

Burnet: No way!! Kukui are you sure

Kukui: Yes, you know this is the purple flame of my clan, me and the other tried putting it in a necklace, a ring, but it is the purple flames, so the only way you can keep it is in a jar, so my bad

Burnet: No No, thank you, I know what this flame means to your family, thank you -smiles-

Kukui: -looks away and blushes- Let's get back to the party

-back in the house-

Magnolia: Burnet dear come here

Burnet: Yes grandmother

Magnolia: Here is my gift to you -hands Burnet a Pokeball-

Magnolia: That Pokeball contains the pokemon Luxray, it used to be my husband favorite Pokemon

Burnet: Should you be giving me this!?

Sonia: Well if you don't want it I'll take it

Magnolia: Sonia

Sonia: Ok, it was a joke!

Magnolia: I want to give you this, I don't think I have much longer in the reality

Burnet's Mom: Mother...

Magnolia: Please keep it, cherish your late grandfather's favorite pokemon, don't worry Sonia I will give you something when the time comes

Burnet: Thank you Grandma!!

Leon: Come on Sonia Burnet, watch my battle!


Kukui: Leon, I think it's time to settle the score and finally beat you!

Leon: Yes I totally agree, we both have 99 wins each, let's break this tie!!

Leon: Go Charizard!!

Kukui: Go Incineroar!!!

-They both stare each other down-

Leon: Flamethrower!!!

Kukui: Flamethrower!!!

-Both flamethrower collide and cancel out-

Leon: Ok Wing Attack!!!

-Charizard rushes right at Incineroar-

Kukui: Hold him down!!

-Incineroar holds charizard by the wings while being push back-

Kukui: Seismic toss!!!

Leon: Use fire punch on the ground!!!

-Charizrd fire punch pushes him right back up in the air-

Leon: Spam Fire blast

Kukui: Dodge them all!!

-for 20 seconds Incineroar was dodging all the attack-

Kukui: Incineroar use the tree to boost up and then hit him with a cross chop!!!

Leon: Oh no you don't!! Thunder punch!!

-Both pokemon get pushed back and break a tree-

Kukui: You as strong as ever Leon

Leon: Same with you Kukui!!

-They keep up the fighting-

Nessa: Those 2 never change -sighs-

Burnet: Just let them have their fun! -smiles-

Guzma: hff, their both weak

Sonia: says the one who never beat either of them, hff, pathetic -looks at Guzma with a death stare-

Guzma: Be quiet you orange haired witch!!

Sonia: -punches Guzma on the head- You wanna say that again

-after a good 10 minutes-

Sonia: Can you guys just finish the battle already!

Kukui: You tell that to him -breathing heavily-

Leon: I'm..not losing -breathing heavily-

Nessa: Guys......do you smell that

Sonia: -sniff- -sniff- It smells like a fire!!!

Burnet: What!?! -looks back at the direction of the house- -runs back-

Guzma: Guys stop the battle the house is on fire!!!

Leon: What??!

Kukui: What!?!

Burnet: No No No -at the yard of the house- No!!! -she sees the entire house covered in flames- -she runs in the house-

Kukui: Burnet are you crazy don't go in!!!!


Nessa: Leon fly down to the station as fast as you can and I will use my water pokemon to cool the fire down!!!!!

Leon: Right, lets go quickly Charizard!!!! -they leave-

Kukui: I'll go help Burnet!!

Sonia: -grabs onto Kukui- No wait, it's too dangerous, wait for the fire fighters!!!

Kukui: You think I can just sit here and wait!!!! Hell no!!!! -pushes Sonia off and rushes in the house-

-with Burnet-

Burnet: Mom!!! Dad!!! Grandmother!!! Is anyone here!! -coughs-

Magnolia: B..u..rn.et? -dieing-

Burnet: Grandmother!! Don't worry I'll get you and the others out!!

Burnet's mom: No Burnet!! Leave here, it's too late for us!!

Burnet: I can save you guys!!!

Burnet's Aunt: Burnet please tell Sonia that we love her, please!!

Burnet: Why no no no!!!

-Kukui reaches the room-

Kukui: Burnet!!!

Burnet: Kukui!!! Come here and help me!!!

