《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》End2-26: Kiss


I found Y/N sitting on the dining table with her head in her hands. Concerned, I walked up to her and sat beside her. Jaemin was at school and Y/N and I had taken the day off. I spent most of my time with her. I'm always worried about her. Y/N is everything to me. Does she even know that? We've grown up together and watched each other go through nearly every stage in each others lives. It's been so hard for me to watch her go through her hardest stages. It brakes me seeing her broken.

I placed a hand on her shoulder but before I could speak, Y/N said "I'm fine Jungkook." After having asked that question so many times she knew what I was going to say before I said it. I tilted my head. "Are you sure?" It had been 11 months since Y/N and Jimin divorced. Nearly a year. For the first few months Y/N was completely broken. She didn't leave her room and cried to herself nearly all the time. I comforted her as much as I could. But now she's been getting better. She goes out more often with Jaemin and smiles a little more often too.

"I'm fine" Y/N repeated. Looking at my disbelieving look she said "Really Jungkook. I'm...actually ok." She gave me small smile. "I think that I am truly ok. I'm not lying this time. You were right when you said it will take time for everything to be fine and...I think that time has come now. Just like you said it would."

A smile formed on my lips too. "You really did keep your promise" Y/N said. I laughed slightly and pulled her into a hug. "I told you so" I said softly. I stayed silent and simply held her in my arms.

"Thank you" Y/N whispered with her eyes closed and her head resting on my chest. "For what?" I tilted my head. "Everything" She replied. "For everything. For being there for me when I needed someone. For helping me when I didn't ask for any help. For calming me down and comforting me when I needed you. For never leaving my side."

I gently placed my hand on her chin and lifted her head up. I wanted to tell her why I did all this for her. Not just because she's my best friend. Because she's more to me. Way more. But I didn't say anything and just smiled since I wasn't sure if I should tell her. If it's too early to tell her. If she's still recovering from her divorce.


"Are you going to start looking for someone?" I asked curiously. Y/N looked at me surprised by my question but said "I'm not sure if I'm ready to date just yet. Maybe I am. I'm not going to go looking for someone but if I do stumble across someone then...maybe I will date."

Do you have any idea how much I want you to 'stumble' across me? How I've tried to erase me feelings for you but no matter hard I try, I can't? That I wish I had confessed to you when I had the chance to in high school? That I wish would be that person you find?

Later that day, you got up from your bed and made your way to the lounge room. Nearly a year had gone past since your divorce with Jimin. You hadn't been in contact with him except telling each other when Jaemin will be staying with one of you. Jaemin was the only way you still had any contact with him. But that wasn't face to face, only short messages. For a long time you felt strange without Jimin. He had always been in your life since the day you met him. But now you felt ok. You felt like time had done its thing. You felt like you could live without Jimin and that he could live with someone else too.

You went in the lounge room and found Jungkook already there and sat down next to him on the couch. "Want to watch a movie or something?" Jungkook asked. "Sure" You replied. Jungkook grabbed the tv remote and switched it on. You both started watching movie of Jungkook's choice but you didn't mind.

After a few minutes you turned your head to the side to find Jungkook's eyes on you. "What? Why are you looking at me?" You asked and giggled slightly. "Nothing. You just look cute" Jungkook said and pinched your cheeks. Unknowingly you felt a smile creep up on your face and your cheeks tint pink. Jungkook chuckled then put an arm around you and rested his head on your shoulder.

You thought about everything Jungkook had done for you. You didn't even realise how much he's done. You didn't realise that every night when you broke into tears, silently sobbing to yourself, Jungkook always heard you and immediately goes into your room and hugs you to sleep. You didn't realise that everyday when you weren't smiling and were feeling upset, Jungkook was always the first person to ask 'Are you ok?' You didn't realise that if you ever needed to stay back at work, Jungkook was the one who left his work early to pick Jaemin up and take care of him. All for you. He did it all for you when you didn't ask.


After an hour or so pasted you realised it was afternoon and said "Jungkook I'm going to make lunch now" You said and tried to get up but Jungkook put his other arm around you, stopping you from doing so. "Jungkook, you need let go of me."

"But I don't want to" Jungkook whined cutely and held you tighter making you laugh. "Ya let go of me" You said and tried to pull away from him but of course your strength was no match for his. You rolled your eyes giving up as a smile creeped on Jungkook's face at his victory.

Then a smirk formed on your face and with your hand that was under his, you pinched his arm as hard as you could making Jungkook yell and retract his arms away. "Hey that hurt!" Jungkook whined.

You giggled at your victory and immediately got up and tried to run away from Jungkook who was right behind you. You didn't even get to run out of the lounge room when Jungkook caught you and you both tripped over each other's feet and came crashing to the floor.

You both groaned in pain but that quickly turned into laughter. You then realised that Jungkook was on top on you with his hands on either side on you. You both stopped speaking and silence fell over as you couldn't help but look deeply into his eyes. Those eyes were the same eyes you looked in for years but this time something felt different about them.

You then realised that your faces were extremely close to each other. Your eyes widened and your heart rate quicken as Jungkook's face came slightly closer to you until you felt his lips touch yours.

You certainly weren't expecting that.

Then Jungkook realised what he just did and immediately got off you. "I'm sorry" He mumbled and stood up, you doing the same. You were shocked at what just happened and touched your lips lightly where Jungkook's had just been and felt a smile unknowingly form on your face.

"I...I shouldn't have done that...I'm sorry...I wasn't thinking...I-" Jungkook stuttered, apologising to you. Before he could say anymore you took a step closer to him and kissed him. This time it was Jungkook's turn to be surprised not expecting you to kiss him back.

But then you felt his lips move along with you, caressing and gently moving across your lips. You felt your heart racing quickly at this feeling. If I said that I had never thought about how Jungkook's lips would feel before then I would lying. Because I have. But that thought vanished when I met Jimin and fell for the wrong person. You rested your hands on Jungkook's chest and he held your cheek with one hand and continued to kiss you which he has been longing to do so.

Jungkook pulled away and you were both speechless. You didn't know what to say. I just kissed Jeon Jungkook! My childhood friend who had feelings for me for a long time but I never returned them...until now?

Jungkook held one of your hands and said "Y/N, I love you. I have for a extremely long time. I know I've confessed these feelings to you before but was when you were already dating someone. And at that time I tried my hardest to erase these feelings and just be your friend but I just couldn't. Y/N you make feel something I've never felt with anyone else."

You found yourself smiling. "I...I can't believe I didn't notice before. You've always been there for me and loved me, but I went chasing the wrong person...maybe the one I really need has been there beside me all this time."

Jungkook wrapped his arms around you and held onto you tightly. "I love you Y/N" He said. You put your arms around him too. "I think I've always love you too Jungkook. I just didn't realise it."

I hope that your moving on too Jimin. I hope you have found someone else to love.

Because I have.

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