《Idiosyncrasies of a Shadow // (ManxMan)》~Chapter 17~
Brock O'hurn as Roman Perry (Imagine him with hipster glasses on and he's 6"7' in real life)
John Gioffre as Felix McKenzie (Ain't he pissed as always)
Rodiney Santiagio as Aaron Solomon (I don't have words)
Charlie Matthews as Skylar Cook (There are less conservative photos of Charlie on the interwebs, but that woudn't be very Skylar of him)
Jack Gilinsky as Ryland Cook (This is the best I can get to twins without being the same person, his eyes should be blue, but I love his sweet smile)
Joe Manganiello as Sebastien Cook (Papa Cook, in case your mouth is dry)
Adam Gallagher as Owen White (My little coffee bean)
Truth is sought through communication;
Not passing time.
If one half of the equation doesn't cohere with the other,
Then change is stasis, chained by a proverbial stream of consciousness.
Initiative is taken through action;
And the lack of initiative,
Is the downfall of communication,
And, truth is hidden,
In a world of tarnation;
Where the one who suffers,
Is mentally bed ridden.
"This better be good because I ditched my boyfriend's dad." Felix slides into the booth, picking up a menu while playing with the ring on his middle finger. Of all places to get a ring, he puts one on his middle finger. It's a simple tungsten band, nothing on it. Looks a bit too bland for a bad ass looking person such as Felix. Granted, he doesn't have long wavy hair to match, such as I.
"Can't a boss have a little bonding time with his employee?" I scoff, I am honestly just salty that everyone is loving their asses up into cloud 9 while I sit here waiting for my love interest, that hasn't spoken to me since Christmas day, mind you, to call or text. I would call and text him, but I don't want to seem desperate and he's probably deeper into his paperwork than Adele's rolling.
"Don't pull the whole employer card on me." His eyes drift around the restaurant, or a quiet bar. It is only 6 in the evening, and no one is meant to be drinking this early. Whoever is in the bar is either waiters or they are just really fucked up and likes getting drunk at 6 or waiting patiently for the actual fun stuff to happen . You know, drugs, hot people, music, alcohol. The whole shebang. "So what's this about?"
I think, what is this about? Like I said, I think I'm salty, but maybe this is more than that. Am I looking to vent? To sulk? Cry? Bitch about how people are up in cloud 9 grinding each other? How Melissa shines her engagement ring in my face just to spite my lonely 90-year-old crazy cat lady conscience? To release my emotional struggles to a poor, willing soul that has fallen into my trap of sarcasm and cynical remarks?
Who am I kidding? I don't... function that way. Emotions ain't my thing. The day I do emotions is the day I fuck up really badly, or realize that I fucked up really badly. Honestly, the in-the-making of a mistake is way less devastating than the aftermath. Consult my sperm and egg donors if you must.
"How're you and Ryland? Saw you two loving it up at the party." I smirk, knowing that boy is a soft spot for him. I'm a considerable amount of years older than Felix, 3 years give or take a couple months, even more so to the twins which we are around 6 years, again, give or take a couple months. I don't remember birthdays, that's what Facebook and the calendar app is for. Melissa just turned 26 too and she's already engaged. We went to the same damn high school and little fitness nerd Melissa is way on top of her game. Sometimes age is just a beautiful lie.
I surprise myself with my language sometimes. Poetic as fuck tonight, got to keep it on a roll. Aaron would be proud.
"I met his dad, had a thing happen over Christmas. Sob session, the whole deal." He sighs, playing with his tungsten ring again, "You know I have a weak spot for that family." He is quick to defend himself, and I don't doubt what he said. I can tell, that two man duo means a great deal to him. Possibly trio since the father-in-law is now in the picture too.
"Never said I don't believe you, champ." I, for one, have a soft spot for Skylar too. He's just too nice and small for anyone to dislike. Much too precious. It feels like I can snap him in half with a finger. Though, he can probably snap all the bones and my brain in half with just his words and that trillion megawatt smile. "How's the meeting with the parentals? Grilling? Excessive sarcasm? Homophobia? That's always a fun one."
"Speaking for yourself there? King of sass." His brow raises into his hairline, clearly amused. I have to say, he has really nice looking eyebrows. No homo. But yes homo... I'm gay but I'm not interested in him is what I'm trying to say. That scar across his brow really adds to his character, whether it's good or bad, not my call. "No. Nothing too big, their dad is apparently almost 50 but I'd be lying if I didn't say he's built like a tank. Kind of terrifying actually." He shivers.