Kukui: Ok!!

Burnet's mom: No!!! Stop, take Burnet and run, please Kukui!! I'm sorry, your parents are already dead and I only got a little left in me -coughs out blood-

Magnolia: She is right child, please take my grandchild and run

Burnet: No No No!!! Come on Kukui help!!!

Kukui: -crying- I'm sorry Burnet, this is for your own good -grabs Burnet by the waist and runs-

Burnet: No I can't leave them, stop please Kukui!!

Kukui: -crying-

Burnet: Kukui...

Leon: -yelling from outside- Hello Burnet Kukui are you there!!!

Burnet: Yeah!!!

Kukui: Yeah!!! We're here, but the entrance is blocked and it's getting hard to breath!!

Leon: Ok hold on the fire fighters are here coming!!

Burnet: Kukui go up to the roof!! -coughs-

Kukui: Just hold on!! -They reached the second floor of the house to realize the hallway was falling down-

Kukui: Dammit!!!

Burnet: Let's go through it quickly!!!

Kukui: No you can get hurt!!

Burnet: Just go!!!

Kukui: Dam!!

-Rushes through the falling gravel until one of the gravel was about to hit Kukui-

Burnet: No!! -She blocks it with her arm-

Kukui: Are you ok!!!!

Burnet: Just keep going!!!

-They go through the attic-

Kukui: Ok now what!!

Burnet: We need to break a whole in the roof, let's use our feet!!

Kukui: Ok -puts Burnet down and rushes to the front of the attic until one of his foot broke through the floor-

Burnet: Kukui!! -rushes over- I'll pull you up!!!

Kukui: Noo my foot is stuck good inside it, just go on your own!!

Burnet: Noo please not this!!!

Kukui: Burnet!!!! Please go!!! Please.....I don't want to see you die, not you!!! -crying- Please!!!!

Burnet: Why today!!! Arceus!!! -goes to the front of the roof and repeatedly kicks holes in it-

Sonia: -waves her hand- BURNET!!!!!! JUMP DOWN!!!

Leon: Charizard let's go, fly up!! Charizard?

-Charizard falls on the ground-

Nessa: Leon Charizrd is too weak from the battle!!

Leon: Shit and I left my other pokemon back at home, DAMMIT!!!!! -punches the ground-

-An Alarms screams from a couple feets away-

Sonia: Finally!!! Burnet Kukui hold on!!!

Burnet: -from the roof- Ok!!! -turns back to Kukui-

Burnet: I still got some time, let me help you!!

Burnet: Kukui!?

-Kukui passed out from the blood from his leg-

Burnet: Oh no, he's going to bleed out!! Dam how do I move him without killing him!! Why didn't I bring any Poke-. Wait!! Go Luxray!!

Burnet: Ok now what think think think!!

-gets an idea-

Burnet: Luxray bite this piece of wood off quickly

-Luxray does it, and the floor under Kukui crumbles but right before Kukui fell Burnet grabbed him hand-

Burnet: Do you know rain dance!?

Luxray: -nods-

Burnet: Ok use it on the fire!!

Luxray: Ray!! -settle downs the fire with rain dance-

Burnet: Ok now it's time to use my strength, pull Burnet pull!!! -Burnet pulls Kukui up and safely settling him down on the floor-

Hello anyone!!!

Burnet: yes!! -One of the fire fighters flew up the roof with a pidgeot-

Fire Fighters: Ok who's coming first? You can be at peace the fire is all put out

Burnet: Take my friend Kukui first he might bleed out soon if he doesn't get help!!

Fire Fighters: Ok -holds Kukui and safely places him on Pidgeot-

Fire Fighters: Get this boy to a hospital right now!!

Leon: Kukui!!

EMT: You can't come with us!!

Leon: That's my friend!!

EMT: I'm sorry you can't, come by to the hospital and see him!! -they leave in the ambulance-

Fire FIghter: Ok your next miss

Burnet: Thank you, Luxray return!!! -Burnet reaches for his hand but..... Another piece of the floor falls under her-

Fire Fighter: No!

