《Lunar Arrows - Deliveryshipping》Lunar I


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Blah. I have nothing to say, other than I am honestly exhausted. Enjoy!


- Foreshadowing

Lunar I

Moon didn't know how a letter managed its way into her room. She stared at the folded up letter, not knowing what to do with it. "Moon? You alright?"

She looked up. Sun's eyes made contact with hers. Moon looked away after a few seconds. "Yeah, I'm good."

It was the morning of the next day and Sun was making breakfast. He was making waffles for breakfast, something that Moon rarely ate. The last time she ate them was when she was ten. She sat up, sighing. Sun raised an eyebrow, "You sure?"

"Mhm," she replied. He walked out of the room, returning to the kitchen.

"Waffles are almost ready!" his voice boomed through the hallway.

"Okay!" she shouted back. Moon grinned and threw her coral sweatshirt on. She quickly tied her hair up into a half up ponytail. Moon looked down at her gray polyester yoga pants. She shrugged and headed out of her room into the dining room.

Sun came out of the kitchen with two plates with three waffles each, carrying them with the help of mittens. "Dang, you sprint fast."


He laughed heartily, which caused her face to go hot. The boy placed the two meals on the table and took off his mittens. "Smell good?"


"Great!" Sun beamed as he smiled warmly. "Just going to worry about the taste for now."

"I bet it'll taste great!"

Moon plopped herself down in front of her plate and started eating. "Ah! I forgot to add syrup!" said Moon, when she saw Sun pouring it for his breakfast.

"Here ya go."

Moon grinned. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He smiled back.


Blue Takoizu sighed as she moved the back of her hand on her forehead. Her dead phone was on the floor and she was right beside it. Her eyes darted to the front door when she heard a knock on it.

"Who is it?" she hollered.

Blue swore she could hear his eyes roll. "You know it's me."


"Who else?"

"Thought you were Red, to be real honest with ya," she told him. Blue stood up and walked over to the door.

"Can't blame you."

"I know you can't."

Blue opened the door, revealing Green. He sauntered inside with his hands tucked into his pockets. "Nice vacay home."

"Honored," the duchess remarked. "Anyway, what're you doing here?"

Green hanged his head. Then, he replied, "I heard there was something going on."

"Like what?"

"Novarros," he uttered. "Essies. Lumanlans and Takoizus."

Blue sneered at him. "You're only here for the drama?"

Green snorted before answering, "Drama? No way. I like action."

Glaring at the earl, Blue walked towards him. "What are you exactly here for?"

It took a few moments for him to answer. In them, the two made eye contact for a long time. But it wasn't nice. Both of the royals had fire in their eyes. A breeze for an open window in front of them lifted Blue's long locks and moved Green's spiky hair.

Noir landed on Blue's roof and pecked it. "The Novarros stole my sister's shield and my cape," Green said to the floor.


Blue's face was covered with confusion. "Wait, wait, wait. Who would want your cape?"


"Of course you!" she scolded. "But your cape isn't really that special, right?"

"It is to me."

"Yeah, to you, you dumbo."

Green ignored her, crossed his arms, and leaned against a wall. "The real question is, what are they trying to do?"

"Intimidate you."

"Then, they're failing."

"I was kidding."

"I know you were."

Blue licked her lips. "So, have you stolen from the Novarro lobby without me?"

Green took out a metallic gold envelope. "This." The duchess flicked her eyes from him to the envelope and accepted it. She lifted the flap and pulled out a piece of paper.

She gazed at the paper and squinted, "Phoebe's cursive is terrible."

"I agree," Green told her. "Thought you could read it."

"I can."

"Guess I was right."

"'Dear Astrid, I hate myself.'"

"She didn't say that."

Blue rolled her eyes and read aloud:

Dear Astrid,

I hate thinking of how much you've gone through without anyone by your side. This time, I'll be with you all the way. I want you to know that I'll support you in whatever you do as your mother. This is all in return for my absence in your early life.