His phone slides across the table, spinning crookedly as it reaches in front of me. On the screen is a family photo-esque portrayal of the twins, Felix and the dad. He's right, that man does not look like he's almost 50. I look closer, taking in the differences between the twins and how they resemble their father. It's creepily similar, but at the same time they all emanate something different. But what do little ole' Roman know about 'eminating', all I am is a pile of salt. A pile of salty, bitter and sour human flesh and bones. Whatever that means. Being poetic is hard.
Now that I look closely, I can tell that the twins actually don't look all that twin-like. Or maybe it's just me. "You sure Skylar and Ryland are twins? They look really different, to be honest."
"Yeah. I asked their dad. Not a pleasant conversation." His face scrunches up, "He told me all about the conceiving process, albeit a little fucked up from the wine he's been having. Sebastian is a weird, weird father." He smiles at that though.
"Sebastien?" He confirms that it's the father. Sounds a bit soft for a man of that stature. Then again, sitting across me is Felix McKenzie. The cutest name every for a post-druggie. "You seem to like the dad."
"I do. I do a lot." He exhales. I know parts of his story with Skylar. How he ran away from home after his parents found out his sister is returning home, how he's a problem child and forced to move here to Canada. It's just a lot for a young man at that age. "Guess I never had the pleasure of actual parents..." He chuckles humorlessly, "I cried like a bitch that night, multiple times."
"Well if anyone can make you cry, it would be one of the Cooks... or three of them."
"You can say that again."
"Would you cry for them again?" I might have overstepped my boundaries, not knowing what is sensitive to him and what isn't. He's easy to piss off, but he always takes a breather and comes back with that same scowl on his face. When his response came. I can't help but smile.
"Fuck yeah."
We are now a couple drinks in, girls trying to flirt with us. Ironic part is the bit where this is a gay bar. They had to either be really damn drunk or really hopeful that I would turn straight for them. But upon a few quick words, I can confirm that a nice male ass trumps boobs. Sorry, not sorry.
Maybe that was a little derogatory. But that's in my head, no one has to know what I think. Or else everyone would be cripplingly depressed.
"How's Aaron?" Felix turns his head back from dismissing a conversation with a twink, clearly trying to get in his pants. I say twink as if it's a bad thing, it's not, really, I dated one and he used to be the sweetest little coffee bean. But that fell to shit for various reasons.
"Haven't spoken to him yet." I tie up my hair, it's getting in the way and long sweaty hair is not appealing.
"Since Christmas?" I nod. "Well shit, I thought you two are together."
"I don't think so." Shaking my head. "I guess the Christmas Eve and Day thing was impulsive. It lasted for two days-ish. Maybe he sees it as some one off deal." It did make sense, he has a lot of work and the two day period seem to be a big boost to his mood. Not that we ever got passed first base. He has a really nice looking ass in skinny jeans though.
Felix's thumb twists his ring again. "And you're not going to talk to him about it? You look like you actually liked him." I pick up my drink, trying to distract myself from answering. "if I've learnt anything from Skylar, it's to communicate. Granted I had violence issues, and I yell and punch more than speak, but being silent doesn't help either."
"So what? I should just ring him and ask if he's had a jolly Christmas?" I roll my eyes, keeping an eye on two guys practically having sex next to the bar. They are probably fucked up enough to think that the banana analogy for a penis is real. That's a disturbing thought. "I know he's been slaving away in his office Felix. I can't just act like he wasn't... I don't... function like that."
"Roman, if you really like the guy then you go ahead and say something. Aaron isn't some uncultured swine, he'd listen, surely." He sighs, "Besides, if you're so insecure about him staying with you then why bother in the first place. You have to have felt a certain... longevity for you to even think of making out."
He's right, there was a tiny bit of a spark. Perhaps I had blown it out of proportion and wanted more than what Aaron has to give. He's a busy man, he's got a company to run, people to tend to. I'd just be in his way even if I tried to help. "It's probably just puppy love, it'll blow over."
Just then my phone rings. I barely hear it because the music had started blasting and people are filing in, it's times like this that Felix and I bail. "Come on let's go somewhere else." I suggest, pulling my phone from my pocket to see that Aaron is the one calling me.
In record time, I accepted the call.
"Hey, boyfriend." Aaron taunted. Now that we are on the streets, I can hear the background noise on Aaron's side, he must be out right now. Good to know that he isn't slaving away under his work just yet, it'd be pretty depressing to do that straight after Christmas. "How're you doing?" He asks, I mouth 'Aaron' to Felix, he nods and smirks. I'm going to pay him minimum for the next month because of this.
