《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 15


(Y/n) POV

It was finally the day of the well known U.A. Sports Festival. I could feel my stomach ravel itself into knots. I felt so nervous.

What if I embarrass myself?

What if I loose?

Will my classmates be disappointed in me?

I shook my head from one side to another and back, trying to shake off the toxic thought clouding my mind.

I looked around at my surroundings, searching for something else to think about. I stared at the trees that were around me. I watched as the different colored leaves fell to the ground, my eyes following them. I looked down at my unfamiliar (f/c) shoes. I had decided it would be wise to come suited up in my gym uniform. That way, I could save myself some time to stretch and prepare.

My walk to school was awfully lonely and quiet. I felt myself missing the blonde boy's 'company', if you could even call it that. It was odd for me not to see him. I mean, he did live a few houses down from me, so what gives?

I shrugged, knowing it wasn't a big deal.


I set down my (f/c) bag on the brown desk, feeling the nerves intensify ten fold. I didn't even get time to talk to anyone in homeroom before Aizawa-sensei called our attention.

"Everyone, as you may know, today is the Sports Festival.~"

I listened to all he had to say attentively, making sure not to miss any kind of detail.

After his explanation, people began shuffling to the locker rooms. I stared down at the keychain hooked to my backpack, fiddling with it. I felt a shaky breath escape from my mouth. I closed my eyes, trying to clear my mind.

Suddenly, I was startled at the feeling of a hand touching my shoulder.


I turned around in the blink of an eye.

My orbs met with kind green ones.

"Oh! Deku! W-whats up?" I scratched the back of my neck nervously, feeling a bit embarrassed at my scared reaction.

"Sorry! Did I scare you? I didn't mean to." He smiled nervously, acting out the same nervous tick I had.

"Oh no! It's fine!" I smiled back at him.

"So what's up?"

I asked, curiously.

"I just wanted to tell you that you'll do great out there! You're quirk is super strong and so are you! So don't be nervous!" He tried to give me a reassuring grin.

Thanks, Deku."

He stared at me oddly.

"W-whats wrong?" I asked, worried.

"Well, you called me Deku."

I looked at him, puzzled. Wasn't that his nickname?"

"What I mean is, only Kaachan calls me that. It's kind of supposed to be an insult." He looked at the floor, defeated.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry. It's just, Bakugou always calls you that so I assumed it was a common nickname." I explained, feeling a bit ashamed.

"Oh, it's okay." His expression looked determined now.

"So you and Bakugou get along then?" He asked, attempting to make conversation.

"I guess you could say that? Why?" I asked, wanting to find out a bit more about the boy we were talking about.

"It's kind of nice to hear that. Sometimes I get worried since he never seems to make any friends. He doesn't get along with most people. I guess there's Kirishima but it isn't confirmed.

"Hm..interesting. Well, ironically enough, he's a pretty explosive guy but once u get to know him, he's pretty quiet."

"That's good. I thought he'd always have that temper."


"Oh trust me, he still does. If he talks, it's a 9/10 chance he's gonna scream."

We both chuckled at this.

With nothing else to talk about, we stood in awkward silence.

"Uh, well..anyway, I should go get changed now! See ya!" He stumbled out of my way quickly. As he was about to slide the door open, someone else entered. I watched as Bakugou bumped his arm against Midoriya's shoulder, seeing as though there was a significant height difference.

"O-oh! Kaachan! U-um. Good luck!" He ran out, cowering under Bakugou's glare.

"Hey Bakug-"

"What were you and that nerd talking about?" He growled, rather aggressively as he walked towards me.

"We were just talking about the sports festival." I said slowly, wondering what had him in such a bad mood.

He had me backed up against a wall now.

"You better not fucking loose, to him. You got that?"

I felt my cheeks heat up at the close proximity.

"Uh, yeah. I got it." I pushed him gently, hoping he'd budge.

"I wanna fight against you. So you better bring your A game."

And just like that he was leaving.

"Woah, Bakugou! What were you doing in there?" I heard Kirishima's voice, followed up with his head popping in through the doorway.

He stared at me for half a second.

"Oh! I see how it i- OW WHAT THE FUCK."

I listened as they argued, the voices getting quieter and quieter as they walked further and further away.

I took in a deep breath.

I found myself smirking at the thought of fighting Bakugou.

"Let's see how this goes."


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