《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》End1 - Epilogue


You were in the kitchen making breakfast when you felt a pair of arms snake their way around your waist and pull you into a tight embrace. "Good morning baby" Jimin whispered in your ear. "Good morning Jimin" You replied with a smile and continued making pancakes for the two of you.

"Where's my morning kiss?" Jimin pouted and spun you around to face him. "Ya Jimin, the stove is on" You said and tried to turn back around to make sure the pancakes don't burn. Before you could, Jimin held you tighter to keep you in place. "Give me a kiss then you can go back to the stove" He said stubbornly. You smiled at his childish behaviour and pecked his lips. Before you retracted Jimin held you tighter and locked his lips in with yours not letting you go. You tried to gently push him back since the stove was still on but when you realised he wasn't going to let go of you, you gave up and enjoyed the moment.

As soon as Jimin pulled away you turned around to see your pancakes were burnt. "Ya Jimin this is your fault!"

After the two of you finished eating and you got ready to go back to your house. You had stayed at Jimin's house the night after the celebration in which you met Jimin after 2 years and forgave him. You had told Jungkook that you were at Jihye's house because you drank a little too much since you didn't want him to know where you were going at that moment. But this morning you told Jungkook where you really were and asked to talk with him and the others today at your house about you and Jimin. Today you were going to go back to your house to tell Jaemin, Jungkook and the others about you forgiving Jimin.

Soon you and Jimin were about to leave the house when you held into Jimin's arm to stop him from walking. "Jimin?"

He hummed in response. "If...If the others accept the two of us being together...can...can you move in with me? It's just that..." You took a deep breath and looked around the house and felt tears build up in your eyes. "I can't live in this place anymore...it...it traumatises me." You started to cry silently and Jimin immediately held you tightly with your head in his chest as you remembered all the horrors that took place in this house. "Of course I can" Jimin replied. "And...I'm so sorry I've done all this to you" Jimin said softly and stroked your hair. He then cupped your face with his hands and made you look at him. "Please stop crying" He said and wiped away your tears but they still rolled down your cheeks. "Baby please" Jimin begged. "I've seen you cry too much, Please smile for me now" Jimin said and hugged you tight. You stayed in his embrace for a while trying to calm yourself down. After you did, Jimin said "Are you ready to see our son together?" You smiled and nodded.

Time skip

You and Jimin got out of the car and started walking towards your apartment building. Before you were about to enter you said "Jimin...what if...what if they don't agree with us...being together again? I mean our past has affected them a lot, what if they don't...trust you anymore?"


You looked at Jimin nervously, worried about what their reactions were going to be. Jimin squeezed your hand tighter. "Don't worry Y/N. Everything will be fine...I hope" Jimin said trying to calm you down. You didn't know what to expect and were completely nervous about it.

"We need to have faith in each other. Please stop worrying. Everything will work out, ok?" You didn't say anything and still looked uncertain. "Can you trust me?" Jimin asked causing you to smile a little. Jimin smiled seeing you doing so and gently placed his lips on yours

As soon as you stepped inside your apartment you heard a voice call out to you. "Mummy!" You bent down and Jaemin ran into your arms. "I missed you Mummy" He said. You smiled and pinched his cheeks. "I missed you too Sweetheart."

Jaemin then noticed Jimin beside you and went into his arms next. "Daddy! Your here too!" Jimin gave Jaemin a big smile and lifted him up. "Uncle Kook said you and Mummy are getting back together" Jaemin said excitedly.

"Jaemin I never said that!" Jungkook said as he came up to you. "I said your dad is coming over today to discuss a few things with us and your mum."

Jaemin frowned slightly then looked back at you two. "But you are getting back together right?"

You glanced at Jungkook then back at Jaemin. "Jaemin could you go to your room for a bit while we all have a little talk please?" You asked. Jaemin nodded then went out of Jimin's arms and walked into his room.

You took a deep breath and looked at Jimin then walked into the lounge room to find everyone there waiting for you. You sat on the sofa with Jimin to your right and Jungkook sat to your left. Yoongi was the first to speak. "So...what...what happened between you two?" He asked from the armchair he was sitting on next to Jimin. You glanced at Jimin and he gave you a look to tell you to speak. "Well...Jimin turned out to be the CEO of the company we were celebrating with and...obviously we saw each other again after 2 years and..." You paused for a moment and looked at Jimin not knowing how to tell them.

"You guys are getting back together?" Jungkook asked. You turned your head to him, slightly surprised at how he knew what you were going to say. You bit your lip struggling to find words to say. You knew Jungkook would take a lot convincing for him to allow you two to be back together. "Jungkook...I just don't feel happy and I feel empty without Jimin" You said. Jungkook sighed and hung his head. You saw everyone else was also avoiding eye contact. You could tell they weren't expecting this, not after everything you had been through.