Your mother,


Green raised an eyebrow. "Absence?"

"Phoebe and Landon Novarro sent her to boarding school without hesitation. It made her angry. She even snuck her way into Kalos to rant to her brother."

"Where's the boarding school?"


"City? Town?"

"No idea," Blue told him. "I never really look into it."

"Understandable," said Green. "Any guesses though?"

Blue crossed her arms. "You sound very.. persistent."

"Any guesses?" he asked again.

"Castelia City is a guess. Astrid developed a love for shopping while in Unova. No doubt she's been there more than several times."

Green glanced up at the ceiling. "So that could be where she's hiding right now."

Blue's eyes started to widen. "Wait.. are you saying-?"

"I'm saying she stole my sister's shield and cape while I was trying to steal that letter in the lobby. I had her neck by the tip of my sword and asked her where she was going. She told me somewhere far from Hoenn."

"You went all the way from Hoenn to here for information?"

"Not really. I thought she would be here already."

"So then, how do you know Astrid's taken refuge at her boarding school?"

"School uniform. Astrid has many friends there, I bet. When I looked at her school's mascot on her clothes, she became alarmed and immediately found the courage to get out."

"Like you've found something she didn't want you to know."

Green nodded slowly. "Yup, like that. I tried texting you, but you were on hiatus. You were the same for the girls."

Blue shrugged. "Just decided the only way to reach me was personally."

"That could be a problem."


Sun threw his backpack over shoulder and glanced at the clock. It was only seven. He sighed and put his backpack back down from where he picked it up.

Moon was doing the dishes. "Too early to go?"

"Thirty minutes I need to waste."


"Video games?" suggested the marchioness.

Sun shook his head. "Nah, I'm too tired. Waking up at like five-thirty in the morning isn't really my jam."

"It's nobody's jam, really."

"Includes you?"

"Includes me."

Sun smirked at her. "Didn't expect to see a rich royal to be doing chores."

"Well," Moon began. "We're not that rich. My mother and aunt have servants, though. I told her I wanted to be a responsible adult like her and live alone. And so, she taught me how to do chores."


"I'm lucky to have her."

"I'm sure you are."

Moon grinned. "Mhm."

Sun smiled back. And then a phone call vibrated his device that was safety tucked inside his pocket. He took it out and took a glance at the screen. Polarri.

The raven-haired marchioness was staring at him. "Who is it?"

Sun made eye contact with her and then lied, "Hau."

She believed it and gave Sun a small smile, which him feel like he'd been torn apart. He hastily went into his room, closed the door, and answered the call.

"What is it? What is it?!"

Polarri's deep voice came through the phone. "It's almost time."

"No, no!" hissed Sun. "I want more time! I need more time! I need more information!"

"You've already gotten enough."

"Boss, please! I beg you!" he pleaded. "I'm not ready!"


"I just am not! Please. Please, please!" Sweat was sliding down his face.

Polarri's Hoenni accent came alive as he cursed under his breath. "Fine, I'll consider that."

A pink petal fell as Sun hanged up. Sweat-drops hanged onto his right cheek. Moon's footsteps could be heard right outside the door.

"Sun, you okay? I heard some yelling."

Sun turned around sharply. "You eavesdropped?"

"I couldn't hear your words," Moon replied. "But I could hear your pitch and tone. I don't know how to explain.."

The clock struck 7:10 A.M.

A cherry blossom became bare. The three others were still holding onto their delicate petals. Sun wiped his sweat with the back of his right hand.

"What?" asked Moon. "Is there something you don't want me to know?"

Sun hesitated.


He walked over to the doorknob. The spy grabbed the knob and twisted it slowly. He heard Moon take a step back.

Sun pulled the door open. He took a small step towards her, leaning. Closing his eyes, he moved closer until he finally reached her lips. He kissed her.

Another cherry blossom tree became bare.


"You cheated on me!" cried the television. "Alvin, you did all this! And you still want me back?"

