《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》8: Broken Promise


It was evening and you asked Hyun-Jae to babysit Jaemin while you and Jimin would go to Namjoon's house. You kissed Jaemin goodbye once Hyun-Jae arrived and the two of you left. You felt nervous, your breathing and heart rate increasing speed. You had no idea how this would go. You could only hope.

You arrived at Namjoon's house and both went in. The three of you went over to the lounge room and sat down. "How's Jaemin?" Namjoon asked trying to get a conversation going before he gets to the point. You stayed silent and let Jimin answer. "Jaemin is fine. He's at home with Hyun-Jae."

"She's your friend right?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow looking at you. You nodded and looked back down at your fingers. "What have you guys been doing lately?" Namjoon continued.

"Nothing much. Work takes up most of the day" Jimin replied. You felt the air suddenly get tense as none of you spoke. You didn't know what to say and waited for Namjoon to start. Jimin noticed that nervousness and said "What's wrong?" He looked at you then to Namjoon. "You two look tense."

You both stayed silent for a moment until Namjoon said "Jimin are abusing Y/N again?"

You shot your eyes up at Namjoon at how straightforward he was. He gave you a 'sorry-there-was-no-simpler-way-to-say-it' look. You took a deep breath and glanced at Jimin who looked at Namjoon not expecting to hear what he said. "I'm sorry what?"

Namjoon sighed before saying "Jimin, Y/N told me you were hurting her again. Is that true?" Jimin didn't say anything and turned to glare at you making you look down to avoid his eye contact. "Jimin why?" Namjoon continued. "I thought you regretted what you did? Why are you doing it again?"

Jimin took a deep breath then he grabbed your wrist and stood up making you stand as well. "That is between the two of us" He said and was about to turn around and lead you two out but Namjoon stopped him. "Jimin. Jimin this is serious. I'm saying this because I care a lot about the two of you and your relationship. Jimin it isn't right to keep hurting Y/N. You have no idea how much she loves you. Why do think she hasn't reported you? Jimin if you really love Y/N and care about your relationship then you shouldn't do this."

Jimin clenched his hand while the other was holding yours gradually tightening his grip. He didn't look at Namjoon and started dragging you towards the door. Namjoon went after him. "Jimin!" He called making Jimin turn around as soon as he reached the door. "Jimin listen to me. Stop doing this" Namjoon said trying one last time to stop Jimin. You looked at him with pleading eyes. "Jimin please. Please don't repeat what happened years ago. We have a son now and we should think about how this will affect him. Jiminie please let's not go through this again."


But like always Jimin didn't listen and opened the door, roughly dragged you out before slamming it behind. Tears were already running down your face as Jimin forcefully shoved you in the car and drove home without saying anything. You tried to contain your cries afraid of what he will do once you got home.

It was night once you arrived home. Jimin got out of the car but you stayed seated not saying or doing anything. Jimin noticed you were still inside and rolled his eyes before opening the door, grabbing your arm and dragging you out. Before you got inside the house, Hyun-Jae came out. "Jaemin is asleep now" She said to the two of you. Jimin nodded and thanked her for taking care Jaemin while they were gone and she left. The two of you made your way inside.

As soon you did Jimin slammed you against the wall. You groaned as Jimin held your wrists tightly. He glared into your eyes but yours were afraid to meet his. Jimin tighten his grip of your wrist. "Ah Jimin! Jimin let go. It's hurts!" You cried as your wrists slowly started to bleed from how Jimin dug his nails into them.

"What was the deal about telling Namjoon hyung?" Jimin said angrily. "I...I told him because...he might have been able to...talk you out of doing this." Your tears finally ran down your face as you felt like Jimin was going to break your wrists. "Jimin please let go. Ahh!"

Jimin let go of your wrist but before you could feel relief from his grip Jimin gave you a blow right at your jaw. You stumbled and yelled in pain as you held your jaw. You looked back up at Jimin who was glaring at you. "Jimin why are you doing this again? Jimin you promised to me that you would never hurt me again. Why did you break it? I trusted you and believed you would stop which is why I came back to you. Jimin we have been so happy these past few years, why are making me suffer again?" You questioned him. You remembered how years ago you had enough of abuse and left him. You remembered how Jimin tried everything you get you back which eventually ended in him promising you to never hurt you again unless you promised to never leave him. Of course you agreed and moved back with Jimin. But all because of a misunderstanding he's now gone back to his abusive self.