Burnet: *Is this where it ends? Me falling and dying from the roof of my own home......why, why......on my birthday, am I cursed, it's my fault for being born, it's my fault that my parents, Sonia parents, and Leon's parents are dead now, my grandmother too.......it's my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault my fault!!!!!!! Just kill, please* -crying- -sees something-

Burnet: *What is that.....are my eyes playing tricks on me now, it looks like a purple dragon with a stinger came out of a portal, it must be the devil, hff, I'm paying for my sins..*

Burnet: -wakes up-

Sonia: -jumps up- Burnet!! You're finally awake!!

Leon: -barges through the door- She awake, guys come in!!

Abe: Burnet!! -get's on his knees and bows his head- I'm so sorry!!! If I only were there sooner I could have helped!!!

Burnet: No...Abe, it's not your fault...

Burnet: Where is Cheryl?

Nessa: She is with Kukui

Burnet: Kukui, Oh yeah how's Kukui!!

Leon: He's............not doing so well

Burnet: What do you mean!?

Leon: Uhh...

Sonia: Leon I will tell her

Sonia: First I need to tell you the cause of the fire...

Burnet: The cause.. WHAT THE CAUSE!! -get's up from her bed-

Sonia: Burnet, relax, you been here for a week, lay down

Burnet: Ok...

Sonia: -looks around at the others- -sighs- The cause was the purple flames Kukui gave you

Burnet: -went silent-

Sonia: Kukui is blaming all this on himself saying it's his fault, he said he could never face you again....

Sonia: But -starts tearing up- It's also my fault..... Kukui originally wanted to give you his great grandmother's necklace, but I suggested giving you the purple flames. I'm sorry -holds Burnet's hand- I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.......dammit

Leon: No....it's my fault, I suggested that me and Kukui battle, if we didn't start the battle we could have been there and saved our family -tightens his fist- Dammit!!

Burnet: It's not any of you guys fault!!

-2 people walk through the door-

Kukui: Burnet? -looks away instantly

Cheryl: Kukui!!! Stop beating yourself up, like I said before, look her in the eyes

Kukui: Cheryl I can't!!! I just can't........all of it, all of this is my fault!!! I was the one who brought the flames and gave it to Burnet!!! I killed them, my parents, the famous Professor Magnolia, Sonia and Burnet parents, and Leon's dad!!! I'm scum!!! Complete and utter trash!!!! I had feelings for Burnet while I had an amazing beautiful talented girlfriend, I don't deserve to live!!! Just....just -crying- Just kill m- -gets slapped-

Kukui: -touches his cheek- Burnet..

Burnet: Don't ever talk like that again -hugs Kukui- Don't you even talk like that, all of you!!! Stop blaming yourselves......please!!! -crying- I thought you would all have hated me, but when you all started blaming yourselves, I realized something, we are all still alive right!!! You all came to the hospital everyday didn't you? You care more about me then I care for myself!!! You the greatest group of friends I could ask for......so please please please please.......don't talk about dying, stop blaming yourselves...

-everyone starts laughing-

Burnet: What -starts blushing- Did I do something funny

Kukui: Haha, no it's just that, we are grateful for you, thank you, I feel a lot better -smiles and hugs Burnet back-

Sonia: Why don't we go the graveyard, they already got buried 2 days ago, let's say our final regards

-End of Flashback-

Burnet: Yeah that's the story, but....it wasn't as bad as what you and the others went through right? -smiles-

Clemont: -tears run down his face- I.........I am sorry, I was being selfless to Ash, Serena, and Mallow..... My dad even gave me one thing to do, project me little sister, but .......I was about to leave her!

Clemont: I hated myself because of how useless I was during the attack. I wanted to put all my rage and go find the people who did this while you wanted to do the same, but the anger was redirected to yourself. I don't know how you feel, I'm sorry for being rude...

Burnet: -hugs Clemont- It's ok... I was 15 while you are 6 years old with no family and home, it's going to be even harder for you. I want you to take this -hands Clemont a Pokeball-

Clemont: A Pokeball?

Burnet: The pokeball holds my grandfather favorite pokemon, my birthday, and the pokemon that help saved my future humans, I want you to have my Luxray

Clemont: -crying even harder- Thank you!!! -hugs Burnet-

Burnet: -smiles- Your welcome

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