《Pokémon Elemental High》Beginnings 7


Burnet: Now call Luxray out and meet him

Clemont: Ok, go Luxray -throws ball out-

Clemont: Woo!!! I didn't know it was going to be so enormous!!

Burnet: -pats it's head- How's it going Luxxy, this here is Clemont, starting today he will be your new owner!!

Luxray: -looks at Clemont- Ray!!

Clemont: Ahhh!!! -falls down-

Burnet: It's ok don't be scared, he's gentle

Clemont: Are you sure it's ok for you to give him to me

Burnet: Don't worry!! -smiles-

Clemont: But why can't you give it to your own child, Risa

Burnet: Risa is in love with Eevee and it's evolutions so I doubt she would use Luxray

Burnet: But you on the other hand can put this Pokemon to good use, you have the eye's of a scientist!

Clemont: Scientist? -takes a good long stare at Burnet- Is it because I wear glass..

Burnet: Uhh.. HaHa!! Yes

Clemont: -facepalms- Well I was first in my class in math and science.

Burnet: Is that right, hmm, how much do you know?

Clemont: This might take a while, so I know physics, anatomy, physiology, biology, chemistry, physics, zoology, botany, geology, rocke-

Burnet: HOLD UP WHAT!?!? How were you about to say rocket science

Clemont: Yes but I'm not done, so let's continue s-

Burnet: No No that's enough!! I didn't know you were a prodigy!!?!?

Clemont: Prodigy? Not really, we are required to learn this until the age of 10

Burnet: So Ash, Serena, and Mallow know all this too?

Clemont: Well obviously

Burnet: That's crazy, not even the nobles and royals teach their kids all that!!

Clemont: Nobles and Royals!?

Burnet: Don't tell me you don't even know the king

Clemont: King? What King!?

Burnet: Kukui is better at explaining so I'll text him to come back to the house and all of us will have a serious discussion.

-Back with Mallow and Kukui-

Kukui: Mallow, Burnet just text me to meet back at the house.

Mallow: What!!! I don't want to leave yet, it's still so early in the morning

Kukui: Relax, we will come back later today because we didn't even by food for the house yet

Mallow: -sigh- fine

Cheryl: Mallow dear, come by anytime -smiles-

Mallow: Thanks Aunt Cheryl!!

Cheryl: Aunt -about to cry-

Sawyer: Not again -sighs-

Kukui: Cheryl, take it easy today and Sawyer take care of your mother, bye!!

Mallow: Bye! -waves-

-10 minutes later when Burnet, Clemont, Kukui, and Mallow reach the house-

Kukui: ain't that weird, we reached here at the same time

Mallow: -stares at Clemont- I'm sorry!!

Clemont: -stares at Mallow- I'm sorry!!

Mallow: No No, I'm sorry, I was running away, I didn't want to think about what happened to our home.

Clemont: NO!!! -gets on his knees and bows his head on the ground- I'm sorry!!! I was not being considerate of you guys feelings!! I was spouting out such idiotic nonsense!! I wi-

Ash: -coming from out the house- Clemont, get up

Clemont: Ash... I'm so-

Ash: -hugs him- You did nothing wrong but what you did is help me solve a piece of this mystery


Mallow: Mystery?

Ash: I think I found out who sent the people to our island, follow me

-At the entrance of the Lab-

Kukui: I thought I locked this place, how did you get in here!?

Ash: Sorry! -smiles- I picked the lock cause I wanted to research something on your computer -opens the door-

Risa: Ash? Where did you go?

Ash: Sorry, I heard the others coming here so I went out to bring them here

Kukui: Risa didn't I tell you tell come inside the lab

Risa: Sorry but Ash needed my help, and we found something

Serena: Ash go ahead and tell them

Ash: -nods- I'll explain

Ash: Our home, our island is called "Sacris Sengoku" meaning Sacred Island. Yesterday I searched the name up but there was nothing on the internet about it. So I looked again deeper today by separating the names, I looked for a good 10 minutes and found the story of Sir Aaron

Clemont and Mallow: Sir Aaron?

Burnet: You guys don't know the story of Sir Aaron?

Clemont: It doesn't ring a bell

Ash: Well I will give you a short explanation, Sir Aaron is the son of Arceus and saved the world thousands of years ago.

Mallow: Yeah? But what about him?

Risa: Ash called me down to help him with the history of this country and I told him the Current King, King Giovanni is a bloodline descendant of Sir Aaron.

Ash: Yeah, but what if lying

Kukui: What!? That's ridiculous -laughs-

Risa: That's what I thought too but listen up

Risa: Ash said it was the Black Ops who invaded and killed everyone in his home

Clemont: You thought so too Ash!!

Ash: Yeah, I was trying to remember all of what happened that day I remembered those words exactly

Mallow: Now that I think of it, I remember them talking about this "Black Ops"

Serena: I remember that too, so we looked deeper into it

Kukui: But the Black Ops only listen to the King, why would they attack your home?

Ash: I was thinking he was trying to cover up something and that's when I saw it, an extremely old picture of Sir Aaron -shows them-

Mallow: Wait why does he look like Chief Riley!?

Clemont: Are you telling me your father is this Sir Aaron!?!

Ash: I'm not to sure yet, but then we started putting the pieces together

Risa: Just this morning a couple of hours ago Ash had his first Pokemon battle

Burnet: He did? -turns to Kukui- You didn't tell me about it

Kukui: Sorry there really wasn't a right time, but Risa carry on

Risa: Thank you, ok in the battle Ash was completely outsmarting his opponent and I'm not trying to sound mean but a normal kid would not have done what Ash did, Ash is too intelligent be a normal child at the age of 6, only someone of nobility like me and some of my friends would do it. But there's a problem, the name Ash Ketchum was nowhere to be found on the internet.

