《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 16


(Y/n) POV

I was sitting in the 1-A section of the crowd, watching the second bracket take place.

I had easily passed the first test seeing as I could basically fly and evade the obstacles with my quirk.

For the cavalry battle, or whatever it's called, I had joined up with Bakugou's team.

We all stood there, hoping to get picked by him like lost puppies following someone home.

"Wait, tell me all your quirks again?"

He looked at all of us, completely serious. we all sweat-dropped. In that moment, we all realized that Bakugou Katsuki was truly something else.

Everyone began explaining their quirks to him. When my turn finally came, I opened my mouth to speak but he cut me off.

"Oi, I know what your fucking quirk is, Smokey. I thought we had made it clear that you were already on my team." He waved me off.

"I can't have your dumb ass disqualified before we can even fight." He stared down at me, a glare in his crimson iris.

"Oh..um..okay?" I mumbled, standing behind him.

Now I was really hyped up. I had already made it really far in the Sports Festival. I wasn't nervous to lose anymore. I felt confident in where my abilities could take me. I also noted that various pro-heroes had a close eye on me which, although brought a bit of pressure, also made me wanna push myself harder.

I was shaking a little, excitement running through me, bouncing around like children in a playground.

Kaminari, who was sitting to my right, put his attention on me.

"Are you really that nervous?"

He asked, not seeing the smirk plastered on my features.

"No, now I just wanna kick some ass!" My expression became one which resembled Bakugou's.

Kaminari remained silent. I could feel him begin to shake a bit. I simply giggled at how intimidated he was by me.


"Aw man! I was really hoping to fight Bakugou!" I whined, stretching as I walked out of the arena.


"But I really enjoyed our fight, Todoroki! I knew you were strong, but wow! You're amazing! I put up a pretty tough fight!" I praised the two-tone haired boy.

"Oh, thank you." He spoke quietly.

"But you still did amazing, (y/n)! I even heard some super famous pro-heroes talk about you!" Mina added, giving me a tight hug.

"Thanks!" I blushed a bit, not knowing how to take the compliment.

As we walked down the streets, we heard a distinctive , low, rough voice yell behind us.

"ICY HOT!" Bakugou came rushing at us, narrowed, angry eyes focused on Todoroki, matched with furrowed ash blonde eyebrows.

"Oh shi-"

I didn't have time to finish my sentence as he grabbed Todoroki by the colar of his shirt and lifted him up, making eye contact.

"Why didn't you use all your power?! Am I not fucking worthy?! I want you to fight me, right now!" Bakugou demanded.

"Bakugou, put him down." I spoke in a pleading manner.

"Mind your own damn business, Smokey."

He barked back.

Todoroki just stared at him indifferently, which made him even more furious.

"What?! Am I not worthy of your words either?!" He yelled again.

"Bakugou, put him down."

We all turned to see Aizawa-Sensei walking toward us.

"Tch. Whatever" He clicked, letting go of Todoroki. He walked away, leaving us all in silence.

"What crawled up his ass?" Mina spoke, giggling at her own comment.

"I don't know." Todoroki answered. I glanced at the blue and gray eyed boy. He and I both knew why he was acting the way he was, but didn't want to bring more attention to it.

I started getting worried for the ash blonde. I also felt a bit tired so I decided I'd go home.

"Guys, I think I'm gonna head home. See you when I see you!" I said , beginning to walk the same way the blonde had.

"Byeeeeee girlllll!" Mina screamed, while Todoroki just waved at me.


I gave them a nod and left.

I ran down the street, hoping to catch up with the boy who had left not too long ago. I could see him in the distance.

"Bakugou! Wait up!" I called after him. I could see him glance back at me, but he kept walking. I was finally able to catch up to the boy but he didn't even spare me a glare.

We walked in silence for a good 5 minutes before I decided to speak up.



"I know you're upset."


"But why?"


"Please, Baku-"

"Why the fuck do you even care? It doesn't affect you so it's non of your damn business." He answered coldly.

"But it does matter." I whispered.

"Why?" He scoffed.

"Because I care about you." Before I could think about what I was saying, I spoke. My eyes widened a little.


"You really are stupid, aren't you?"

I remained silent for a moment.

"You're one of my, if not the closest friend I have." I spoke quietly as I watched the gray clouds move over the stars.

It was gonna rain soon

"I'm not your friend."

And then thunder.

I felt my heart fall from my chest to my stomach. His words cut through me like a knife. They hurt me more than I was capable of admitting.

But I wasn't giving in. I was gonna be his friend if it was the last thing I did. I wanted him to consider me as one. I wanted him to confide in me. I wanted to get close with him. I wanted him to have a friend. I knew he deserved it, even If I didn't exactly know why.

"I don't think that we aren't friends. Our relationship has all the qualifications to be called a 'friendship'. I think you just don't wanna let yourself have friends. Because you think that if you do, you'll get distracted from your goals."

He seemed taken aback.

"You're allowed to let loose. We're still kids. You have three years to be the best. You're already so ahead of everyone else. Why can't you see that?" I tried to reason.

"That half n' half bastard is basically at the same level, if not stronger than I am, as much as it hurts to admit. And Deku's been hiding his true power all along like the little fucker he is. He's still way weaker than I am though." He spoke, looking away from me.

Was he, embarrassed?

"Let me reiterate this. You have 3 ENTIRE YEARS to become better. I'm not telling to to stop doing what you're doing, because it's working. You are hella fucking strong and really damn smart, but you shouldn't push others away. You need people to help you grow and to motivate you. If Todoroki or Deku didn't exist, you wouldn't know you still had a lot of room to improve."

He didn't answer me. I didn't expect him too. All I really wanted was for him to think about it and consider this. And by the pensive expression he wore, I knew I had fulfilled my goal.

We walked in silence. We passed by a coffee shop with a few advertisements and fliers posted up. I skimmed through a few until my eye caught something interesting.

"Perfect!" I exclaimed.

"What is it now?" He grumbled.

"The carnival!" I pointed at the piece of paper taped to the inside of the dimly lit coffee shop's window.

"What are you on about?" He groaned as he stoped beside me.

"During or after the internships, we HAVE to go! That way, you can fucking let loose for once in your entire life!" I jumped excitedly in the same spot.

I expected him to complain or groan at the idea but his words caught me off guard.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever."


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