《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》15: Only I Can Love You


You walked into Jaemin's room and found him lying on his bed awake. "Good morning Sweatheart" You said softly and sat down beside him. "How come your awake already?"

"How come Daddy let me watch tv last night?" Jaemin said curiously not answering your question and asking his own. "He never lets me when it's my bed time and with the volume that high." You looked at him nervously not sure what to say.

"You and Daddy were fighting again weren't you?" Jaemin said sadly and sat up. His eyes started filling up with tears. "I still heard you screaming even though the tv was on really loudly." Your heart ached seeing Jaemin's face afraid and upset. Of course he would have heard you. "What was daddy doing? Why were you screaming so much?" Jaemin cried. You looked at him as tears rolled down your cheeks too. "Jaemin, you're too young to understand" Was all you could say. Jaemin put his arms around you, hugging you tightly but almost immediately pain seared through your arms. You gave a small yell and Jaemin retracted his arms away from you. "Are you ok Mummy?" He asked.

"I...I'm fine" You said trying to hold the pain in. "Go to the bathroom then come downstairs." You gently kissed Jaemin's forehead then left the room to then go to the kitchen.

You were in the kitchen with Jimin and soon you heard a voice rushing downstairs. "Mummy, Daddy!" You turned around to see Jaemin run towards you but at the last second Jimin scooped him up. "Hey I was going to Mummy" Jaemin said.

"Well Mummy's busy right now" Jimin replied. Jaemin shrugged then wrapped his arms around Jimin's neck and hugged him. You let out a sigh of relief that Jimin had saved you since there was no way you could pick Jaemin up. You opened a cupboard to take some utensils out to start cooking but even that triggered pain. You moaned which didn't go unnoticed by Jimin. "Why don't we go out for breakfast today?" He suggested knowing that you were not capable of making it yourself.


"Ok!" Jaemin said excitedly. "Go get changed" Jimin said and put Jaemin down. Once Jaemin was out of sight, Jimin turned to you. You became scared just looking at him. As Jimin walked up to you, your heart start pounding faster. You closed your eyes and expected him to start hitting you again but he grabbed your wrist and made you sit down at the island. Jimin pulled up your right sleeve and slowly started to remove the bandage. You winced in pain as he did.

"Why do make me do this Y/N?" Jimin said not looking at you. "Is my love not enough for you?"

Tears rolled your face as you said "Your love has always been enough. But your trust in me hasn't. I've never cheated you Jimin, why won't you believe me? I've never thought about being with anyone but you."

Jimin finished taking off your bandage revealing numerous red deep lines across your arm. Jimin lightly brushed his finger over it but even that caused you to yell. He pulled up your other sleeve and started doing the same thing. "What about yesterday then?" He continued. "Why did you let that guy get all touchy with you?"

You looked down. "Ok, that was fault. I'm sorry. I should have come straight to you, but you didn't have to do this to me. What if I died from the blood loss?" Jimin looked at as he finished unwrapping your other arm. "I wouldn't allow you to die."

You opened your mouth to say something but you saw Jaemin enter the room and you quickly pulled your sleeves down while Jimin quickly threw the bandages away.

Time skip

The three of you went out for breakfast. You all ate together and you actually found yourself smiling with your family.

After you had all eaten, Jimin drove the three of you to a park. You held Jimin's hand and smiled for Jaemin's sake as you watched him run up to the swing. You all spent some time together but it disturbed you how it felt like everything was ok when in reality everything was chaotic.


Jaemin found a few kids to play with, leaving you and Jimin together underneath the shade of the trees. You watched Jaemin happily play with a few new friends and thought if your family was ever going to be ok again. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt an arm find it's way around your waist. Your turned to face Jimin as he buried his head in your neck with both arms around your waist. "I'm sorry Y/N. I know I shouldn't hurt you like this but I love you so much and I cannot live without you."

That means nothing anymore.

"How can you abuse the person you love?" You questioned. "If you love me, then you would feel hurt seeing me hurt. You wouldn't do all this to me."

Jimin looked up at you. "I wouldn't hurt you if you just obeyed me." You could see tears glistening in Jimin's eyes. "Am I not enough for you? Do you that desperately want some else? Why can't you understand that

You stayed silent as a tear escaped your eye. Jimin gently put his hand on your cheek and brushed it away. His touch was no longer harsh and aggressive, it felt soft and warm. You held Jimin's hand and gently removed it from your face but kept hold of it. "Jimin-ah what if I wasn't here? What if I had died?" You didn't know why you were asking this but you wanted to know his answer.

Jimin looked deeply into your eyes and replied "I would miss you too much that I would go insane without you to the point I would kill myself to be with you."

"What if I left you for someone else?"

"Then I would drag you back, chain you up and fuck you every night until you learn that I claim you and you are only mine."

You said nothing and took a deep breath and looked sadly at Jimin. Then you rested your head on his chest. "What if you loved me the way you used to?" You whispered and closed your eyes letting your tears run onto Jimin's shirt. You felt Jimin start to stroke your hair but you didn't hear an answer from him. He always avoids these types of questions.

Next day

You were at work and started doing your usual stuff. Your company was rising high in society and was nearly one of the best in Seoul. You tried your best to avoid Jimin as much as you could. You didn't look at him when he spoke to you but if there were other people around you had to act like you normally would.

Jimin went to an important meeting which luckily you didn't have to attend with him but unluckily you had to another one. Most of the day went past and you had barely seen Jimin which was good was for you.

You were walking past the main hallway near the front entrance when Jimin wrapped an arm around you waist stopping you from walking. "Hey baby, I missed you" He whispered and pecked your lips. "Have you been a good girl?" He asked.

You sighed before saying "Yes Jimin." Before you Jimin could say anything else you suddenly felt someone grab you and roughly pull you out of Jimin's grasp.


You looked up in shock to see...


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