《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》16: Furious


"Jungkook?!" You looked at Jungkook in astonishment. Why is he here! Jungkook turned his head from Jimin to you and you were shocked to see his facial expression. His face was filled with pure anger and hatred. Something that you rarely see in a guy like him. "J...Jungkook what are you...doing here?"

"How long have you been keeping this from me!!" He yelled.

"W...What?" You said confused although it was quiet clear what he meant.

"Why didn't you tell me?! Why did Namjoon hyung have to spill it to me! WHY DID YOU KEEP THIS FROM ME!"

You took a glance around and saw the three of you had become the centre of attention because of Jungkook's dramatic entrance. "Because I knew you would break out like this Jungkook."

"Oh you knew I would break out like this? Then if you know me so well, didn't you know that I would break out even more after I find that you've been hiding this from me and just letting yourself suffer rather than telling me."

"Jungkook what are you doing here?" Jimin said grabbing Jungkook's attention. Jungkook turned around to face him. You could see the burning fury in him. "You..." Jungkook mumbled and started to advance on him.

"No! Jungkook what are you doing!" You yelled and held his arm to try and stop Jungkook from getting to Jimin. Jungkook stopped, he was only a few metres away from Jimin and looked as if he wanted to tear him apart.

"How could you do this hyung?! After you swore never to again. I thought you changed hyung! WHY DID YOU DO IT AGAIN!" Jungkook glared at Jimin with tears glistening in his eyes. "You are lucky that you are in your company right now....otherwise you might have found yourself six feet under the ground" Jungkook threatened.


"Jungkook!" You said shocked at what he said. "Don't you dare do anything to him."

"Why are you defending him!" Jungkook yelled and turned to look at you. You had never seen him so furious. But of course it made sense why he was. He had thought all this time you and Jimin were happy. You hadn't told him Jimin broke his promise. You hadn't told him you were being torn apart again.

"How can you still stand up for him after everything he's done Y/N?"

"Because I love him!" Tears started running down your face. You didn't understand why you loved Jimin. Why you still needed him. Why you still wanted to be with him. You had just never imagined a life without him...even an abuse free one. Many people were watching in shock and whispering to each other but you didn't pay any attention to them.

Jungkook leaned closer to you. You could see the fury in his eyes. You could tell how betrayed and hurt he felt. "Then say goodbye to your love" He said in a much softer tone. "Say goodbye to him then I'm taking you home, pack your things along with Jaemin's. Your not seeing this bastard again."

"Who gives you the right to take Y/N away from me?" Jimin said standing close to you, holding your hand. Jungkook glared at him. "I was the one who started your relationship with each other and I will end if I have to!"

Jungkook grabbed your hand. "Come on, we're leaving and your never coming back here" He said and turned around to lead you out. "Wait...J...Jimin" You mumbled and held Jimin's hand tighter but it slowly slipped away as Jungkook dragged you away from him. You kept looking back at Jimin but soon you were out the door and it closed leaving Jimin behind.


Jimin stood there in shock at what had just happened. He didn't see it coming at all. Jungkook had just turned up out of nowhere and had taken his wife. Slowly Jimin walked towards the door and went outside. He stood there and watched as you and Jungkook crossed the street and walked off. Jungkook stopped for a moment and turned to face you with tears running down his face. He put his arms around your neck and cried on your shoulder. You hugged him back letting your tears escape as well.

"I can't let him take you away from me."

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