"No Y/N you broke yours. You said you would never leave me" Jimin said.

"Jimin I've never thought about leaving you! You think I've broken my promise but I haven't!" You cried trying to convince Jimin you did nothing wrong. "It's you who has."


"You've never thought of leaving me? Then why did I catch you kissing Jiwoon twice!" Jimin yelled then grabbed your shoulder and hit you back against the wall. Before Jimin could do anything else you heard a small voice.

"Daddy, why are making Mummy cry?"

Jimin looked down to see Jaemin hugging his leg with tears running down his face. The two of you looked at him in horror not knowing what he had seen. "J...Jaemin..." Jimin stuttered looking at Jaemin who held into his leg making him freeze. "Daddy why are you making Mummy cry like this?" Jaemin said in a quiet voice.

"J...Jaemin go to back to your room" Jimin said. Jaemin didn't listen and then removed his arms around Jimin's leg and went over to you put them around yours. You bent down to his level and Jaemin wrapped his arms around your neck. "Jaemin...Jaemin listen to your dad and go to your room" You said. You could have used Jaemin as a way to get away from Jimin but instead you just wanted him to be away from what was happening. You didn't know when Jaemin got out of bed and how much he had seen but it had obviously shaken his having never seen his parents like this. Jaemin shook his head and held onto you tighter making the tears on your face run down faster. "Please Jaemin. You shouldn't be here." But Jaemin ignored you.

"Take him upstairs" Jimin mumbled then left the room to his. You did as you were told and carried Jaemin in your arms upstairs to his room.

Once you entered Jaemin's room you set him down on his bed and sat next to him. You put a hand on Jaemin's cheek and wiped away a tear. "Jaemin-ah why are you crying?"

"What were you and Daddy doing? Why did he look so scary?"

You sighed seeing Jaemin so shaken. You pulled him into a hug and said "It's nothing you should worry about."

"Then what's that on your face?" He asked and pointed to a red mark across your jaw. "Did Daddy do that?"

You stayed silent for a moment thinking of what to say. You didn't want Jaemin to know. "No, of course not Jaemin. Your dad would never hurt me" You lied and forced a smile just for your son. "You know your dad, he's the kindest most caring person ever. He would never hurt me." You felt guilty lying but you didn't want to tell him the the truth. "Then why was Daddy screaming? Why were you crying?" Jaemin continued to question you. You sighed before answering "Jaemin...you know how I told you that sometimes people have arguments and fights, but they always fade away soon?"

Jaemin nodded listening to you very carefully. You ran your fingers through your hair. "Well sometimes those fights don't stop that easily. Your dad and I are going through one of those times."

"But what are you fighting about?" Jaemin asked his eyes full of tears. He's never seen the two of you fight like this. Ever since you went back to Jimin the two of you have been so happy together.

"That's nothing for you to worry about" You said and kissed Jaemin's forehead. "Jaemin listen very carefully to me now" You said making sure Jaemin was paying his full attention. Jaemin didn't say anything signalling for you to go on. You paused before saying "If you even hear Dad and I arguing or anything...stay in your room. Ok? Go straight your room no matter what and shut door tight and don't go out. Understood?"

Jaemin didn't say anything and looked at you. "Jaemin promise me you will stay in your room and not go out to stop your Dad and I" You said with pleading eyes not wanting Jaemin to see anything that happens. Jaemin finally nodded then threw his arms around you. You hugged him tightly while Jaemin cried in your arms. "Jaemin if you ever have something on your mind that you want to say about this, please tell me. Ok?"

Jaemin nodded his head resting on you. You stayed with him and calmed him down before tucking him in bed. You gave him a weak smile and said 'good night' before leaving the room.

Scared, you slowly entered your own room. You went inside but didn't see Jimin. You furrowed your eyebrows slightly confused when you felt a hand grab your arm and roughly pull you back. You didn't have time you react when Jimin started dragging you downstairs, most probably to be further away from Jaemin.

"J...Jimin...what are you doing?" You asked afraid of the answer. Jimin ignored you and pulled you into the lounge room before harshly shoving you to the floor.

He smirked at you and slowly started to remove his belt.

"Did you think I was done with you?"

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