《Smoke (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)》Chapter 12


(Y/n) POV

On my way to Bakugou's house, the phone buzzed in my pocket. I quickly snatched it up and read the message.


"Oh, so he remembered." I whispered to myself. I found myself smiling at the thought of him keeping his promise.

I kept on walking. Feeling the wind blow on my (h/c) hair. Then another ding

I chuckled to myself, thinking about all the times I heard him and his mom yell at each other.

By the time I had received and read his message, I was already at the front porch of his house. I stepped forward and knocked on the front door. Soon enough, a young woman with spiky ash blonde hair and crimson orbs that strongly resembled Bakugou's stood in front of me.

"Hi there!" She said enthusiastically.

"Oh, uh.hello." I said politely.

"Listen, if you're here to sell me cookies, I'm all stocked up!" She smiled.

"Oh! No no no. You've got it all wrong! I'm here for Bakugou. We were gonna go to the police station." I smiled at her nervously.

Something in her sparked. Her eyes glinting with mischief.

"Oh! He'll be down in just a moment. Why don't you come in?" She said, standing to the side, letting me in.

"Oh, ok!"

"BAKUGOU! YOUR GIRLFRIENDS HERE!!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs, giving me a quick startle.

"THE FUCK YOU SAY, OLD HAG?" He yelled back.

I couldn't help but chuckle as the two bickered for a minute or two. Soon, Bakugou came down the stairs wearing a black v-neck t-shirt, some dark wash jeans, a black and white letterman jacket, and a red scarf. He looked super cute.

Wait, what the hell am I talking about????

I was snapped out of my trance by his mothers voice.

"So why are you guys going to the police station? Kind of weird for a first date,don't you think, Bakugou?" She stared up at him, a smirk forming on her lips.


"Oh no! It's not like that!" I said, waving my hands nervously in front of my face as heat rushed into my cheeks.

"Then why are you going there?" She asked curiously.

"Its just.." i looked down at my feet hesitantly, feeling embarrassed.

If I told her, she might've thought I was weak.

"Some fucking douchebag was stalking her." The familiar rough voice spoke up.

I closed my eyes, waiting for her to laugh at me. My eyes widened as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked at her.

"I'm sorry hunny. That must've been scary, but it happens to most of us." Her warm smile comforted me.

"Thank you." Was the only thing I could say as I smiled back at her.

Silence emerged in the room. It felt kind of awkward. Thankfully, Bakugou cleared his throat.

"We should get going." I felt him grab my sweater and lead me out of the house.

"Hey you little prick! Don't be an asshole to her, you got that!?" I heard her scream at him from inside.

He only let out a low and angry growl as we began walking down the street.


"Thank you for reporting this. We will do our best to find and catch the man who did this." The young police officer expressed with a sorry expression. We were currently at the police station, reporting what had happened. Bakugou stayed silent during most of the time spent there, questions on how he played into the situation being the only exception.

"So let's make sure I got the story right. You were walking home from school later than usual, and suddenly this guy who came out of nowhere tried to persuade you into coming with him. When you ignored him, he got angry and began stalking and chasing you. He then tried to attack you and you threw a metal pipe at him. You made it home but the man followed, threatening to kill you. When you thought it was clear, you called your boyfriend here~" he looked at Bakugou. "to stay over and make sure you were safe."


"Oh..he's not my boyfriend.." I clarified.

He scribbled on the paper before looking at me.

"Oh, my mistake. Anyway, lets get into some important things."

I nodded.

"Since the man followed you home, we can assume he knows where you live. If he was serious about the death threat, he might come back. He'd be stupid to go alone, so chancea are he would bring more people. We are currently working on some classified things, so we won't be able to send an officer to keep watch for the next few days. If you do not feel safe, I would strongly psuggest staying at a family member's or friend's house in the mean time. I would also suggest investing in some sort of small defense weapon such as a taser, pepper spray, or pocket knife just in case. You were lucky to find that metal pipe, but if there is a next time, you might not want to risk your life on luck."

I simply nodded again.

"Alright. Is that all?" I asked, grabbing my things and standing up.

"Yes, that is all. Have a good day, mis. Stay safe. Now if you'll excuse me." He said, leaving the room.

"Alright lets go." Bakugou said, already half way through the door.

The bright light from the outside shined on his pale skin and blonde hair, making him look angelic. I could only stand there, mesmerized.

"What the fuck is wrong with you." He said, grabbing my sleeve and leading me out. I shook my head.

"Ah, sorry!" I blurted out.

I looked at the time.

"It's 3:00 pm. Do you wanna get some food? I'm kind of hungry..." i said quietly. I stared up at him. He just looked at me with an annoyed expression.

"I-if you don't want to go thats fine too! I-I'll just go by myse-"

"Yeah, sure, whatever. But I choose the place. Got that?" I said stubbornly, avoiding eye contact.

"Cool! Where do you wanna eat?"


I was hearing my heart beat rise every pant I took. I could feel sweat dripping down my flushed face.

"Fuck!" I groaned.

"Shut the fuck up." He smirked

"I know you like it."

"It's so good but..." I panted

"IT'S SO FUCKING SPICY! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?" I yelled with a mouth full of curry.

"You're fucking disgusting. You know that right?"

He said, munching on his hot plate.

"Shut the hell up, you asshole." I cursed.

"Is everything okay here?" The waitress with deep blue hair asked us, offering her kind smile.

"Yeah, we'll take the check." Bakugou stated, taking a sip of his cola.

"Will that be split or together?" She asked, already grabbing Bakugou's empty plate and my half full one.

"Ah fuck." I mumbled, looking at my empty wallet.

"Together." Bakugou said whilst he looked at his phone with a bored expression.

"Alrighty then! I'll be right back with it!"

I stared at him while he stared at his phone. Suddenly, his eyes flickered up at me.

"What?!" He grumbled lowly.

"Thanks." I simply said.

"Yeah. You owe me one, dumb fuck."




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