《Pokémon Elemental High》Beginnings 2


Kukui: So who are you, kids?

(There was a long silence, well, we were scared, we didn't know what to do or say. Run? Fight? Little did we know we know that he saved us from eternal depression and revenge)

Ash: W-we are just lost, we are very sorry to bother you

(We were about to leave then got stopped)

Kukui: Wait, I saw the look in each of you kids eye's, it's a look of despair, I had that look once before.

Kukui: Risa! Tell your mom to cook lots of food!!

Risa: Ok!!

Kukui: Now then, tell me where are your parents?

(We all look away in silence)

Kukui: Nothing huh? I figured as much, why don't you guy follow me

-With Burnet-

Burnet: Hello Risa, what happened to your father? I heard voices.

Risa: Daddy found these kids, and he told me to tell you to cook lots of food!

Burnet: What is that idiot doing, fine I'll start making loads of food

-Back with the gang-

Kukui: Here's our outside Sento, clean yourselves and then we will eat and talk

Kukui: If you need anything just call me

(We stayed silent)

Kukui: Well....... Later


Clemont: So what are we going to do!?

Mallow: We will worry about that later, it's bath time!!!

Clemont: I don't trust him

Ash: Why not?

Clemont: Use your brain, some random dude finds us, lets us use his bath, and is cooking food for us, that doesn't seem right!

Ash: He has a daughter, and she looks like she is our age, I don't think he will do anything evil

Clemont: We still got to be careful, right Mallow, Serena?

Clemont: Wait, where did they go?

Ash: Yeah they we here a minute ago

(We heard a noise from the bath)


Ash: Looks like they are already in the bath, let's go

Clemont: Uhhh, Fine

(We walk-in)

Mallow: HEY YOU IDIOTS, GO TO THE OTHER BATHROOM (She throws a bucket at us)

Clemont: Mallow can be scary sometimes

Ash: You got that right

-With Kukui, Risa, and Burnet-

Risa: Dad what are we going to do with those kids

Burnet: I also want to know, what are you planning to do and why?

Kukui: I don't know.... They just remind me of .... Me.

Kukui: You know Burnet before you saved me from despair, they had that same look, something definitely happened to them

Burnet: I understand, but did you even get their names?

Kukui: No they were completely quiet .....Oh, shoot!! I forgot to tell them my name!!!

Burnet: You're still the same old Kukui. (laugh)

Kukui: Hey Risa, get some of your clothes for 2 boys and 2 girls, I forgot to give tell clothes while I was there

Risa: Sure thing

-With the gang-

Mallow: Ahhh this hot water is the best!!!

Ash: You got that right (I said from the other side of the wall)

Ash: But I think it's about time I get out, I will wait for you guys (I head out)

Ash: Oh wait, we don't have spare clothes don't we

(The door opens)

(Me and the girl looked each other in the eyes)

Risa: (Blushes and turns around fast) I-I'm sorry I should have knocked!!!! Ohh this is so embarrassing!!!!

Ash: It's ok, I had a towel around myself anyway, so you can come in

Risa: Sorry I don't want to

Ash: Well, ok, ohh yeah, I would like to ask you do you got any spare clothes

Risa: *Oh yeah, that's why I came here* Yeah I do, my dad told me to bring you guys some here, here you go (She gives me the clothes)


Ash: Thank you.......um......sorry what you name?

Risa: Oh I'm Risa!!! Daughter of the famous Professor Burnet and Kukui!!! What's your name? (She said with a bright smile that would illuminate a whole forest)

Ash: I'm Ash!!

Risa: Who are your parents?

Ash: Ohhh...um

Risa: Oh sorry you don't have to answer

Ash: No No, me and my friends really haven't talked about it that much, I feel like this will help me get over it

Ash: So here we go, it all started on a regular day, until some people attacked our village, they burned everything and I'm not even sure my old friends are alive, but what we do know is that our parents sacrificed themselves for us to live. We have been surviving on our own for 2 weeks, then I heard a voice from your house. So yeah, that's our story, so sorry if we are a bit cautious of your family

Ash: Um, Risa?

Risa: (Crying Hard) I feel so sorry for you guys (She hugs me)

Ash: Uhh Risa your killing me, left -gasping for air- RISA!!!!

Risa: Ohh -Let's go- my bad hahaha

Risa: It sounds like you guys had a tough time, I'm sorry

Ash: It's not your fault, it's fine

Risa: Yeah, but what are you guys planning to do?

Risa: Do you have any dreams to achieve

Ash: Not really anything that comes to mind, but I know Mallow is following her family dream of becoming the best restaurant in the world

Risa: Well, I want to be a Pokemon Ranger

Ash: A Pokemon Ranger? What's that?

Risa: A Pokemon Ranger is a person who travels the world to save Pokemon that are in danger, whether it's from People, Pokemon, or even themselves. Me and my Eevee are going to become the greatest Pokemon Ranger that ever lived!!

Ash: That's sound amazing (I laid my head on the ground and stared at the outdoor sky, where the moon levitates and shines forever) Aren't the star's beautiful, my dad once told me this story

-Ash's Flashback-

Ash: Hey dad, I always wonder what do the star, sun, and moon, do and mean

Riley: Well, they are there to guide us

Ash: Guide us?

Riley: Yeah Ash, everything in this world was created by our father, Arceus, the sun is there to guide us through the day, and the moon guides us through the night

Ash: Then what do the stars do?

Riley: Don't think of what they do, think of what the mean, I love to think that when people or pokemon pass away they are reincarnated as a new star that fills the galaxy, our loved one's look over us and light up along with the moon to guide to a rightful heavenly life

-End of Flashback-

Risa: I don't really get

Ash: I don't get it too, but I know it meant something special, and I will cherish it for all my life

Risa: Hmmm, you and your dad must have something special

Mallow: Hello Ash where did you go -from inside the house-

Ash: Ohh we completely forgot about them, let's give them the clothes

Risa: Oh yeah your right, and I forgot, the food mom cooked might be cold, let's hurry up

Ash: Right!! (I smiled at her)

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