《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》14: Pain


You woke up feeling a soft surface underneath you unlike the hard surface you passed out on. You slowly opened your eyes and took a few seconds to adjust to the bright light sweeping through the curtains. The first thing you saw was Jimin sleeping peacefully right next you. You jumped and let out a yelp still terrified of him. You realised that was a wrong move when you felt pain searing through your arms. You let out another yell and saw that your arms were tightly wrapped in bandages and you were out of your blood soaked dress.

"Well I can see your awake" You heard a voice beside you mumble. You looked up to see Jimin's sleepy eyes staring at you. You wanted to run as fast as you could away from him, but of course you didn't have the strength you. You physically just couldn't. You became more terrified as Jimin edged closer to you. You shut your eyes as his face was now only inches away from yours. You felt yourself being pulled into an embrace which triggered your arms to shoot out pain.

"Ah...Jimin...Jimin please let go...it hurts a lot" You said in a voice barely audible as Jimin's arms were tightly wrapped around your wounded ones. "No" He simply replied. Tears streamed down your face. Your arms hurt like hell. You could feel the blood through your bandages. You knew you lost a lot of blood last night and you felt like you could break any second. The feeling of the knife digging into your skin was still there. The sight of Jimin's unforgiving face as he did so was still in your mind. "Please Jimin...it hurts...please let go" You cried.

Jimin stayed silent for a second debating whether he should just keep making you feel the pain or understand that it must be extreme. "Fine then" He said and loosened his grip around you but before you could feel any relief, Jimin crashed his lips onto yours. Shocked and scared, you tried to push him away but even moving your arms slightly to do so hurt, so you had to deal with this. Jimin put his arms around your neck pulling you closer to him so your body was pressed against his as Jimin hungrily kissed you. "When will you learn that you belong to me. And you always will no how hard you try to get away from me. You are mine Y/N! Every part of you is mine. Every inch of your body is mine. No one else's! You belong to me and only me and no one else is allowed to touch you because you are MY PROPERTY!" Jimin kissed you more and more aggressively, biting at your lips. You let out a whimper which allowed Jimin to push his tongue inside your mouth. You cried as he roughly moved his tongue around your entire mouth.


At first being yours was everything I ever wanted. I wanted to belong to you. I wanted only you to touch me. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. But you've changed. And now I don't want to be yours because all you do is abuse me. Now I don't want to belong to you because you are so possessive over me to the point you break me. Now I don't want you to touch me because your just trying to hurt me and please yourself. Now I don't want to spend my life with you if all your going to do is abuse me.

Jimin moved his lips down your jawline and to your neck. Biting and sucking at it creating many hickeys. Your cries and whimpers became louder at the pain. "One more sound of that mouth and I swear I will make 10 times the pain as this for you" Jimin hissed at you threateningly. You bit your lip trying your best to seal your mouth shut. You sobbed silently, your face wet as Jimin continued to harshly bite at your neck with no mercy for you. Why do you give me all this pain? What have I ever done to you?

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