《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》End2 - Epilogue


"Mummy, Daddy can we go to the amusement park today?" Jaemin asked excitedly.

You were currently standing outside of Jimin's house, aka your old home, with Jaemin beside you, Jimin in front of you and Jungkook behind you since he dropped you off here. It had been a year since you and Jungkook started dating and you found out Jimin was too. You now both felt comfortable seeing each other again so once or twice a month you, Jimin and Jaemin would go out together. Jaemin was now 6 years old and would usually stay with one of you each week but of course he needed time with both his parents. Today was one of those days.

"Well you have to ask your Dad since he said he was going to pay for everything today" You said and looked at Jimin waiting for his answer. "Of course we can" He replied. "It's one of those rare days where you get to spend time with your Mum and I, so let's make it special."

Jaemin jumped in excitement making you and Jimin laugh. Then the door opened behind Jimin and a woman walked out of the house. Haeun, Jimin's girlfriend. She was extremely kind and a loveable person and you were glad Jimin found someone like her. Just like Jimin was glad that you and Jungkook were together. She walked up to us and said to Jaemin "Where are you going today?"

"The amusement park!" Jaemin replied. Haeun smiled then turned to greet you and Jungkook. You shook her hand and said "How are you?"

"I'm great" She replied with a friendly smile. You both actually got along with each other despite you being Jimin's ex-wife. "Has Jimin been treating you well?" You asked and looked over at Jimin. She laughed slightly as she knew your about your past and said "Don't worry, Jimin's an amazing partner." She turned to Jimin and he smiled and gave her a peck.

"Come on let's go!" Jaemin said. Haeun said goodbye to Jimin and head back inside the house. You started heading towards Jimin's car when you felt a hand go around your waist. "You weren't going to go without saying goodbye to me?" Jungkook pouted. You turned around and pinched his cheek. "Goodbye, I'll see you in a few hours Kookie."

"But that's such a long time" Jungkook whined and put his head in your neck. You giggled. "Jungkook you say that every time. It's not that long." Jungkook lifted his head up. "Well it is for me" He said and pecked your lips. "Send me the location and I'll pick you up in a few hours ok?"

"Ok, now let go of me, I have to go" You said and removed Jungkook's arms around you and quickly hoped in the passenger seat beside Jimin.

Time skip

You reached the amusement park and Jaemin immediately ran in deciding which rides to go in first. You went on many rides all of Jaemin's choosing and had fun all together. You and Jimin were no longer lovers but you were still close enough so that there wasn't any awkwardness between you two. Apart from these days you spent with him and Jaemin, Jimin was still one of Jungkook's best friends so you saw him often.


You came off the Ferris Wheel with Jaemin holding your hand and his other holding Jimin's. "Daddy, can I have ice-cream?" Jaemin said and pointed over to an ice-cream cart. "Of course you can" Jimin replied and Jaemin immediately ran over to the cart.

The three of you sat down on a bench while Jaemin ate his ice-cream. "Jaemin what are you doing? You're getting ice-cream all over your face" You said and reached inside your handbag for some tissues. Before you were about to wipe Jaemin's mouth, Jimin said "Wait, let me take a picture of you two." He took out his phone from his pocket and you held Jaemin in your arms while Jimin took a photo. "Should I take one with you and Dad now?" You asked.

"Lets take one together" Jaemin said. You looked up at Jimin not so sure about that. Jimin looked at you with the same uncertainty. Jaemin saw both your expressions and his own saddened slightly. "It's ok if you don't want to."

"What? No. No, it's fine" You said quickly and Jaemin's face lit up again. You looked over at Jimin to see if he was fine with it and he smiled too saying it was alright. "Ok, let me wipe the ice-cream of your mouth first" You said before taking a photo together.

After that, Jaemin went on a kids ride by himself and you and Jimin stayed sitting down on the bench watching him. "How is everything going with you and Haeun?" You asked. Jimin looked over at you and replied "Everything is great. I'm really glad I found someone like her."

"I'm glad too" You said with a smile. "You both make a great match." You both stayed silent for a moment then Jimin said "How are things with you and Jungkook? From being the closest of friends to lovers now."

You giggled. "Yes. I'm really happy with Jungkook. He's always there for me when I need him and he gives me lots of love and care. I just wish I returned his love for me before."

Jimin nodded slightly and looked down. "Then none of this would have happened" He said quietly. You both didn't speak until you saw Jaemin get off his ride but instead of coming your way he headed off in another direction.

"Jaemin! Where are you going?" You yelled and ran after him, Jimin being right behind you. You caught him and turned him around to face you. Jimin bent down at his level and said "Jaemin what are you doing? Why were you going the other way without telling us?"Jimin said worried.

Jaemin looked at you both apologetically. "I'm sorry Daddy, I saw another ride and I forgot to tell you where I was going."

"Well don't ever do that again" You said and ruffled Jaemin's hair. "Don't ever run off without tell us where your going you naughty boy."