"I...I know I what I did was wrong" Jimin said. "And I know this doesn't really mean anything anymore because we've been through this already. But after 2 years I've realised how much Y/N means to me and I realised that I need her with me."


Everyone stayed silent not knowing what to say. They knew they had all forgiven Jimin once but that still didn't work out. "Jimin how do we know you'll never hurt Y/N again?" Jin said. "I want you to both to be together but I don't want to see Y/N go through all that again."

Jimin looked down and said "Because-"

"Ok" Jungkook said cutting Jimin off and looking up at you. "I accept you being together." You widened your eyes at what he said. You thought it would take the longest to convince him. Jungkook sighed then pulled you into a hug. "I just want you to be happy Y/N" He said as tears started to gather in his eyes. Jungkook pulled away and held your hands. "I know that you haven't been happy for the past 2 years. I've seen you cry all the time for 2 years. I thought that leaving would make things better for you but you haven't been better...And I know it's because you want to be Jimin. And if he's the only person who can make you happy then...I want you two to be together because I want to see you happy again."

You smiled unbelievingly at Jungkook and gave him another hug. "Thank you" You whispered. You looked back at everyone.

"I agree with Jungkook" Namjoon said. "Y/N has only ever been the most happy when she's with you" He said and looked at Jimin. "And I can tell it will never happen again."

You looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Oh actually...Hoseok, Taehyung and I have been keeping in contact with Jimin throughout the year. We can tell he's really changed."

You widened your eyes at this confession and the rest did the same. Soon you had all came to an agreement that Jimin was being sincere. You all stood up from the couch and Jungkook went over to Jimin and shook his hand then gave him a brotherly hug. "Hyung please" Jungkook said. "Please take care of her. I'm begging you, I can't see her broken again. You are the only source of Y/N's happiness so please...please take care of her."

Jimin gave Jungkook a warm smile. "Don't worry, this time I will" Jimin said and wrapped an arm around your waist. You smiled then said "Shall we go tell our son now?"

"Lets" Jimin replied and the two of you walked into Jaemin's room alone. Jaemin's face lit up seeing you two and he ran into your arms. You both bent down at Jaemin's level. "So are you and Daddy getting back together?" Jaemin asked eagerly.

You both said nothing for a moment. "No" Jimin said teasing him. Jaemin frowned. "Then why do you have some of Mummy's lipstick on you?" Jaemin said and pointed to Jimin's lips which were slightly tinked pink from your lipstick. Jimin smiled, embarrassed at that remark but then decided decided to play it cool.

"Does it look good on me? Should I ask Mum for some more?" Jimin said playfully then turned his head and gave you another kiss.

"No! Ew! Stop!" Jaemin exclaimed and hit Jimin's arm. You and Jimin giggled as you pulled away from each other. "Are you just going to kiss each other all the time?"

"Hmm...Maybe. We haven't seen each other for 2 years so maybe we'll make up for all that time" You teased. "Or maybe we'll just be like that forever" Jimin said with a slight smirk and wrapped his arms around you again and pressed his lips back on yours. "Ew! Stop it!" Jaemin said disgusted at his parents behaviour. You smiled and purposely put your arms around Jimin's neck and kissed him harder.

"Stop! Your so disgusting!" Jaemin said and hit your arm trying to get you off each other. You both laughed and let go of each other.

After 2 years the three of you were already laughing and having fun together just like you used to. You missed these times where you were a family together. Jaemin gave the two of you a hug and said "Are we going to be a family again?" You smiled and looked over at Jimin. "Yes, we are."

You all stood up and Jimin said "Come on, I think your uncles are getting bored without us." Jaemin happily exited the room and you both stayed behind.

"You just tried to make him leave didn't you?" You said as Jimin immediately snaked his arms around your waist. "Yes I did" He smirked and smashed his lips on yours. "You're so naughty" You said and moved yours lips with Jimin. "I can be more naughty if you want me to" Jimin said seductively.

You pushed him away. "Ya! There are other people here you know."

"I know" Jimin chuckled and buried his head in your neck. "But I don't ever want to let you go again." Jimin held you tight keeping you close to him. You smiled at his clinginess and wrapped your arms around him too. "Jimin?"


"I'm really glad that we're together again but..." You looked up at Jimin with uncertain eyes. "I don't want to be a happy family again only to be hurt years later. I don't think I can...physically, mentally and emotionally go through that again."

Jimin sighed and looked down for a moment. He knew he had broken your trust and it was going to take a while to gain it back. He understood you were traumatised and uncertain about being with him again.

"Please trust me Y/N" Jimin said as he held both yours hands. "I will never hurt you again because I never want to loose you again. Please trust me baby."

You stayed silent for moment and looked into Jimin's hypnotising eyes. "I trust you" You said softly and put your arms around Jimin's neck and gave him another kiss. There's no one else in the world you'd rather be with than Jimin. Even though he had abused you, you know that you will now truly be happy together, forever.






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