《My Abusive Husband|P.JM✔️》6: Disobeyed Me Again


The next morning you dropped Jaemin to preschool and headed off to work. You sat on your own desk in Jimin's office silently doing the work he gives you. After a while Jimin broke the silence.


You take your gaze off your laptop screen and focus it on Jimin. "Yes?"

"Um...There is a new employee that is going to start working here today."

You raised an eyebrow. "...Ok." Why does he seem nervous? Jimin is getting new employees all the time.

"...Is there a problem?" You asked. Jimin fiddled with his fingers before saying "Well...it's just that he's-"

Jimin was irrupted by a knock on the door. He told the person behind the door to come in. After doing so the door opened making your eyes widen and your mouth open seeing who it was.

Jimin sighed before forcing a friendly smile. "Welcome Jiwoon."

Jiwoon politely bowed to Jimin before setting his eyes on yours. You closed your mouth and looked at him noticing a slight smirk on his face before he turned back to Jimin.

Jimin started telling Jiwoon where his office is and a few important things. Your didn't hear what they were saying as your thoughts went elsewhere. Why is Jiwoon working here? Is it too big of a coincidence that he just happens to start working here not long after he decided to go after me again?

Soon Jiwoon turned around to leave but he didn't forget to glance back at you and give you a wink before opening the door to exit the room. As soon he did you turned to Jimin and opened your mouth to speak.

"I know, I know" Jimin said before you could say anything. He paused for a moment before continuing "Did I know he was going to try steal you when I had accepted him to work here a not long ago? No. I didn't. If I did I certainly wouldn't have let him join here." Then his gaze on you turned into a glare. "I don't know if the real reason for him wanting to work here is because of you or not. But stay away from him. Don't go anywhere near him. Understood?"


You gave a small sigh before nodding. The two of you continued working but your mind couldn't concentrate properly. After an hour you stood up from your desk. "I'm going to the bathroom" You told Jimin and he hummed in response. You went to the door and closed it behind you once you stepped outside. Instead of walking to the bathroom you headed the other way towards Jiwoon's office.

After walking through many corridors you finally made it to his office. You took a breath before knocking on the door. Not long after the door opened and you were greeted by the guy who caused Jimin to turn back to his abusive self. Jiwoon lips curved into a smirk and he let you in before closing the door behind you.

"I knew you would come Princess" He said and started coming closer to you. You frowned at him and stepped backwards feeling uncomfortable with the short space between you two. You walked backwards until your back touched the wall letting Jiwoon to come closer to you and he put a hand against the wall to your right.

"Jiwoon I didn't come here to listen to your crap. I came here to ask if the real reason of you being in this company was to get close to me."

Jiwoon smiled for a moment then said "What if it is Princess?"

"Jiwoon how many times do I have to tell you that 'us' is never going to happen. It did ages ago but that all ended. I'm not just going to fall in love with you again like that."

"People change" Jiwoon said as he looked at you with his eyes full of lust. "Jiwoon, I'm getting really fed up with this. Why can't you just-"

Jiwoon didn't let you complete your sentence and crashed his lips onto yours. Immediately you tried to push him away knowing that you would be in a lot of trouble if Jimin found you. But of course Jiwoon knew what you would do and wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him so your legs, body and chest was completely against his as he kissed you passionately.


I am so dead.

You struggled to get out of Jiwoon's grip as he was obviously enjoying this moment while you were disgusted and terrified of the outcome of this. Finally after Jiwoon pulled away you pushed him back and ran out of the room before he could say or do anything else.

Time skip

You spent the day trying not to act nervous around Jimin which you were. You were actually terrified of what he would do if he knew. Soon the time arrived to go home and you and Jimin went to pick up Jaemin before returning to your house.

You avoided many conversations and talk with Jimin during dinner still nervous by today's events. To try not act suspiciously quiet you mostly talked with Jaemin asking him how his day was and other things.

Finally it time for bed and you went into Jaemin's room to tuck him in. To gave him a peck on the cheek. "Good night Sweetheart" You said.

"Good night Mummy" Jaemin replied before closing his little eyes and slowing drifting to sleep. You giggled and gave him once last kiss before quietly exiting the room.

As soon as you closed the door you felt a strong grip wrap around your wrist. Before you could react you found yourself being roughly pulled towards your room. Jimin closed the door behind him then harshly threw you on the bed.

You were completely shocked obviously not expecting this. You slowly sat up and started to retreat backwards as Jimin approached you with a fierce expression on his face. "So...how was your day? What did you do?" Jimin asked as he slowly made his way towards you and you slowly backed away.

"I...You know...what I did" You said nervously. "I attended all the meeting with you and stayed in your office most of the day."

"Oh really. What about that nice long kiss you had with Jiwoon?" Jimin said in a husky voice.

"H...How did you-"

"Baby haven't you realised that I am always watching you? Whether your in the company building walls or not I am always watching you Park Y/N. You cannot hide from me."

Your fear increased as you hit the end of the bed with no more room to back away from Jimin as he continued to come closer to you until your faces where only inches away from each other. You could feel his hot breath against your skin and his dangerous eyes locked in with yours.

"J...Jimin I-"

Jimin roughly smashed his lips on yours as he kissed you expressing his anger. Your heart was thumping as your fear increased by each passing second. Tears started flowing down your face as Jimin continued to press his lips harshly onto yours.

"You what?" He growled. "Lied again. Started making out with him again!" Jimin bit your bottom lip to get an entrance inside your mouth but tried to kept your lips sealed not allowing him to. Jimin got frustrated and starting biting your lips aggressively making it bleed a little. A whimper escaped your mouth and Jimin used it as a opportunity to shove his tongue inside your mouth as tears started to run down your face. You moved your head around trying to break out of this contact. You tried to pull away from him and get his lips off yours but moving your head from one side to another. But then Jimin then grabbed your jaw firmly with one hand locking you into position so you couldn't move away from him as he continued to move his tongue around every inch of your mouth.

"You disobeyed me again, so now watch me how I hurt you."

"J...J...Jimin" You stuttered and finally managed to pull your lips away from his. "Please...Please Jimin. Please don't do this. What if Jaemin hears us?"

"Jaemin is asleep" He whispered. "He is a deep sleeper so he won't hear anything if you quieted your volume."

That easy for you to say! Your not the one being hurt and abused.

"Jimin...please...I don't want Jaemin to grow up seeing us like this. Please don't do this...for him" You pleaded trying not to give up.

Jimin smirked. "Baby haven't you realised yet that whatever you say isn't going to stop me."

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