"Ew," said Crystal, relaxing on her bed. "Change it."

"Wait!" Gold shouted. "I wanna see what Alvin says!"


The camera switches to a man with brown hair and daring eyes. "I've always loved you."

"Gold! Change it!"

"Fine, fine! I wished I stayed in Sinnoh."

"Don't think I didn't wish the same," muttered Crystal.

"My parents hate me."

"And I hate you, too. I can't blame them."

"Who said you should?"


Gold was flipping through channels. Both Crystal and Gold never really watched television. They only ever watched when Silver forced them to (watch Proteam Omega) or if something bad happened.

"Agh!" said Gold. "Nothing to watch."

"Told you," Crystal blurted out.

Gold pressed his thumb on the power button of the remote. "So, what do we do?"

"I have to tell Silver that the new Proteam Omega merchandise is out," the bluenette told Gold. "I don't know what you're going to do."

He looked over his shoulder at her. "Hey, Crys?"


"Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Shush," ordered Gold.

Crystal obeyed and then, she heard something too. There was a scratchy sound coming from down the hall. But before Crystal could say anything, a crash was heard and the scratchy sound stopped.

Gold went out of the room first, followed by Crystal. They hurried down to the last door at the end of the hall. The earl opened the door.

Phoebe Novarro was in the room. Her body was lying on the floor by the broken pieces of a vase. She had been crying.

"Viscountess Phoebe!" cried out Crystal. "Are you alright?" She rushed to her side.

"T-The stars," began the woman. "have betrayed me."

"Stars? What stars?" asked the bluenette.

Gold examined the viscountess's room. Phoebe's purple room had a map of the zodiac constellations pasted onto a wall. A red mark was on the Gemini constellation. He asked about it.

"Nothing," said Phoebe, a little harshly. "It's none of your business."

"As marchioness, I command you to tell, viscountess!" demanded Crystal.

"Gemini will be in the skies by the lasting weeks of May. It's coming."

Crystal got up and left of the room.


Grand Duchess Artemis stood by her father and watched him slowly touch the Sagittarius constellation. "My king, no offense, but you're becoming harder and harder to look at."

"I know," was the answer.

"I wish Mother was here."

The king turned around. "Don't think I don't feel the same way."

"I don't."

"Very well, then."

He stepped back as the belt started glowing. "It's complete!" beamed his daughter.

The zodiacal sphere's belt broke, causing the whole sphere to fall apart. The scrolls appeared floating above the remains of the sphere.

But then, a flock of masked men filled the underground room. They captured both Artemis and the king.

"Father! Father!" cried out Artemis.

"I'm alright!"

She spotted a masked man trying to grab the scrolls. "No!" Artemis screamed, but it was too late. The men left with them and the two royals gasping for air.

Artemis asked, "You okay?"

"I said I was alright!"

"Good," she said. "I'm going to get those scrolls back. I'm betting those men were sent by the Novarros—."

"Or Polarri," interrupted the king. "Could be literally anyone."

"It belongs to the Novarros!"

"Perhaps they're late this time!" he said sternly. "My lord, Artemis! Your ego's larger than you think!"

"It is not."

"So it is!"

Artemis threw her hands up in the air. "How?!"

"There's proof in your horrible relationship with Stella, control over your brother, and your lack of knowledge on how your own daughter's dealing with life!"

Artemis looked away as her father continued lecturing, "You don't know how she conceals her identity at school, right? She pretends to be the daughter of the principal! Don't know if Moon is not being spied on? She is being spied on!"

"Moon never told me."

The king was shaking his head. "It is because you never asked. You never actually used time on her."

The grand duchess stared at the floor. She couldn't look at her father anymore. Turning to the entrance of the underground room, Artemis spotted a light flickering from above. She cautiously walked over to it. But then, the woman stopped. "Father," she began. "We're going to get those back."

But right after Artermis's announcement, Polarri appeared. His face hovered over the entrance.

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