《Pokémon Elemental High》Beginnings 3


-At the dinner table-

Burnet: So how was the food?

Ash: So good!!

Clemont: It's alright...

Mallow: I haven't had real food or a bath in so long!!

Serena: It's so delicious!!

Burnet: Good to hear!

Kukui: At Least you're talking now, so, let's get to the question, what are your names

Clemont: We don't need to tell you ou-- -gets interrupted-

Ash: The Blonde kid with the glasses is Clemont, that's Serena and this is Mallow and I'm Ash!

Clemont: Ash what's wrong with you, don't give them our names!!!

Ash: It's ok, it won't hurt anyone

Clemont: Fine -gasp-

(I heard the same notice that lead us to the house)

Ash: -turns around- what the

Serena: what's wrong ash?

Ash: I heard that voice again

Kukui: Voice?

Ash: Yeah, the same voice that lead me to this house

-Burnet and Kukui look at eachother-

Kukui: I may know what that voice is, follow me

(I follow Kukui into a strange laboratory)

Kukui: Look at this -Points at an egg-

Ash: What's that

Kukui: It's a Pokemon egg, we don't know what pokemon is in an egg, they all over the world, but no one knows what pokemon comes out of an Egg

Kukui: But you said you heard it's voice, so I'm about to search my database of pokemon and see if anything like this happened before

-After a good 10 minutes of scrolling through the database-

Kukui: Ok...

Ash: -barely awake- Uhhh, uhh you got something

Kukui: Yeah look here, oh wait can you read?

Ash: -reading- "There have been occurrences of a pokemon called riolu calling people that have strong aura." What does that mean, Mr. Kukui?

Kukui: -completely speechless-

Ash: What?

Kukui: Well I'm just surprised you can read that well and fluently

Ash: Well my dad taught me, but that's not the important thing here

Kukui: Yeah your right

Kukui: So Riolu, from my knowledge there have been 2 people who were excellent with Lucario, riolu final evolution

Kukui: The Legend Mustard, Lord of the 8 regin. And the second is the Son of Arceus and the ancient savior of the world 900 hundred years ago, Sir Aaron.

Kukui: Sir Aaron is well known for having a Lucario who could manipulate "Aura" at will, but he is dead by now, but Lord Mustard is still alive. You following all this Ash?

(I didn't know any of these things. Who was Sir Aaron? Who was Mustard?)

Kukui: So you don't know

Ash: Can you tell me more about them and this world

Kukui: This is not the time, I need to know more about you guys, after all we just met 2 hours ago

Ash: But I wa-

Kukui: No, we will do that later, now let's go back to your friends

Ash: -sighs- fine

-walks away in disappointment-

Kukui: Now, I got to get to the bottom of this -continues to collect data-


(I was thinking about a time when I overheard my father and some people talking)

-Flash Back starting-

-A school bell-

Iris: Wooooo!!! -Stretches- Finally, it's lunch time, we get to eat Mr.Viridi's cooking!!

Ash: For once I can agree with you Iris, everyday for 5 days a week Mallow's dad cooking is always good, each and every time

Iris: Ohh Ash you're using your brain, that's good -pats Ash's head-

Ash: Shut up cocky darmanitan

Iris: -Hits Ash hard in the head- Who are you calling a darmanitan!!!!

Ash: -holds his head- Ow, why don't you use that monstrous strength for something useful you darmanitan

Iris: -hits Ash on the head again- I don't care if your the chief's son I will hit you each and every time

Red: Hey can you quiet down and do this later, some people are trying to sleep here

Clemont: By people, I think you mean only you, everyday all you do is sleep

Red: Shut up four eye's

Serena: Hey guys come on all the other kids are leaving for lunch

(Most of the classes left for lunch but me, red, and our friend yellow stayed)

Yellow: why are you guys not coming to lunch?

Ash: I need to talk to red about our project remember

Red: -yawns- Just leave us here, go on yellow

Yellow: I will help you guys!! -she demanded firmly-

Red: *Arceus, what is with her* -stares at Ash- Ash?

Ash: -looking out the window at a girl- Why is Marnie always eating alone?

Red: Oh that loner

Ash: hmm, look who's talking, your a loner yourself

Red: Well I heard her mother died when she was born and her brother one rood piece sh-

Yellow: Red!! Don't curse again!!

Red: Oh Arceus!! -He screams- It's the same thing with you each day, your worst then my parents

-The classroom door opens-

Blue: There you are Yellow!! Come on out, we're playing soccer!!

Red: -Blushing-

Yellow: -Whispers in Red's ear- Oooo, Red are you blushing? -chuckles- it would be a shame if I told her you li-

Red: -covers her mouth- Shut it!!

Blue: -turns to Ash- Hey Ash!, Can you be one of the team captains again today

Ash:..........Na I'm good, how about you be team captain Blue, I recommend, now I got to do something, later!!! -leaves-

Marnie: -eating-

Ash: -walks up behind her- What's up Marnie!!!

Marnie: -chokes on her food-

Ash: Ohh I'm sorry Marnie!!!

Marnie: no...no...it's ok. -said in a quiet voice-

(This happened every time I tried talking to her. Another thing I released about her is that she kept looking at me everyday, so why won't she talk to me?)