Serena: After Risa searched Ash's name, I searched up my name and multiple people from our village and 1 name came up repeatedly, Mallow's dad Abe


Ash: We decided to leave this theory on hold until Mallow came back so she can tell us more about her father

Burnet: Wait Wait Wait, do you mean Abe Midori!?!? -she yells-

Ash: Yes, but how do you know that name

Burnet: Abe was able, oh thank Arceus

Clemont: -Turns to Burnet- Wait, was the Abe in your story Abe Midori!?!

Burnet: Yes, he was a close friend of me and Kukui's until one day he disappeared with his son and wife

Kukui: well this sure is a big coincidence cause we just left Cheryl's house a couple minutes ago

Ash: Cheryl? Actually I wanted to ask you guys about that name cause on the web it said she was Abe's younger sister but Risa told me everything already so that's another mystery half solved but then we got another problem, look here -points at the computer-

Ash: When I search about Abe the so called "Traitor" there was another name that was above his, Seibold of the Revolution, I didn't want Risa to tell me, I want you guys too

Kukui: FIne I will, but let me just say you kids are amazing, I impressed you managed to find all this information, it should be locked by the government

Ash: Well my father personally started teaching me about hacking when I was 4, but get to the question

Kukui: Ok Ok, but to tell you about Siebold I have to tell you about this great war we have been in for Centuries

Kukui: King Giovanni is the king of Earth, he leads over exactly 85 % of this large planet, but the other 15 % of land belongs to the revolutionary army. This rebellion was created right after the death of Sir Aaron and it has been going on to this day, the current leader is Tobias, an extremely strong trainer who rivals King Giovanni and Elite Four Cynthia. He carries the mythical pokemon Darkrai and with it he has single handedly destroyed entire armies of soldiers

Ash: Wait, slow down a little, you said this "rebellion" has been going on since Sir Aaron's assumed 'death."

Kukui: You're still behind the theory that your father is Sir Aaron? Sir Aaron was said to have lost his immortality when he had his first child with his wife, so tell me did your father mention anything about having a daughter

Risa: Dad I know it sounds stupid but the more I think of it the more it comes together. When Ash ran out the house yesterday he arrived to a Charmander that was close to death, but how did Ash know exactly where it was. Then you look at Sir Aaron's story, it was said he was the creator or Aura and he also created the first Riolu.

Burnet: But the concept of Aura is still very much ancient, we know everyone has their own aura but not a single persons knows how to access that Aura

Kukui: Wait I don't think so Burnet, what about Lord Mustard, he is the only known person who can freely use aura

Burnet; Oh yeah!!!

Clemont: Then why don't we ask this Lord Mustard about aura

Burnet, Kukui, Risa: WE CAN'T DO THAT!!!!

Mallow: Why can't we

Kukui: Well for starters Mustang is the Lord of the S8 also known as Region 8 and second it could take months just to get a meeting with a Lord

Ash: Yesterday night you mention this Lord Mustang and you also mention Elite Four Cynthia, just what do the titles Lord and Elite Four mean?

Burnet: Let me take this one Kukui

Burnet: Since the reign of Sir Aaron there has been many Lords and Elite Fours, like Kukui said King Givanni controls 85% of the Earth, but what he didn't tell you is that we all separated into 9 different regions and for all 9 of these different Regions there is a Lord who is the head of that region.

Burnet: I'll tell you the name of the other Lords later, all you have to know now is that Mustang is the current Lord of Region 8

Burnet: As for the Elite Four...... they are four of the strongest trainers in the world

Ash: How strong would you say?

Kukui: Well Ash, you just had your first Pokemon battle a couple hours ago, think of that kid you fought as a small pebble while the Elite Four is the entire earth itself, they are in another world, I should know, since my rival is in the four

Clemont: Oh is his name Leon

Kukui: -surprised- Yeah but how did you know

Burnet: I told him the "story"

Mallow: Story?

Ash: Yeah what story?

Burnet: Ok Ok since you all insist I tell you, ok here is goes w-

Risa: NO NO NO NO!!!! I heard this a million times already, let's get back to the Elite Four!!!!

Burnet: Fine -puffs-

Burnet: The Elite Four are also commander of the royal army and each has their own military unit.

Ash: Ok from what you explained the King and only ones with royal blood can be King -writes on a board- Second, Elite Four is made up four of the strongest trainers in the world and they each command a legion, Third, the Lords are the one who watch over 1 of 9 regions.

Clemont: It's similar to feudalism

Kukui: Yes because that's what it's mostly base off

Ash: This is great!! We have a lot of information!!!

Kukui: -whispers to Burnet- These kids are not normal

Burnet: Your right, for a bunch of 6 years old they are astonishing, their level of intelligence is higher than most adults, this Chief Riley they keep talking about must have been an excellent teacher

Kukui: Ok why don't we wrap this up for the day

Ash: What!? But we are so close to something!!

Clemont: I agree with Ash we are on to something good I can feel it!!

Kukui: No!!! You guys have researched enough, your still children so rest up a bit

Ash: But it's still It's not even noon!!

Kukui: Ash you said you want to become a pokemon trainer, I'll be your teacher from now on so listen to me

Ash: -nods- ok

Kukui: Good now come with and bring the egg too

Clemont: Wait! I would like to battle Ash, I also got my first pokemon

Ash: Challenge accepted!!!

-They all go outside-

Kukui: I'll be the ref, now send out your pokemon!

Ash: Alright go Charmeleon!!!

Clemont: Go Luxray!!!

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