《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》7: Help Me


You woke up to feel two arms tightly wrapped around you. Your back was facing Jimin but he held you close to him so you wouldn't run away. You didn't bother trying to removed his arms which were tightly hugging your figure. You were too tied and exhausted to waste your precious energy. You sighed and tears started to form in your eyes thinking back to last night. It was the worst type of pain and went for the longest time before Jimin decided to stop. It was something you thought you would never go through again. But still you did.

You felt Jimin move slightly making you aware that he was awake. "Good morning baby" He said as he rested his head in the crook of your neck. You didn't reply and shut your eyes. "Baby I know your awake" Jimin said quietly sending a shiver down your spine at the feeling of his breath on your neck. Still you didn't reply for a moment.

"Why did you do it Jimin? I thought you said you never would do that again" You said quietly and let your tears run down your face and onto the sheets.

"You were kissing another man when you told me you were going to the bathroom" Jimin replied in a slightly irritated tone. "Do you think I will let you get away with that?" He started slowly kissing your neck. You shut your eyes and bit your lip at the feeling of Jimin's lips against your neck. You took deep breaths wanting him to stop but didn't say anything. Not long ago you probably would have enjoyed his touch but now you wanted to stay away from him...just like you did years ago.

"What if Jaemin heard something?" You said whispered, worried about your son.

"If he did, it would have been you who was so being loud."

"Jimin you raped me" You cried. "And it hurt...so much. Do you expect me not to scream in pain?"


Jimin didn't answer you and continued to bit at your neck making more hickeys than he already did the night before.

Soon Jimin got out of bed you did too eager to get away from him. You immediately went into the shower and scrubbed your whole body feeling disgusted by Jimin's touch. After you did you went into Jaemin's room to find him still asleep. You went up to him and sat the edge of his bed.

"Jaemin-ah" You said softly. "Jaemin wake up." You put a hand on his arm and gently shook him. Jaemin yawned and slowly opened his eyes. "Is it morning already?" He said and rubbed his tied eyes.

"Yes it is sleepyhead" You said and climbed into the bed with Jaemin and put your arms around him, giving him a kiss on his forehead. "Did you not get enough sleep last night?"

"Kind of. I heard some weird noises at night."

You looked at him nervously. "W...Weird noises?"Jaemin looked up at you with a confused face. "What were you and Daddy doing last night?"

You froze. Oh gosh he heard. "N...Nothing." Jaemin gave you a questioning look before he closed his eyes and snuggled up against you. You rested your head on his and stroked his hair. I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep. But the pain was too much to keep silent.

Later in the morning you were sitting alone in your room while Jimin and Jaemin were downstairs. You sat on your bed hugging your knees. I can't live the way I used to years ago. I have a son now who I must take care of with my heart and soul. If Jimin really has become abusive again then it will affect Jaemin. I don't know how long I can hide what's happing from him. He will understand soon. I need to try get Jimin to stop before things get out of hand. But how? He won't listen to me.

As if answering your question your phone rang. Slowly you looked over to it and picked up the call. "Hello Y/N?" A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone.


You let out a small smile. "Namjoon Oppa. How are you?"

"I'm great Y/N. How are you? I haven't seen you in a while now, I wanted to check up on you and Jimin. How are things going?"

You paused for a second. What if Namjoon can talk to Jimin? What is he can stop him? Last time I didn't tell anyone for a whole 3 months when this started. Maybe it would be better to do something about it now rather than later.

"Umm...Oppa can...can I see you?"

"Of course Y/N. Wait...have you been crying?" Namjoon's voice suddenly became worried after hearing yours. You wiped away your tears and tried steadying your voice. "Oppa I need to talk to you, alone."

"Of course you can. I'm free today if you want to come over."

"Is no one else there?"

"Currently no. And I don't think they will be for a while."

"Great. I will come over as soon as I can." You hung up and placed your phone back on the bedside table. You took a deep breath and laid your head against the back of the bed. Why does it seem like the past is repeating itself? But this time I will have told someone earlier. And this time I will ask Namjoon to talk to Jimin, unlike before, I told Jungkook not do anything. So...I will tell Namjoon, he will talk to Jimin...and Jimin will stop.

I hope so...

Time skip

You told Jimin where you were going and headed straight to Namjoon's house. Your heart rate increased by every passing second. Finally you reached his house and knocked on the door. Immediately it opened and Namjoon greeted you before letting you inside. The two of you walked over to the dining room and sat down on a chair. "Y/N is something wrong? Why were you crying?" Namjoon asked worriedly and put a hand on top of yours. "Oppa....Jimin is abusing me again."

Namjoon froze. "What? Really! But how? Why!?" He looked at you shocked at what you said. Everyone thought Jimin had changed and would never hurt you again. You thought so yourself. You truly believed that Jimin had stopped....but you were proven wrong a few days ago.

"I don't know. You know Jiwoon?"

"...That guy you used to date a long time ago?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "Yes him. He turned up out of nowhere and is trying to get back together. Jimin saw the two of us and well...he's become abusive again." You looked down as a tear rolled your down your cheek. Namjoon leaned closer to you and gently put a hand on your cheek and wiped it away. The two of you didn't say anything for a moment until you decided to break the silence. "Oppa, please help me. Please can you talk to Jimin. Please try get him to stop. I don't want to go through all this again."

Namjoon looked at you with sorrow eyes. He put his arms around you and hugged you tightly. "If that's what you want then I will." You rested your head on him and let more of tears fall down. "One more thing."

"What's that?"

You looked up at Namjoon. "Don't tell Jungkook this. I don't want him to know. He took the longest to finally trust Jimin again and forgive him, I don't want him to know. He will probably explode from anger and who knows what he will do to Jimin."

Namjoon took a deep breath. "Ok. Your secret is safe with me. You and Jimin can come over again tomorrow. I'll try get everyone to be out of the house so we have it to ourselves then can try sort this out."

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