《Pokémon Elemental High》Beginnings


(Heavy Breathing and Running)

Ash: What's going on?!

Delia: Just keep running Ash!!!

Meyer: Dammit!!!!! How did they find us!!!!

Grace: Yeah I thought the village was coated in a special barrier Riley!!?!

Abe: This is not the time for pointing fingers, we need to focus on escaping those 2

Riley: That's not happening, those 2 are the black ops

Ulu: THE BLACK OPS?!?!?! I heard they never failed a mission before

Riley: Yeah that bastard and his family been trying to track me down for centuries, they are not going to give up that easily

Riley: They want me, I'll give them me!! (Turns around) Go Pikachu Lucario!!!!!

Riley: Take the Children and leave

Delia: No we can't do that

Meyer: Yeah She's right, we will fight with you!!

Riley: Ok thank you. But we need to get the children out of here, Delia do you still have Mr.Mine on you??!

Delia: Yes!!! Go Mr.Mine

Riley: Ok.........everyone say your last goodbye's

Clemont: No wait dad don't leave!!!

Meyer: I'm sorry Clemont, make you protect Bonnie with your life, I love you

Mallow: (Crying) Dad Ulu don't leave!!!

Abe: Looks like you will have to carry out the family dream Mallow

Use: Mallow, stay strong for us

Serena: Mom don't leave too

Grace: O my sweet darling Serena, I know you will grow up to be a fine beautiful girl, I will always be watching you

Ash: Nono mom dad don't go

Delia: (hug Ash tight) We are sorry we can't see you grow up

Riley: Ash, become strong, when they know that you are alive, they will come for you too, I'm sorry for bringing you into this mess, save this world, and follow your own way, goodbye my son

Riley: Delia!!

Delia: Right!! Goodbye Ash, Mr.Mime use hypnosis!!!


(Mr.Mime puts the kids to sleep)

Riley: Alright Go!!! (Throws a Pokeball)

(Mew pops out)

Riley: Mew, Thank you for being with me for all this time, please watch over each of them, now teleport them far away from this place!!!!!!!!

Mew: (Nods) Mew Mew!!!! (Teleports them)

Ash: (Waking up)

Clemont: Ash you're finally awake!!

Ash: What?....where are we? Where are our parents?! (he looks around vigorously)

(Everyone is silent, like an endless void)

Ash: Your-r...kid-ding me..... Right? They-y are really gone? Nonono!!! (Burst out crying)

Ash: Why!!!

Serena: It's going to be ok.... (She pulls ash to her and hugs him)

Serena: It's ok...... (Patting Ash's head)

Serena: you always help me out, Ash. Always told all of us to smile

Mallow: She's right, isn't that correct Clemont?

Clemont: hff..........how do you know if we will be ok? We are out here in the middle of a forest with nowhere to go, no place to take a bath, eat, and all the other things!

Clemont: Imma take a little walk (leaves)

Mallow: he always such a buzz killer

Ash: thank you, you guys. But, what do we do?

Serena: Were not really sure.

Mallow: we don't gotta worry about food because I collected all the non-poisonous berries

Mallow: Ahhh, I haven't showered in days

Ash: Who......were those people. Why did they do it?

Clemont: I'm back

Mallow: what did you find?

Clemont: Well it's pretty obvious we are in a forest, but we are lucky, there are no pokemon around here, I tried going out farther but there was this scary pokemon.

Clemont: (looks at bonnie sleeping) What do we do!? We can't feed a baby

Ash: Don't worry guys, we will last. I know it!!!!

(2 weeks later)

Mallow: Oh my God!!! We have been here for days!!!


Clemont: Actually we been here for exactly 2 weeks

Mallow: Oooh would you shut it!!!

Serena: I don't think we can last on berries and rainwater

Clemont: Yeah, Serena's right, we need to get out of this stupid forest

Mallow: What do we do then?! You said we can't go out because there are wild pokemon around here

Serena: Ash what do you suggest we do? Hey, Ash?

Ash: Do you guys feel that?

Clemont: Are you feeling fine?

Mallow: it must be this stupid forest getting to him

Ash: No I'm serious!! I hear the voices

Ash: Guys follow me, I think I can get us out of this place (Starts sprinting)

Mallow: Hey!!!!! Wait up (follows after)

Serena: (also follows)

Clemont: wait I can't carry bonnie all by myself. Uhhhh you jerks (also follows)

(after a good 10 minutes of running)

Mallow: YESSSSS!!!! (hugs Ash) Thank you we are finally out of this place.

Clemont: Mallow how about you look around, we are still in a forest.

Serena: No guys look there is a house, and it's big!!!

Serena: Ash is this what you heard?

Clemont: That's impossible!!! No one can hear voices from that far away!!!

Mallow: I do hear voices from inside the house

(A girl comes out of the house)

Ash: Who is she

Mallow: How are we supposed to know?

Random Voice: Who are you kids and what are you doing here?

(They all scream)

Another Random voice: Hello Kukui what wrong!!!!!!

Kukui: Well Burnet there are kids hiding here.

Mallow: Ohh no were dead, they are going to kill us!!!

The Little girl: Hello!!! Who are you guys!!!

Kukui: Risa stay away from them until we know what's going on

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