《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》9: I'm Fine...


You felt a hard surface beneath you causing you to wake up. You slowly opened your eyes and saw you where lying on the floor of the living room where Jimin had beat you last night. You were too exhausted to move and managed to fall asleep here. You moved your left arm but abruptly stopped when you felt a searing pain run through your muscle. You gave a small yell and clutched your arm. You looked at it and noticed your arm was completely red and you could see where Jimin's belt had been. Then you looked at your body and noticed the same thing. There were marks everywhere Jimin's belt made contact with your bare skin and it had teared through your clothes. Dried blood was everywhere including the floor where you lay. You took heavy breaths as you started to cry from the extricating pain still present in your body. It felt like the pain was banging itself against your arms, legs, chest and body. Like it was trying to escape desperately but was trapped inside you.

You laid there hugging yourself trying to endure the pain that you didn't hear footsteps coming your way. Your eyes were shut that you didn't see someone approach you. You shook violently and your eyes shot open when you felt a hand touch your arm. You looked into the eyes of your abuser. Your husband. The father of your son. The reason of all your pain.

Jimin gently put one arm around around your shoulder and lifted you up into a sitting position. "I'm sorry I didn't bring a pillow or blanket for you. You must have been really cold" He said softly. First he beats to the point I can barely move then he gets worried that I might have been cold sleeping on this hard floor!

You didn't say anything as Jimin put a hand at the back of your head and pulled to close to him with his other hand around your back. You cried on Jimin's shoulder at why he was hugging you when last night he was just beating you.

"What will I say to Jaemin?" You whispered. "What will he say when he sees me like this? I think he is starting to understand what's happening between us, but I told him yesterday that you would never hurt me. What do I tell him now? I don't think I can hide all these scars properly."

"Don't worry baby" Jimin said and held you tightly. You let a small yelp because you felt very fragile after yesterday. Immediately Jimin loosened his grip around you. "J...Jimin."

Jimin hummed in response to say he was listening you to. "Why...are you being nice to me now when you beat me so much with your belt yesterday." Your cries became heavier and your tears started to soak Jimin's shirt. Jimin stayed silent for a moment not answering your question.


"Can you walk?" He asked.

"I...I don't know. It hurts too much" You said as you clutched your aching body. Jimin held you gently and managed to help you to your feet. You put half your body weight against him since you didn't feel stable. "I...I don't think I can't walk up the stairs" You said weakly. Before you knew it Jimin put his arms around your waist and carried you bridal style towards the stairs. You felt uncomfortable in his grasp but didn't do anything since your energy was completely drained and simply put your hands over your face and tried to stop your ongoing tears.

Jimin carried you upstairs and into your room. He went inside the bathroom and set you down in the bathtub. Before you could react Jimin pulled your blood soaked shirt off you. "J...Jimin...what are you doing?" You said and put your arms around yourself slightly uncomfortable with being exposed to him. Jimin just looked at you with a black expression and said "Y/N your too weak to wash yourself. So just me help you." Jimin leaned forwards to finish undressing you but you curled your body up and put your arms around yourself as much as possible. "No" You mumbled trying to stop him. Jimin rolled his eyes and bent down to your level before lifting your chin up to face him and said "I just want to help clean you up Y/N. I won't hurt you."

Liar. I've believed that too many times to believe that again.

After Jimin bathed you, you stood in front of the mirror observing your scares. Your blood was gone and all that was left were your many bruises and a few red marks from the more harsher hits from Jimin's belt. You then sat by yourself on your bed curled up in a ball. The pain was still evident in your body.

Jimin was downstairs with Jaemin having breakfast but you weren't there because you didn't want Jaemin to see you. How were you going to cover these scars?

Not long later Jimin entered your room and sat beside you. "J...Jimin" You said "Can...I go see Jungkook for the day? And maybe stay at his place for tonight as well?" You looked at Jimin nervously who was frowning. "Why?" He asked.

"B...Because...I don't want Jaemin to see me today."

"Well won't Jungkook notice if Jaemin doesn't?" Jimin raised an eyebrow.

