《Pokémon Elemental High》Beginnings 4


Ash: *I need to know more about this world*

-He hears another voice, but it wasn't coming from the egg-

Ash: What -looks around- now it's a different voice, it's coming from outside

Ash: -About to open the front door-

Risa: Ash? Where are you going?

Ash: -gasp- Oh Risa.. -awkwardly laughs-

Risa: So where are you going? It's raining hard out there

-the sound Ash hears gets louder-

Ash: Uhh -covers ears- *What is happening! First it happened with the egg and now this!!?*

-Ash runs out the door-

Risa: Wait!!! Where are you going!!!! -runs out the door after him-

(I was trying to find where the noise was coming from)

Risa: Wait Ash!!! What are you trying to find!!?!

Ash: -voice gets louder and louder- *I think I'm close*

-They finally reached where the voice was coming from-

Ash: What Pokemon is that?

Risa: It's a charmander -rushes to it- O no it's tail flame is almost out

Risa: Come on Ash we need to get it somewhere safe -looks around- Daggit where direction did we come from!?

Ash: Sorry I don't remember

Risa: Let's just go!!

-After 2 minutes of running they find a cave-

Risa: Yes!! Finally we are out of the rain!!

Risa: Ok we need to warm charmander up, do you know how to make a fire?

Ash: Sorry no -gets a flashback-

Riley: Ash you should know how to make a fire

Ash: It's to much work I don't feel like it

Riley: Are you sure my son, a skill like this will come in handy one day

Ash: hff -turns head- I don't need to know

-end of flashback-

Ash: *I should of listen to him* -facepalms-

Risa: -Thinking- how are we going to warm him up then

Ash: How about we use our body temperature?

Risa: Yes go thinking!! ...............actually not so good idea

Ash: Why?

Risa: Well for one our clothes are soaking wet, and two if we use other bodies we will have to be naked

Ash: Oh yeah, my bad!! *I'm an idiot* -facepalms-

(Once again I heard a voice)

Ash: There is no time left!! It's going to die soon, I can feel it!!!

Risa: -sighs- fine...... turn around!

Ash: Ok Ok -sighs- *Why are girls so rude* -turns around-

Ash: You done yet?

Risa: Yes, and I have a better suggestion, how about he take turns warming charmander, and by the time were done, our clothes will probably be dry

Ash: Fine, can I sit down now?

Risa: Yes, and don't turn around!

Ash: Ok, stop telling me.........I wonder why it was out there

Risa: Yeah, your right, it definitely would of died in a couple of minutes if we haven't shown up

Risa: Wait a minute........how did you know where the charmander was

Ash: I'm......not sure myself, I remember overhearing my father say I had powers or something

Risa: Powers!? -laughs- I guess your a superhero now !!-laugh-

Ash: -quiet-

Risa: Wait, you're serious?

Ash: I can't really say if it's true or not

Risa: You know, you and your friends are not like other kids, since I started my education a month after I was born, we of nobility are supposed to know about everything at a young age, but most of the lower class 6 year olds my age don't understand my so called "advance" speech, but you are just as smart as noble and rulers bloods at a young age, who are you guys and where did you come from?


Ash: I'm not sure once again, we came from a large village on an island called "Sacris Tengoku" but when I was in your father's lab I saw the map of the world, I tried and tried, but there was no place on this earth called Sacris Tengoku. After that I remember something I overheard, something about a barrier and the outside world. Who knows anyway -lays back-

-8 hours later in the morning-

Risa: Ash wake up!! -shakes him-

Ash: -yawns- W-what! -stretches-

Risa: Charmander is back on the rock we found him at

Ash: w-what why!?

Risa: I think you were right, he may be waiting for someone

Ash: Then let see what's up

(We watched charmander wait on that rock for a couple of minutes, but then we saw someone coming)

Charmander: Char char -running towards this person

Damion: Wow, charmander your alive -laughs- that's surprising I was sure the rain was going to kill you! -kicks charmander-

-Risa rushes out-

Ash: Hey wait!! -facepalm- uhhh

Risa: What do you think your doing!!!

Damion: Who are you kids?

Risa: Answer my question!!

Damion: I'm charmander's trainer -shrugs-

Risa: What!??! Then why was he out in the rain!!!!

