《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 17



(Y/n) POV

After the Sports Festival, the school had given us a few days to recover from the intense fights. It especially came in handy for people like Midoriya to heal.

It was finally time to come back though, and I was exhausted. I had spent the past days training and preparing for the internships. I wanted to make sure I was in top shape. It's kind of contradicting but I'll roll with it. I hadn't heard of anyone yet, or more like; no one had heard of me. I had spent my time cooped up in the gym or sleeping. My phone was mostly turned off during the entirety of it so I wasn't surprised to see a surplus of messages flooding in. I never bothered to check though, as I was too fucking tired to care. I yawned as I made my way to the door, letting Bakugou in. It had now become customary for him to knock, or scream more like, at my door before school since my irresponsible ass had slept in more times than you can count on both hands. I would always grab his books, and he would do my tie.

"I think it's about fucking time you learn how to do your tie, or do you need me to tie your damn shoes too?" He grumbled as we walked up the street.

"But I don't even have shoe laces. Also, it's just so much funner when you do it for me!" I giggled.

"How the fuck is that fun?"

He growled.

"Well I d-" I was cut off by an intense gust of wind in our direction.

Oh shit.

"Next time, go comando. Would ya', Doll?"

I felt my blood boil. I pulled down my skirt and held onto the hem of it as tight as possible, holding back the anger.


"What the FUCK YOU SAY, DOUCHEBAG?" I heard Bakugou's voice scream as it got farther with every word.

"Bakugou!" I yelled as I ran behind him.

I watched as he grabbed the asshole by his shirt and stare at him dead in the eyes.

"Say that again, I fucking dare you." Bakugou's voice had become much lower.

The scrawny looking guy was visibility shaking in his boots.

"Bakugou, come on. Let's go." I pulled on his bicep.

"Apologize right fucking now before I blow your good for nothing brain out of your head, if you have any brains, that is." He barked, showing the guy little explosions using his empty hand.

"I-i'm s-s-s-sorry-y." He spoke quietly, looking like he was about to faint.

Bakugou simply scoffed.


He put the guy down, but not without a push which made him fall on his ass.

"Lets go." He hooked his arm around my shoulders protectively and began walking away with me. As we got further and further away, I heard the dickhead run away.

"Fucking garbage. Does that happen to you often?" He turned his head to me.

"Well this is the first time I actually flash someone, but I guess guys do say some stuff like that sometimes, unfortunately." I spoke in a low volume.

"I'm sorry, that must really fucking suck." He whispered.

What is this? Empathy?


I remained silent.

Suddenly, I noticed his arm was still hooked around me. A light and rosy blush appeared on my cheeks.

"Oi, what's wrong with you."

Oh no, he noticed.

"Nothing! Nothing at all!" I laughed a bit, trying to clear it up.

"Weirdo." He grumbled.

We walked in silence for the rest of the 15 minute trip up until we reached the door to our homeroom. It was, as usual, open. Chatter filled the room and it could even be heard from the corridor.


We walked in.

Some ppl turned to look at us, mainly the guys. They began whispering among themselves.

"Oh shit! Congrats Bakugou. She's hot."

Kaminari spoke up.

People turned and looked, gasping.

What the hell is he talking about?

Bakugou spoke my thoughts

"What are you on about?"

Kaminari then walked over to Jirou and put is arm around her.

My eyes widened while his narrowed.

He took his arm off of me almost immediately, but not before hesitating for a split second.

Hm. Odd

"We-uhm- I -uh.-"

I stuttered

"I dared him to do that!" Kirishima yelled. Everyone looked over at him.

"But why?" Kaminari questioned.

"B-because I wanted to?"

He stuttered.

"What an odd request."

Iida added, pushing up his glasses.

"Quiet down everyone." Aizawa-Sensei finally woke from his usual nap.

"As you may or may not know, the internships are next week. Some of you have been scouted by pro heroes while others will have the usual default options. They will now appear on the board.

As expected Todoroki, Bakugou and I had the most requests out of anyone else.

People chattered amongst themselves for a few minutes before Aizawa-Sensei began handing out the sheet of paper for registration.

I looked down at my options and analyzed them thoroughly.

"Hey, (y/n), who scouted you?" Tsu asked me, her big eyes staring at me curiously.

"Hmm..let's see..Mt. Lady, Edgeshot, GunHead, and~ Oh! Best Jeanist! Cool!"

"Which one are you gonna take?" Mina popped up out of nowhere.

"Well.. definitely not Mt. Lady. She's cool and all but I would assume she would have me more as a slave than a trainee. I don't know much about Edgeshot, so I don't think I'm gonna pick him. Gunhead and Best Jeanist are both super good so I don't really know! If I'm thinking into the future, Best Jeanist would be wiser. He is at the top so making those kinds of connections could really come in handy later on when i'm a third year. That's it! I'm going with Best Jeanist!"

I finished filling out my paper and handed it to Aizawa- Sensei.

"Best Jeanist is gonna have a handful this year." Aizawa spoke.

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" I complained.

"You and Bakugou in the same agency? This is bound to be entertaining." He smiled that weird smile of his.



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