《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 13



Bells rang as we stepped out of the small restaurant. My mouth was still burning. I couldn't help but bite the inside of my cheek, which in turn, only made it worse.

Distress was written all over my face. It was an understatement to say I couldn't handle spicy food.

Bakugou glanced at me from the corner or his eye.

"Stop being overdramatic. It wasn't even that fucking hot."

I stared up at him in complete and utter disbelief.

"The fuck you mean it wasn't that hot!?" I yelled desperately.

Suddenly my eye caught something that looked like heaven. I watched as a little girl with purple hair in pigtails walked by with a cone of strawberry ice cream. I stared at her. Then I looked back up at Bakugou. He quickly caught on to my gaze and huffed.

"Alright, fine. But you owe me a fuck ton, you know that, right?"

I simply nodded my head in desperation, not letting any of his words actually sink into my ears and brain. All I could focus on was the cold and delicious treat. We crossed the street and turned a corner. We found ourselves looking at a white and pink building only a street crossing away with big and bold letters that read; Neko's Ice cream.

I ran toward it. Forgetting I had someone beside me. I could almost taste the dessert in my mouth. Suddenly, someone grabbed my hand and pushed me towards them.

Then, I saw it. A speeding car racing past.

"You're an idiot."

My eyes flickered up to see the blonde boy staring down at me with his mesmerizing eyes.

I felt myself smile softly.

"MY HERO!" I screamed as I jumped on him, laughing.



"Alright, alright." I hopped off.

"But still... thanks."

"A true hero's job." He said, smirking.

"You really do have an ego, huh." I said, teasingly.

"Shut your dumb ass up before I change my mind on getting you ice cream." He yelled back.

"Of fuck. True." I mumbled before we made our way into the shop.

Kirishimas POV

Ashido and I were walking out of a Mexican restaurant as we spotted a certain ash blonde boy and a (h/c) girl.

"You think it's them?" Ashido asked, tugging on my sleeve.

"Yeah, it's definitely them." I nodded.

"Lets follow them then!" Ashido said, a mischievous grin plastered on her face.

"Alright." I said as we began walking a few meters behind them. I could hear them banter about something until suddenly, they changed rout.

"You think they know we're following them?" I asked.

"Nah! No way!" We both said in unison.

We both stopped talking as we saw (y/n) start running in the direction of an ice cream place.

Then my eyes widened as they flickered toward a speeding car.

I was about to scream something until I saw something unfamiliar flash in Bakugou's face before he composed himself. It was too fast to see. The entire thing happened in less than 10 seconds but all I knew is that he grabbed onto her like it was life or death. I mean, it was so it made sense.

Both Ashido and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Honestly, I kinda wanna eat donuts now.." Ashido whispered.

Yeah me too." I responded.


On our way to the donut shop, I couldn't get the situation out of my head. All the events flashed over and over again. I had never seen that look before, at least not in Bakugou's eyes.


Frustration? No

Sadness? No, thats not it either

"Was it just me or...did Bakugpu look...worried or even...scared for a minute there" I heard Ashido's voice speak up after a while of comfortable silence.

"Yeah..that's what I was trying to figure out. I've never seen him look like that before. I mean I can't say much. I don't even know if he considers me a friend or not, but regardless, Bakugou had never been like that." I finished.

"Yeah, I agree." Is all Ahsido said before we walked into the café.


(Y/n) POV

We made our way into the building. I let the sweet aroma roam my nostrils as we put our things in a booth.

We made our way to the glass. All the different colors caught my eye.

"Hi! What can I get you?" I kind eyed girl with bright blue hair cut into a curled bob greeted us.

"Yeah, I'll take a plane vanilla cone." Bakugou spoke up.

"Oh, and I'll take a ( favorite ice cream) cone please!"

She quickly scooped both ice creams and handed them to us.

I went to sit down as Bakugou payed.

He then sat on the other side of the booth.

I was about to say something before the same girl came up to us.

"I almost forgot! It's customary for customers eating inside the shop to wear little cat ears."

"Why?" Bakugou grunted.

"Well, because this is the Neko Ice Cream shop!" She said back, smiling at him.

"Yeah ,Bakugou! It's the Neko Ice Cream shop! We'll take em'!" I said happily.

"Perfect! Here you go!" She set two pairs of cat ears on the table.

"Thank you!" She said, going back behind the counter.

"No, thank you!" I grinned, looking at Bakugou.

I slipped one on my head. I looked at the other one, which was still laying on the table. I stared at him as I licked my ice cream.

"Absolutely not." He said plainly.

"Please???" I pleaded.





"Fuck! Alright, fine!" He grumbled, putting on the conveniently blonde cat ears that matched his hair perfectly.

"You looked so cute!" I squealed as I grabbed my phone, quickly snapping a picture of him.

Luckily, he didn't notice.

"So did you notice Ashido and Kirishima stalking us?" He asked, nonchalantly.

"Yep." Was the only thing I responded before I began devouring my ice cream.



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