"Well...Jaemin sort of knows what's happening between us but Jungkook doesn't. I mean if I cover myself properly he shouldn't suspect anything and even if he does see something I can always lie to him. But Jaemin would know that I'm lying since he didn't see me like this last night and now I have all these scars but Jungkook wouldn't know."


You looked at Jimin hoping what you said was enough to convince him to let you go. Jimin stayed silent for a moment and deciding what to say. "...Fine" He said. "I'll let you stay at his place tonight. But make sure your at work tomorrow, make your own way there from his house. I'll take care Jaemin."

You smiled brightly before saying "Yes, Thank you!"

Time skip

You messaged Jungkook if you could come over and of course he was delighted. Jimin insisted to drive you there but you declined and made your own way to his house. You knocked on the door and was immediately greeted by a smiling Jungkook.



You stepped inside and was engulfed by Jungkook's arms. "I missed you!" He whined and you put your arms around him as well. "I missed you too kookie." Jungkook smiled and stayed there hugging you.

"Jungkook-ah you can let go now."

Jungkook shook his head and said "No I don't want to" and he held you tighter like a kid hanging onto his mother. You giggled at his behaviour but then let a small cry as Jungkook's grip was too much for your weak body to take. Immediately Jungkook retracted and said "Are you ok? I'm sorry was I holding you too tightly?"

You forced a smile over the pain and said "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes kookie, I'm sure" You lied. "Where are the others?" You asked changing the subject.

"Oh their probably still in their room. Hyungs, Y/N is here!" He called out. "Oh only Hoseok hyung, Jin hyung and Tae hyung are here. The others have plans elsewhere with their families."

You nodded and soon Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung came into the room to greet you. They all smiled and gave you a hug since you hadn't seen them in a while. "What have you, Jimin and Jaemin been up to?" Taehyung asked.

"Nothing much, just the usual stuff."

"How come Jimin and Jaemin didn't come?" Hoseok said.

"Jimin is taking care of Jaemin at home. I felt like coming by myself."

Hoseok smiled and said "Well we always have space for you."

You spent the day with Jungkook and the others. You actually felt safe because you were away from Jimin. You tried your best to act normal as if nothing had happened. The five of you went outside for most of the day then when it was evening you went back to the house.

Soon it was time when you all got ready for bed. You went into the spare room and took out some clothes that you and Jimin in had kept there just incase. After you changed you went towards into the dining room where everyone else was.

As you were about to take a seat you bumped into Jin making your arm jolt in pain. You let out a yelp and clutched your arm. "Oh my Y/N are you ok? I'm so sorry did I hit you?" Jin asked worried.

"N...No it's nothing, I'm ok."

"Are you sure Y/N?" Jungkook tilted his head. "Before when I hugged you a bit tightly you felt like you were in pain too. What happened?"

"N...Nothing...I was just playing with Jaemin and I bumped into a few things trying to chase him and bruised myself a bit" You said trying to make up a good excuse on the spot. They all raised an eyebrow at you and you thought your excuse wasn't good enough until Taehyung said "Y/N be careful where your going ok?"

"Yes I know that Oppa."

All of you got up and started heading to your rooms. Instead of going to your room you went to Jungkook and tapped him on the shoulder. "Do you mind if I stay with you?" You asked. Jungkook's face lit up at your request and he intertwined your fingers with his. "You don't need to ask."

You went inside his room and the two of you crawled into the bed. Jungkook pulled the covers over you and you snuggled up beside him. "Don't you think your husband wouldn't approve this if he knew you were sleeping in the same bed as me right now?" Jungkook asked playfully.

You shrugged. You didn't want to be alone and felt the need of warmth again. Besides it wasn't your first time spending the night with Jungkook since the two of you were so close. It happened lots growing up together. But naturally that didn't happen as they grew older.

Jungkook put his arms around you and held you tightly but again he triggered some pain to arise in your body. "J...Jungkook your hurting me" You mumbled. Jungkook loosed his grip around and whispered "I'm sorry...are you really ok Y/N?"

You felt guilty about lying to him but still said "Yes Jungkook...I'm fine."

Except I'm actually not.

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