Ash: You know Marnie -sits next to her- if you want to talk to me just talk to me

Marnie: I-I'm... S-Sorry -blushing hard-

Ash: Are you ok, your face is red!! Let me check your temperature! -puts his forehead to Marnie's forehead-


Ash: Your burning up Marnie, do you want me to take you to the nurse...............um Marnie?

Marnie: -fainted-

-later the day-

Marnie: Huh? Where am I?

Nurse: Well, you fainted... again -sighs-

Marnie: I did it again??!

Nurse: Sooner or later Ash will know that you like him, try and talk to him more

Marnie: B-but I can't, whenever I look at him or hear his voice I shut down -said quietly-

-Someone knocks on the door-

Nurse: Looks like he's here -opens the door-

Ash: Hi Marnie are you finally awake! -said with a big smile-

Marnie: -about to faint again-

Nurse: NOO!! Keep it together Marnie, you can do this, you will thank me later -winks-

Ash: Come on, let me take you home

Marnie: What about school..... -said extremely quietly-

Ash: It was over 3 hours ago, it's dark now, now let's go

Marnie *He stayed in school for an extra 3 hours to wait for me to wake up* -Blushes Hard-

-With Ash and Marnie waking home-

Ash: *Now that I think of it, I have never been to Marnie's home or seen her Dad. I remember her brother tho and he's nice, hmm.*

Ash: So Marnie what is your dad like?

Marnie: -Stop's walking-

Ash: Marnie? Huhh (I saw an extremely hateful expression on Marnie's face, it was the first time I actually got scared. Her eye's pierced mines like a dagger, it felt like her green eyes got darker and blacker)

Marnie: -shakes- Marnie!

Marnie: Uhh, o sorry -looks down- *He saw that face didn't he, why of all the people in this village why was he the one who saw me like that*

Ash: So... you don't like your dad? -said hesitantly-

Marnie: -dead quiet-

Ash: -shaking- *This is the most awkward I have ever been with someone, what should I do* -looks at Marnie- *She never smiles, is it because of her dad? I got to find out*

-They reach Marnie's house-

Ash: So is this your place?

Marnie: yes

Ash: Well see you tomorrow at school -about to leave when he hears his dad's voice-

Ash: Wait is that my dad -Marnie and Ash listen at the door-

Riley: We should teach the children about it

Meyer: Noo this is not the time!!

Tenebris aka Marnie's dad: I agree with Meyer, you have kept this village safe from the outside world for years now!!! It is foolish to get involved in outside affairs

Riley: -sighs- I got to tell you all something, it all started when Ash was born, the barrier has weakened

Village Elder 1: What do you mean by weakened!!!

Grace: Yes and why haven't you told any of us about it

Riley: I'm sorry, I was not sure myself until yesterday. Ash told me he could see the barrier... then when I wasn't looking he went to the barrier and when he touched it, it weakened again.

Aqua aka Blue's mom: What!!! But that's impossible, I thought only you could see the barrier!!

Riley: Well he is my son, but I lost my power years ago, I didn't think he get them as well

Village Elder 2: This will be a problem, Ash picks up things at an abnormal speed, sooner or later he will explore outside the village and tell the other children, we must keep him tamed

Riley: Do not treat my son like some animal!!! I will not stand for it

Village Elder 2: You are mistaken, if your son has inherited your powers and abilities he will put this whole village in danger, 200 years ago you made this place to hide people from the outside world. If King Giovanni finds us, he will surely kill everyone here to get Ash

Riley: That is the exact reason why I said we need to teach them about every thing that is going on in the world before it's too late!!!! -he yells-

Meyer: Wait just a minute, before we talk about that we still got to ask what Tenebris called us here for

Grace: Yes I would like to know why you called us here too

Tenebris: Well.....you know what let me show you, Piers my son, bring her in!!!!!!!

Piers: -brings a young girl in-

Village Elder 4: Impossible!!

Meyer: Is that really her!?!

Riley: Tenebris care to tell us why the hell do you have Princess May of the Maple clan with you!!! -slams fist down-

Tenebris: I found her this morning around the barrier. Now that you told about Ash this makes sense.

Grace: Even if Ash weakened the barrier how did she find us and get inside

Riley: -walks up to May and rubs her head- don't worry, you will be fine, we are not going to hurt you -looks in her eyes-

Riley: -turns around to Tenebris- What did you do to her Tenebris!?

Tenebris: Hmm, I don't know what you mean

Riley: I may not have my powers but I know all my students, she has the same look Marnie has! What did you do!?!?

Tenebris: -sighs- I just....ask her some questions, she wouldn't talk so I had to be a bit forceful

Meyer: Are you mad!! -spills water- Her father will surely find her and when she tell him what you done he will declare war!!

Tenebris: Your are too soft, we are already in war!!! I don't give a damn if her father is the Lord of reign 3, if she is a danger to this village, no this island I will annihilate her!!!!

Riley: Just because Fresis (aka Marnie's mom) died doesn't give you the right to treat your children like the way you are!!

Tenebris: Riley, for the last time, do not tell me how to raise my children!!!

Village Elder 1: Silence!!!! We are getting off topic, what are we going to do with the child!!

-After about a minute-

Riley: I will keep her at my house with Delia, any objection -looks around-

-Every nods their heads-

Riley: Good

Village Elder 1: I now commence this meeting over!!

-WIth Marnie and Ash-

Ash: We need to scam Marnie they are coming -grabs her hand and runs to the woods

-End of Flashback-

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