Damion: Hmm I see, your the one who help charmander. Well I got no need for this stupid lizard useless lizard anymore, so I thought I would get rid of him

Risa: -shocked- that just cruel!!!

Damion: Does it look like I care

Risa: People like you are the exact reason why I want to become a pokemon ranger

Damion: So the little girl wants to be a Pokemon ranger, haaaaa that's a funny joke. Since your aiming to be a Pokemon Ranger I would guess you would have a pokemon by now, care for a little battle?

Risa: Your on!!! Go Eevee!!! -throws pokeball-

Damion: What a cute Eevee, too bad I'll have to destroy it!!! Go Charmeleon!!! -throws pokeball-

Damion: As you see right now I don't need that weak charmander when I got the next best thing

Ash: -hiding- *Woo, that must be charmander next evolution, I can tell from here that it's powerful

Risa: Ok Eevee use swift!!! -A barrage of stars head toward charmeleon at an alarming rate-

Damion: Burn those stars to ash with Flamethrower!!!!

Risa: Eevee dodge!!!!

-Eevee dodge the ferocious flamethrower at the last second

Damion: For a kid your not bad, now let's see if you can take this

Damion: Charmeleon dragon claw!!

-Charmander jumped in the air and heading to Eevee with blazing speed-

Risa: *Ohh no Eevee won't make it* Eevee counter it with Take down!

-Charmeleon and Eevee collide with both their attacks but the Charmeleon overpower Eevee sending it flying towards a tree-

Risa: Noo Eevee!!

Damion: hmm, I didn't even have to break a sweat, is that really all you got future Pokemon Ranger -laughs-

Ash: -furious- Hey!! Don't you ever make fun of someone's dream!!

Damion: uhh!!! Another one, do you want some too kid?

Ash: Sure but your going to be the one to lose

Damion: Then send out whatever pathetic pokemon you have

Ash: *Shoot I don't have one!!!*

Damion: Don't tell me, you don't have a pokemon? How do you expect to beat me


-Something touches Ash's leg-

Ash: -looks down- Charmander!!

Charmander: Char Char!!

Ash: You want to battle with me? You sure!?

Charmander: Charmander -shakes head-

Ash: -smiles- ok we will battle you!!!

Damion: -laughs- HaHahA!!!! Come at me them

Ash: Ok Charma- -gets interrupted-

Risa: NOW!!!

-While Ash and Damion were talking Risa told Eevee to did underground with dig-

-A direct hit-

Damion: You sneaky girl

Risa: Keep it up with swift!!!

-Another direct hit-

Risa: That's what you get for being cocky!!

Ash: Risa wait!! Let me and charmander handle this

Risa: What!?! Come on I was fighting him first

Ash: Please! This is personal for Charmander as well as me because he insulted your dream, we will not let him win!!

Damion: Big talk kid!!, let's see if you have what it takes to back it up!!! Use Flamethrower!!!!

Ash: Ok Charmander use Flamethrower!!

-The two scorching flames clash, but Charmeleon flames burn through Charmanders-

Ash: Charmander!!

Damion: I mean come on kid, it's only natural that Charmeleon is stronger than Charmander!!

Ash: We're not done yet!! Charmander use slash!!

Damion: Charmeleon Dragon Claw!!

-Charmander trade Charmeleon trade blows-

Ash: Charmander back up and come here, let me tell you an idea I have

Damion: *Truth be told I'm surprised, both the boy and girl are not bad for their age, but I can't lose!!*

Damion: So What are you planning there kid?

Ash: -smirks- you will see-

-Charmander grabs a rock off the ground and uses flamethrower on it to heat it up-

Damion: What are you doing?

Ash: Like I said you will see

-Charmander grabs mud with his other hand-

-The rock is heated up so much that it created a bit of magma-

Damion: I don't know what your doing but I'm not going to wait any longer, use Flamethrower!!!!

Ash: NOW!! -Charmander mix the mud and magma rock together and throws it at Charmeleon-

-The mixture of the magma rock and mud mix together with the help of Charmeleon's own hot flames and gets on Charmeleon arm-

Damion: What is this!? Charmeleon burn it off your arm with flamethrower

-Charmeleon's flames are making the mixture harder-

Damion: What the!!?

