《Lunar Arrows - Deliveryshipping》Lunar II


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Honestly, I might eradicate the hiatus. I apologize for this chapter being short. It's suppose to give the story an opportunity to successfully told the way I wanted it to be told. Enjoy!


- Blue and Green, badass team!

- Woah that rhymed; what the heck.

Lunar II

Moon was covering her lips with both hands and bearing widened eyes while trying to take in what had happened. Sun had already ran off to school in embarrassment.

She walked into the second living room and sat on an armchair. The raven-haired marchioness grabbed her phone and looked at her texts. The Sinnohian princess had just texted her ten minutes ago:

I arrived at Alola's airport.

I'm coming.


Ah! Perfect timing!

I am at your door.

That is perfect timing, aha.

Exiting the second living room, she dashed through the grand hallway towards the front door. Moon opened the door, revealing Platina.

"Princess Platina!"

"Greetings, Moon!" the princess beamed. "I'm awfully exhausted right now."

"How about we stay here for a bit to rest and then we'll go to the zodiacal sphere?"

"Sure," Platina said. "I'd be glad to."


Astrid Novarro ran up the steps to the corridor of Polarri's hidden mansion. Her brother, Evan Novarro, was right behind her. She clenched her fists as she looked over her shoulder down at her brother panting.

"Hurry up, you slug!" Astrid hissed. "We're going to be late!"

Evan gritted his teeth. "You're so selfish. Do you realize how tiring you are to be with?" With that, Astrid stopped running and glared down at her brother.

"You think what I'm doing is selfish?" she snapped. "I'm risking my reputation for our family's power! This doesn't mean you're supposed to lay back and do absolutely nothing!"


"You are the one that messed up everything!" Evan shot back. "Now we have to confront him and apologize!"

"Oh!" barked Astrid. "So I'm the one who did it? I'm the one? Me? Evan, you can't possibly be serious."

Her brother closed his eyes. "Astrid, stop playing dumb."

Astrid began laughing hysterically. "Says the liar. Says the one who's unreliable and doesn't do anything for the Novarro name."

"Astrid!" roared Evan. "What has our mother told you? Did she swallow you up with lies? Did she make you think you could do this all by yourself? Did she say I was irresponsible? Astrid, tell me!"

Her eyes were suddenly filled with tears. Polarri's footsteps boomed into the corridor. Echoes of voices reached the Novarros' ears. Before they knew it, Polarri stood within sight.

"My, my," the man began. "What have I heeded to?"

Astrid and Evan's eyes darted to Polarri's dark figure. Two of his men threw each of two hostages beside Polarri. Evan widened his eyes in shock. "Grand Duchess Artemis and King Philio!"

Artemis spat and licked her lips. "Greetings," she mumbled. "Welcome back, Novarros."

Her father glanced at her, filled with concern. "Arty?"

"Something got in my mouth."

Astrid wiped her tears and began snickering. "You two look pathetic."

"I know we do," said Artemis. "You crying after your brother's little speech is even more pathetic, I must say."

"Arty!" hissed the king. "Manners!"

"Father, do I really have to? These people allowed for something horrible to happen to us!"

"Once a royal," he breathed. "Always a royal." Artemis bit her lower lip in frustration. The Novarros agreed to put them in the dungeon. As Artemis was being pulled away, she threw one last soft glance at Astrid. It was one of those longing looks made by mothers. It reminded Astrid of her mother.


But before she could say anything, Artemis and her father disappeared into the darkness with Mr. Polarri. Evan grabbed Astrid by the arm and led her out of the cave.

When they reached the light, two figures came out of nowhere. "Gotcha!" It was Duchess Blue and Marquess Green. Both held a sword out for each.

"What are you doing here?" asked Green.

"What are you doing here?" asked Astrid, through clenched teeth. "I dare you to kill me! I dare you. I know you can't!"

Blue withdrew her sword. "You know we know." She glanced at Green who was still holding out his sword in fury. "Green, it's no use."

The marquess ignored her. "Astrid, where is my cape and shield?"

"Green!" hissed Blue. "Withdraw!"

Astrid had a sly grin on her face. "I burned them."

Green gritted his teeth. He raised his sword, ready to strike. "Withdraw, Green!" hollered Blue. His sword fell out of his hands. The weapon struck the ground, leaving a dent on the titanium sword.

Blue crouched down and picked it up. Her bangs covered her eyes, casting a black shadow over half of her face. "Green, we're going back."

The marquess turned around sharply. "Blue—!"

"What I said!" she commanded. "Marquess Green."

He obeyed and started walking towards the dock. Blue pointed her sword and his sword at the Novarros. Her eyes became blue flaming orbs. "You two are coming with us, too."

"You can't order me around," Evan insisted. "Grand dukes and duchesses are allowed to order dukes and duchesses."

The duchess tilted her head. "Oh really? Is that how you roll? You let your sister with no rank drag you around? Do you use your title to run away every once in a while?"


"Yeah," she interrupted. "Now I see. Come along. We shall march to somewhere deep."

Blue glanced over her shoulder. Green was out of sight. She dragged the two Novarros to the dock.


Sun Taiyono received a message from Polarri, telling him that Moon's mother and grandfather had been successfully kidnapped. He frowned. He was running out of time.

After school, Connie and Hau caught up with him in the library. "Heya, Sun," she whispered.

"Hi, Connie," Sun greeted back. He turned his attention to Hau. "How are you doing?"

"School's so time-consuming," Connie complained. "I'm going to die one day."

Hau shrugged. "I'm glad that we have no homework. My teachers all having mercy for once is amazing."

The sky was suddenly turning purple. Sun stopped walking. A call from Polarri rang his phone. The library's lights were killed. Murmurs arose. Staff tried to calm people down. A sword was taken out.

"Spy Sun Taiyono?" asked a feminine voice. Sun lifted his head and closed his eyes. Everybody was looking at him. He turned around. It was Blue.

Finally, he spoke. "Yes?"

"You're coming with me."

Connie gasped. Hau took a step back. Green appeared next to Blue, holding out a sword. Noir landed on the school's roof. People began evacuating the library.

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