"Good. Nothing too major, how was Christmas for you?" Like an idiot I ask the same question I didn't want to ask just 5 minutes ago. I hear paper ruffling, so maybe he isn't outside? Well never fucking mind, I feel depressed for him. Bless your soul you sexy beast. He doesn't speak for a moment so I fill in, "Mine was boring, I sat home played with Paris and bolted when the parents came back." Shrugging as if he could see me in the first place.
His laugh is enough to make me smile. This really is some puppy love magic. "Yeah? If it's any consolation I had to go to a bachelors party with a truck load of very thirsty guys looking for girlfriends. It was not pleasant for a Christmas night." I shiver at the thought, females just don't quite click with me.
"Can't say I am disappointed I wasn't there."
"Neither." He says something muffled, probably his assistant. That girl is a tank, working so hard for an even harder working boss. "Anyway, I called to apologize. I've been stuck here for the most part, kind of wishing there's that tomato slop with flat noodles and meat sphere concoction."
I laugh audibly, "I can always work something out before new years. You know, till the... the deal... ends." My mood noticeably dipping. I'm not going to deny that I like him a lot, but this is just puppy love. I can't go around loving up everyone I find interesting and hot.
There's a long stretch of silence, I stop walking somewhere along the wait, Felix stands in front of me with furrowed eyebrows. 'You okay?' he mouths, I nod slightly. This is really awkward.
"Would I be crossing lines if I say that I don't want it to end?" He asks quietly, sounding more upset than I could ever have imagined.
"I don't know. We kind of got in there really quickly..."
"That's true." His voice barely above a whisper. "Well we still have a couple days before New Years. So we can always do something fun."
I smile again. Even though he's a CEO, important figure, man of billions. He's still the same excitable, nervous wreck of a man that I met at a school carnival.
Now I just sound like a conflicted teenage girl. Next thing I know I'll be PMSing and watching Vampire Diaries with Melissa. She's probably straighter than I am at that point.
"I'll come to the office tomorrow or the day after."
"That... sounds good." A smile clearly present when he says that. It feels nice to be able to make a person smile. But it's also very ironic when people make an effort to make me smile, it usually doesn't work. I just sit there unimpressed, not that I don't want to smile or pretend to be smiling. I just don't find anything excitable. The element of surprise is lost somewhere along the way of growing up alone.
We say our goodbyes and I start walking again without a word. My face falling back to it's original emotionless glory. I should play poker, I'd be really good at it. But then I remember the debt that comes with it. Okay so maybe I shouldn't.
"So... What's got my boss' mood swings to increase tenfold. Or rather, who." I smack him across the back, "Jerk."
"I'm sure if one of the Cooks called you, you're going to blow up into confetti and set off fireworks from where you stand."
"I do not-" I raise an eyebrow at him, a talent that I have been told to have nailed impeccably. "Shut up." He shoves me over.
The two of us spend the rest of the evening joking around, not really drinking any more alcohol. Maybe I just wanted a clear head, something to keep me sober while I think deeper.
Felix is now on his way to his father-in-law's house, though, he's not married or even close to. He may as well be from the amount of times he brings up Sebastien Cook, worshipping him like a true son would do to a father. I suppose from the stories told, he is a great man.
A great man that abandoned a child.
Just like some old folks I know.
From a distance, I spot a dog running towards me. A pure white Samoyed to be specific. One that I'd known for years and years. She pounces on me, paws on my stomach as I frown, if she's here it must mean... "Don't go running off like that Petra!"
Ah fuck.
"I'm so sorry! I wasn't holding the lead properly and she just rounded the corner and..." He looks up at me, shell shocked. "R-roman?"
"In the flesh." I sigh, handing him the loose lead laying on the ground.
"Roman!" His eyes watering, probably remembering how he had gone behind my back and slept with the whole basketball team, or everyone that's gay in it. Which turns out to be more than half. Shocking, I know, closeted athletes in university. Wow. Better contact E-news for exciting and important news.
"At least you're capable of raising a dog." Patting Petra's head as she wags her tail at lightning speed, licking my arm like she's dehydrated. For a dog, she is gigantic, but also very cute. Last time I saw her she was just a newborn puppy.
"I-I'm sorry..." Owen is a small little thing. Probably around Skylar's height, hazel hair with eyes to match. He used to be a twink, now he has a slight stubble but still cute and adorable. Minus the bit where he slept with people behind my back, that wasn't adorable. Nor was my face when I got pissed and was in denial. I am still in denial, I don't believe he has done anything. "I didn't mean to... back then..."
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