Ash: -laughs- Basic science I learned 2 years ago, first I grabbed a rock and use Charmander's flames to heat to rock to exactly 1300 degrees celsius, but for a rock to melt into manga it needs to be 1400 degrees celsius, I did this so Charmander would be able to hold and throw it. Now let me explain the mud, since we are in the natural forest the mud here is a mixture of water and many other minerals, and this is where your Charmeleon comes in, when I mix and threw the mud and magma rock at you it got harder because your making your flame extremely hot so the mud and pure magma fused and sticked on your body, so basically what I'm trying to say is the more you use your Charmeleon's flames the harder the magma mud gets, right now it's harder than cement, so good luck trying to get it off -smirk-

Risa: *Unbelievable, he thought of that on the spot while being in his first pokemon battle*

Damion: I won't let that stop me!!! Charmeleon use Flamethrower!!!!

-Charmeleon other arm weighed his body down making the Flamethrower miss Charmander-

Ash: Hff, come on even a baby can aim better that, but I'm not done yet I got another plan Charmander use smokescreen!

-The smokescreen covered the entire area where they were battling-

Damion: Dam, you and your tricks, Charmeleon just use Flamethrower all around full power!!!!

Risa: Ash, if he keeps this up the whole forest will be burned down

Ash: I know, just settle down and wait

-The smokescreen disappears-

Damion: What the!?

Risa: Amazing!!

-They saw Charmeleon's entire body being covered in mud magma from the neck down-

Damion: How is this possible even if you made more of that weird substance how did you know where Charmeleon was!?

Ash: I'll explain that right now, but look under Charmeleon's feat

Damion: No way, that was the same hole that Eevee made

Ash: You see that was where I got the mud in the first place, when you were in the smokescreen I set magma mud there as a trap, then when you where randomly shooting flamethrowers everywhere I felt where you wear just by its heat which not only gave me your location, I knew that was the exact location of the hole, you sir have fallen right into my hands

Damion: *Who is this kid!?!!? He not only made two different plans on the spot, he incorporated his surroundings as well as my Charmeleon's power into his plan, what do I do!?!? Charmeleon is stuck like and if I use my flames he will use it against me again, so how do I win!?!?*

Ash: I know exactly what your thinking right now, how do I win? It's simple because I'm no WE are going to win, right Charmander!!

Charmander: Char Char!! -glows in a blue ocean like aura-

Damion: You gotta be kidding me!?!?

Risa: It's evolving!!

Ash's Charmeleon: Charmeleon!!

Ash: -smirks-

Damion: Don't you mock me!!! I will not lose to a child!!! Go Pokeball!!!

-A Machop comes out of the ball-

Risa: Hey that's not fair!!

Damion: Life isn't fair kids!! Machop use Cross Chop!!

A voice above the tree: Incineroar use Brick Break!!

-The Incineroar one shots the Machop-

Damion: h-hh-how!?!?

Kukui: Sorry it took so long, I finally found you guys

Risa: Dad!

Kukui: -turns to Damion- I watched your battle and let me say that you're a disgrace!! Accept defeat and move on!!

Damion: No-o way, your professor Kukui!! AHHH DAMMIT!!!!! Charmeleon return!! -runs out the forest-

Ash: -wipes the sweat off- ohhh finally he's gone!!

Risa: Dad why didn't you come out early! You were the one who helped heal Charmander, there was no way us warming it up would have healed it

Kukui: haha so your figured it out huh, I guess you are my daughter, now for you ash, your friends are were really worried for you, the Serena girl cried all night so you should get back

Ash: I made Serena cry *Man I stupid* -about to run off-

Kukui: Wait!! Here you go!! -throws a pokeball-

Ash: What will I need this for?

Kukui: Isn't it obvious, go catch Charmeleon

Ash: I'm not sure Charmeleon would want another trainer after what happen

Kukui: Come on that's not what he think, you earned his respect, he would love to be your pokemon, isn't that right -looks to Charmeleon-

Charmeleon: Char Char!!

Ash: Well Charmeleon if you really think that, then come here and help me achieve my new dream, to become a Pokemon Master!! -catches him-

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