《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》End2-25: Goodbye


You sat on the couch in the lounge room of your apartment. You closed your eyes and rested your head against the back. Why can't I stop thinking about you? It's like you've taken over my mind but I don't want you to! I want to forget you and move on. Why can't you just let me?

You didn't realise tears had started to escape your eyes until you felt someone sit down next to you and put a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N are you ok?" Jungkook asked even though he knew the answer. Jungkook had been staying with you most of the time to comfort you. He basically had moved in with you since he stays here more than at his own house.

You turned your head around towards him then hugged him. "I want to forget him, Jungkook" You whispered. "I need to forget him. I need to move on, why is it so hard?"

Jungkook held you tighter and said "I know separation is hard. Especially for someone who has been in a relationship for such a long time and has a child too. But if you really want to move on then you can. You really will." Jungkook made you face him. He looked at you with warm and sympathetic eyes then lightly placed his lips on your forehead. "It will take some time but I promise you everything will be fine" Jungkook whispered. You looked down with a sorrow expression. "I don't know if I can trust anyones promises anymore."

Jungkook put a hand on your chin and lifted your face up. "I promise you everything will be fine. Just wait and see if I keep my words." A small smile gradually formed on your lips.

Next day

You were taking Jaemin out to the park. As you were pushing him on the swing you were reminded of the times Jimin was here with you when you went to the park with Jaemin. Now you went with him alone. Now Jaemin had to spend his time separately between his parents. You felt bad for Jaemin. You had taken him away from his house and his father unexpectedly and now he doesn't spend time with both his parents together anymore.


As Jaemin got off the swing and headed for the slide, he stopped midway then ran in another direction. "Daddy!" You heard him say as you ran behind him. Immediately you stopped when you saw Jaemin run up to a figure and wrap his arm around the figures leg. Jimin turned around and look of surprise came over his face. "Jaemin? What are you doing here?" He said and bent down to his son's level. "I came here with Mummy!" Jaemin said with a smile and pointed to you.

You felt like your heart stopped working when Jimin slowly lifted his head up and his eyes met yours. You hadn't seen him in months now. Slowly you walked up to Jaemin and said "Jaemin...why don't you go play by yourself for a while and let your Dad and I talk for a bit?"

Jaemin nodded and ran off. You gulped and looked at Jimin. You didn't know what to say to him. "How...How have you been doing?" Jimin asked. You nodded your head. "I'm...I'm alright. It's...It's weird without you." Jimin looked down too at the awkwardness it was between you two. "It feels strange without you as well. Have...Have you found someone else yet?" He asked nervously. You didn't look at him and shook your head again.

You both stayed silent for a while. "Jimin...I think we should divorce."

Jimin widened his eyes and for the second time made eye contact with you. "Jimin...I'm really trying to move on from you but...knowing that I'm still married to you makes me still think about you all the time. It makes me think that I still might come back to you. It drives me insane thinking about you all the time. That's why...I think we should divorce. So then we can completely move on knowing it's really over."


Jimin took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. "Your right" He said quietly. "Maybe that is what's best."

A few days later

You and Jimin stood outside a building together after signing all the papers. You had spoken to Jungkook, the others and Jaemin about this. As much as heartbroken Jaemin was, he reluctantly understood you both weren't ever getting back together. You sighed and turned to face Jimin. "Well...I guess this is it" You said.

Jimin nodded. "I guess." He looked up and into your eyes. "Y/N, I know it's going to hard for a while. Moving on. But please...find someone else. Find someone who will love you. Find someone you deserves you, ok?"

You nodded and felt tears build up in your eyes. You weren't prepared for this, but in way you were. You just never knew this day would come. You put your hands over your mouth and started to sob silently. Jimin put his arms around you and gave you a hug. "I never thought we would end up like this" You said quietly.

"Me neither" Jimin said then let go of you and you looked up at him. "Y/N, I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I know I've caused you so much pain. I know it's too late for something like sorry but..I want you to know that I've realised what I've done, and I'm sorry for making you go through all that."

You gave Jimin a feeble smile and wiped away your tears. "I guess I forgive you. I don't want you to feel guilt all the time. I forgive you. But it's over now."

Jimin took a deep breath and said "I know." You both stayed silent for a while until Jimin broke the silence. "Y/N this isn't the last time I'm going to see you right?"

You gave him a small smile and said "Of course not. We still have a son. Maybe one day when we have both moved on completely we can see each other again and maybe even spend some time together with Jaemin. Even if Jaemin does end up having two different families no one can replace his two biological parents...and I think that he will want to spend some time with just us. So maybe...one day we can at least give him that."

Jimin nodded. "Your right. I think Jaemin will want to spend time with the two of us together and that's the least we can give him once we have moved on and are comfortable to do so."

You both stayed silent and you could tell it was time to say goodbye. But just before you did you said "Jimin?"


"If...If you ever remarry or find someone else...please don't ever hurt her." Jimin laughed slightly at what you said. "Don't worry, I've learnt my lesson" Jimin said. You gave him a small smile and then felt a pair of lips lightly touch your forehead. "Goodbye Y/N. Please be happy" Jimin said.

"Goodbye Jimin."




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