《Lunar Arrows - Deliveryshipping》Shadow I


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I have so much coming for this series! I'm super excited to keep going with this!


- Ninja

- A bit of SSG

- Zodiac stuff again, Oof

Shadow I

The discover of the open and empty zodiac sphere shocked both Moon and Platina. "Wha.. what?" Moon was saying. "Nobody of the Scorpio zodiac touched the sphere's belt to my knowledge.."

"We should check with your mother," Platina urged. "Let's see if she knows about this.. or not."

"It's theft," hissed the marchioness.

Sinnoh's princess put her hand over her chin. "Well.. it's something of the Novarro's. Might as well be you stealing from—."

"Let's just go," Moon interrupted. "We're wasting time." Platina nodded. They exited to underground room and ran to Grand Duchess Artemis's house. Strangely enough, Princess Stella Lumanlan was spotted coming out of the home. "Stella?!"

"Moon! You're mother's missing!"


"I've been trying to find her. She's—."

"Been captured," a voice said. The three women of royalty turned in the same direction. It was Duchess Blue.

"Blue!" shouted Moon. "What did you just say?"

"Kidnapped," the duchess said with a steely gaze. "Come with me."

Just then, a sound emerged. Noir cawed. Moon's cherry blossoms finally became bare. A tear ran down Sun's cheek. The wind lifted Blue's hair. Stella Lumanlan's face fell. Princess Platina's eyes widened. A sword was heard being yielded out. It was not of duchess's.

"ATTACKER!" roared Blue.

With a bow and arrows in hand, Moon began shooting at the direction of the sound. Stella and Platina hid behind Artemis's manor. Blue took out her sword. "Thrilling, isn't it?" asked a voice.

Blue took a step back, widening her eyes. "A-Astrid..! That means—!"

Mr. Polarri appeared from the darkness. "I've taken back your hostages. Green was a terrible fighter."

The duchess gritted her teeth. "Where is Green?! You've taken him, haven't you?!"

"He's in a safe place, do not worry, Duchess Blue Takoizu. How about I make you an offer?" Suddenly, Sun appeared right next to him. He didn't dare to look at Moon.


"S-Sun?!" stammered the marchioness.

"What offer?!" asked Blue.

"The marchioness of Alola for the marquess of Kanto."

"DECLINED!" bellowed Blue. She ran straight at Polarri, preparing to stab him with her dagger and sword out. Just then, a shuriken was thrown. It struck Sun's boss in the heart. Moon sharply turned around. Platina was dressed as a ninja. Her hair was tied into a ponytail and her scarf covered her mouth. She spun another shuriken with a finger.

"Moon," Platina whispered. "Run."

"Wh-What?!" asked Moon. "I'm fighting with you two!"

"Just.. RUN, MOON!" Blue shouted, swinging her sword at Polarri's henchmen. "WE'LL FEND THEM OFF!"

"If your mother's kidnapped, so will you be kidnapped," murmured Platina.

"I can fight! I can fight!"

"Moon!" yelled Stella. "Stop being so stubborn and come with me!"

Just then, a masked man grabbed Moon by the neck. He used a syringe to inject her with a red fluid. The marchioness began losing consciousness. Platina sprayed a sleepy chemical while Blue rushed to the person holding onto Moon. Despite all that, the last thing that Moon saw was Sun. Sun Taiyono.


Phoebe Novarro's questionable words on Gemini caused Marchioness Crystal to look up on it. She rummaged through the library, but couldn't find anything about a zodiac sign betrayal.

It troubled her for days. Phoebe wouldn't talk. Gold decided to go back to Sinnoh out of boredom. As he packed his bags, Crystal came into his room. "Hey.. Gold."

He glanced up at her. "What's up, Crys?"

"Could you tell Silver about the merchandise thing when you arrive? I keep forgetting.. it's horrible."

Gold grinned. "Yeah! Sure!"

"Thank you." Crystal continued her search without his presence. Day by day, she read and read. Right before losing all hope, Crystal found something while randomly flipping pages of an old book she stole in Phoebe's room. A note had fallen out of the book. It read:

When the twins fall,

The clouds shake.

When day falls,

The clouds break.

When expiration lands,

Your destinies die.