Just then you felt two muscular arms wrap around your waist. "I know someone else who is being naughty" A husky voice whispered in your ear. You turned around to see your boyfriend.

Immediately a smile came across your face.


"You didn't send me the location of this place and you weren't answering your phone either. I had to ask Jimin hyung where you were" Jungkook in a frustrated way which you found adorable.

"I'm sorry Kookie" You said. Jungkook pulled you closer and pouted still upset at you. "No. Don't pout. Stop it" You said and tried your hardest not to melt looking at his cute face.

"Stop it Kookie. Put the pout away" You said and put a finger over Jungkook's lips. "Fine then" He said and removed your finger away from his lips to then place them on yours. You were surprised at Jungkook's sudden kiss but quickly smiled and kissed him back.

"Hey that's my Mummy!" Jaemin said and hit Jungkook's arm. Of course he understood your relationship with Jungkook but naturally he wasn't comfortable when you both acted that way around each other.

"But I'm her Daddy" Jungkook said smoothly.

You widened your eyes at what he just said in front of Jaemin and hit him too. "Ya Jungkook! How could you say that when Jaemin's right there!"

Jungkook gave you an innocent smile and you were about to wipe it off his face when you heard Jimin mumble behind you "Kinky." You turned around to face him. "Would you like a smack as well?" You said and crossed your arms. Jimin chuckled and said "No thanks, I'm good."

You rolled your eyes then turned to Jaemin. "Come on, lets call it a day. Let's go home now" You said and held out your hand for Jaemin to hold. "Wait" Jungkook said. "Is Jaemin coming with us? I thought he was staying with Jimin hyung."

"But I thought we were taking him home today?" You said and furrows your eyebrows. "No it's ok, I'll take Jaemin with me" Jimin said and held his hand. "That way you guys can be alone without being interrupted."

You became even more confused. "What are we doing tonight?" You asked Jungkook. Jungkook opened his mouth to say something but then he bit his lip and gave you a seductive smile. "That's not what I meant!" You said pointing a finger at him.

"But you made it sound that way" Jungkook said innocently. "Don't blame me for thinking differently." You rolled your eyes again. "Answer my question. What are we doing today?"

"Nothing. Just spend some time together" Jungkook said but you felt like there was more to it but didn't question him further. You said goodbye to Jaemin and Jimin before going home.

Time skip

It was evening and you and Jungkook were strolling across a field of flowers. There were many trees surrounding you along with hundreds of different flowers. You both walked hand in hand on the footpath, so did many other people. The sky was darker making the moon more visible. A soft breeze hit your face as you rested your head on Jungkook's shoulder and walked in a peaceful silence.

You loved every moment you spent with Jungkook. He always made you feel loved and not once were you unhappy around him. He did everything for you. He made your day brighter just by waking up in the morning to see him beside you. Your relationship with Jungkook was beyond anything you imagined and unlike yours with Jimin. He loved you and cared for you in every way possible. You wish you'd fallen for him years ago that way you wouldn't have had to suffer everything you had been through.

You both walked over a bridge with a running stream underneath. You stood in the middle of the bridge and looked down at the clear water running below you with Jungkook beside you. Jungkook put an arm around your waist and his head in your neck. "I love you so much Y/N" Jungkook said softly and started placing kisses on your neck. "I love you too Kook" You said and closed your eyes enjoying the feeling of Jungkook's lips on your skin. Jungkook put his other arm around your waist and turned you around to face him. He pulled you closer to him until your body was touching his masculine figure. He looked up at you and said "Y/N, I can't imagine life without you. You made me who I am today. You've been apart of my life for an extremely long time and I want you to be forever. My heart only yearns to be with you and I want to be with you forever." Jungkook placed a hand on your cheek and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "That is why I'd like you ask you a question."

You smiled at him. "What is it?" Jungkook then let go of you and bent down on one knee. You widened your eyes as you watched him take out a small velvet box from his pocket. "Jungkook it's not my birthday today" You giggled as you remembered the day Jungkook did the exact same thing, getting down on one knee and taking out a box but saying 'happy birthday' to you. Jungkook laughed remembering that day too. "Your right" He said. "But today is even more special." He opened the box revealing a beautiful silver ring. "Will you marry me Y/N?"

You put your hands over your mouth and felt tears building up in your eyes. "I know we've only been a couple for one year but-"

"Yes!" You cut Jungkook off. His smile grew wider hearing your answer. He stood up and you threw your arms around him. You felt tears roll down your cheeks as you smiled. This was a complete surprise.

You let go of Jungkook and he gently slipped the elegant ring on your finger then held your hand tightly. "I love you Y/N" Jungkook said softly.

"I love you with all my heart Jungkook" You said as Jungkook cupped your face his hands and wiped your tears away. He leaned in and kissed you lips. You wrapped your arms around his neck and moved your lips in sync with his.

I know I will happy now.

I know I'm with the person who I truly love.

I know I will not have an abusive husband.

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