Crystal scanned it over and over, trying to find out its true meaning as a whole. Twins could be referred to as the Gemini twins. Clouds could be referred to as the heavens since the twins were united in the heavens by Zeus. Clouds breaking could mean.. rain? Crystal didn't know what the poem meant by days falling and destinies ever having expiration dates.


What Crystal concluded was that the Gemini sign meant something very crucial to the Novarros. She decided to not confront Phoebe about her find.

Upon a frantic phone call, Crystal grabbed her rope and left Johto.


A black boot banged the cell bars. "AGH!!" raged Blue.

"Blue.. don't—."

"AGH!!" she repeated, kicking the bars once more. They didn't budge. Moon sighed, slumping onto the concrete floor. "This is all my fault."

"Moon..," Blue said, looking back at her. "Don't blame yourself, please. Haven't we been over this at your marchioness ceremony?"

"Blue. This is different. We're in a cell. You're frustrated.. kicking and kicking. You only turned yourself in because they were threatening my life."

"Moon! Don't be like this! I'm feeling you right now. I entrusted Green with Astrid, Evan, and Sun. I.. I failed. I forgot that he couldn't fight as good as I could. My mom kept pushing me to fight every single day when I was young.."

"Sun.. why was he in your custody along with the Novarros?" asked Moon.


"It looked as if Sun was with the man that kidnapped us."

Blue leaned against the wall. "Sun Taiyono. He's a spy."

Moon boosted herself up. "A spy? Wh..at? I—."

"Welp, ask your visitor," said the duchess.

Moon turned. Sun was standing in front of the bars, outside. The marchioness grabbed hold of the bars and started to shake them hard. "You!" she hissed.

"H-H-Hi," stammered Sun.

Then, her head hanged. Her entangled her flowed wildly. "You know I know."

"Know.. what?"

"Know this!" she shouted, giving him a glare. "You.."

"I'm sorry, Moon," Sun told her. "I know this apology isn't enough, just be patient with me."

"I know who you really are now," said Moon. "Taiyono. Your parents.. they—."

"Got killed by a car crash," he finished and then left the two royals alone. Blue sighed and sat on the floor, against the wall. "From what I understand, his parents did a lot for your family."

"Blue," Moon said, looking back at her. "If he really is the son of the Taiyonos, why is he betraying us?"

"He didn't betray you. Your family betrayed him. The Lumanlans didn't really do anything about his parents' death to my knowledge, so he did something."

"What.. did he do?"

"He'll say it himself," said Blue. She kicked a rock that somehow got into the cell. Suddenly, guards appeared. They unlocked the cell and escorted Duchess Blue and Marchioness Moon.

"Where are we going?"

The guard pinched Moon's neck at her question. "Ah!"

Blue bit her lip at the guard's action. The two were abruptly thrown before Polarri and Sun. The Novarros formed two lines beside them and Phoebe was nowhere in sight. Astrid and Evan were faced across from each other. Lights were turned on as Polarri came down to them.

"Welcome, royals."

"Where's my mother?" asked Moon. "Where's my grandfather? I feel their presence here."

"That's because they are here, marchioness."

"Bring them here, please," she begged.

"Fine," Polarri said. He looked back two other guards. "Bring them." After a few moments, Grand Duchess Artemis and King Philio appeared behind Moon and Blue.

"Grandfather! Mom!"

"Stella.. was right," was all Artemis said.

"Now, the deal," began Polarri. "Lumanlans, give back the throne. My ancestors lost it because of your little scheme. As a descendant, I will fulfill my duty and bring back the throne! Your ruling is weak and horrible. All of the other ruling families have way more royals than five! With the help of these kind Novarros, I will rule all of Alola! All its beauty, all its wealth, everything! All will be mine! Surrender the throne or prepare to die. That decision is simple, isn't it? Give it all up! The stars are in our favor. I will be king, Sun will be the prince—."

"No," interrupted Sun.

Polarri looked back at him in surprise. "What? What do you mean by no?"

"I told her to be patient."

"Who's her?"

Suddenly, a female's roar of rage was heard. The next thing they knew: Polarri's underground headquarters began crashing down.

"Patient," muttered Moon.

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