《The Call (Lucy/Caspian)》Chapter 5
The next morning, Caspian, Lucy, Peter, and Edmund ate breakfast together in pleasant conversation, but Lucy noticed Peter had something on his mind. They never ate far apart at the dinner table as propriety suggested.Instead, they all clumped together so they could actually laugh and talk to each other easily.
After everyone was finished eating, Peter wasted no time bringing up what was on his mind.
"Why are we here Caspian? And how did we get here?" He asked suddenly.
There was a short silence following, before Caspian answered.
"Not here Peter." He said solemnly. Caspian then gracefully rose out of his seat. Peter, Lucy, and Edmund followed Caspian out of the dining room into his personal library. It was a small room, kept more like an office, which had a simple desk with papers and letters strewn all over. Behind the desk there was a bookshelf close to ten feet tall and twenty feet long which held an assortment of historical books, novels, and many other genres. Caspian gestured to the four chairs in the library. "Please have a seat." He stood facing them in front of his desk, leaned against it and crossed his arms casually.
"Our military is at its highest peak, besides when you Four ruled of course. Recently, we have been receiving threats from Ettinsmoor, as well as the Wild Lands Of The North, saying they will declare war if we do not surrender." He stated calmly.
"And surrender what exactly?" Edmund asked seriously.
"This country." Caspian answered icily, and it was obvious he was trying to keep himself calm.
"Go on." Peter suggested.
Caspian looked at Edmund and Lucy.
"After the two of you and Eustace left, Aslan told me there may yet be a day when I would need to call upon the Kings and Queens of Old once more. However," he paused. "He warned me that it all depended on small choices I would make as king. He told me that the northern countries would try to invade Narnia, but that the former kings and queens, would help restore peace to Narnia. He never told me which choices I should and shouldn't make, but he assured me he would make wrong from right either way. He just told me one way would be much harder harder than the other." Caspian smiled. "And then he told me I would be a great king and he was proud of me, and then he was gone." He finished.
"So, how did we get here?" Peter asked.
"Peter you know how we got here." Lucy added. "My dagger."
"Your what?" Caspian asked puzzled. "I was the one who blew Susan's horn."
"My dagger. Peter said you told him he could take them." Lucy answered.
"But Lucy, Caspian kept them, on his ship remember?" Edmund said shockingly to Lucy. There was a long pause, but suddenly Lucy started laughing.
"What's so funny Lu?" Peter asked.
"Aslan, he-"
"What are you talking about Lucy." Caspian asked curiously.
"Well the best explanation is Peter took the real dagger back to England, while Aslan must have sent someone to place an exact replica making you think he had left it back here." Lucy explained.
Caspian smiled. "He was already planning years in advance for this. But who do you think replaced your things?" Caspian asked.
"It was I." Said a deep voice coming from the entrance of the dining room.
Lucy jumped up.
"Trumpkin!" She exclaimed, and ran to him.
Since she had grown a few inches, she knelt and hugged him hard, her head lowered as she leaned against his chest. He laughed and returned her hug with just as much strength as she had.
"Lucy. You have grown my friend." He chuckled.
"Yes I'm eighteen now. Why didn't you come on the voyage with us?" She asked sadly.
"Someone had to run the kingdom my dear." He answered with just as much regret as her.
They broke the embrace, and Lucy blinked back tears as she stood up.
"Actually your quite small for an eighteen year old woman." Trumpkin teased.
Lucy laughed. "I could say the same for you!"
"I hate to interrupt." Caspian said with his accent. "But why have you never told me you put a normal dagger and fake cordial in it's place?" Caspian said angrily.
"Aslan told me not to tell you, and it wasn't a fake cordial, it was the same fireflower cordial." Trumpkin said shrugging his shoulders.
"Why?" Caspian tried again.
"What would Aslan be if we actually understood him?" Trumpkin smiled.
"That's very true." Edmund pointed out.
"But I thought blowing Susan's horn was what called you." Caspian thought aloud.
"But Caspian," Lucy said as she walked around the table and came up to him face to face. "Don't you see?" She said excitedly. "That is what called us, it must have triggered the dagger, and so the words appeared on the blade. Remember what Aslan told me? 'Things never happen the same way twice.' Don't you see? You may have thought you called us, -and partly you did- but it didn't happen the exact same way, this time the dagger, or most importantly Aslan called us to help you." She smiled sweetly looking at him. For some reason he couldn't hold eye contact and looked down at the ground feeling ashamed he was the one who wanted to be in control as to how they got back.
"Well now that that's settled, did the people of Ettinsmoor say when they would attack if we did not surrender?" Peter asked.
"I do not know. They keep sending messages saying what will happen if we don't surrender the country, but they have not stated when they will attack." Caspian answered.
"Do you have an army ready Caspian?" Edmund asked.
"No, we have only gotten the first threat a fortnight ago, we've received five in all." Caspian stated.
"Then I say, we start with building troops." Edmund said wisely.
"I agree with Ed." Peter declared.
"Trumpkin? What do you think?" Caspian asked.
"I agree with Edmund, your majesty." Trumpkin answered humbly. Caspian sighed.
"Very well, where do we start?"
Peter and Edmund wasted no time in adjusting to Narnian life. They jumped into their roles as Kings of Narnia by holding meetings to discuss the markets as well as strategizing to build an army with Caspian. Meanwhile, Lucy carried her normal routine by going for a short ride early each morning after breakfast. They were receiving one anonymous threat of war per week, making Lucy only see her brothers and Caspian at meal times since they were so focused on business. But since Lucy, as you know, grew up to always be joyful and happy, she was oblivious to the danger lurking in the woods. After her morning ride, she would eat the midday meal with her siblings and Caspian, and then she would spend most of the afternoon with Rilian and his nursery maid. Rilian hadn't liked her at first, but soon he adjusted to her, and she enjoyed playing with him each afternoon. Caspian opened his schedule each day to spend one hour with his son before supper, so the nursery maid would make sure Lucy was gone in the late afternoon.
After a month of routine, one day Caspian came to Rilian's room earlier than usual.
"Lucy. What are you doing?" He asked her curiously, as he caught her tickling Rilian on the floor. She looked up flustered.
"I was just teaching Rilian the Narnian alphabet." She smiled and then looked down at the toddler again.
"Have you been here long?" He asked cautiously.
"Just since lunch." She said matter-of-factly with her English accent, as she kept showing Rilian more pictures of letters as he sat on her lap.
He sat there awkwardly thinking of what he should do or say, while Lucy played with his child totally oblivious of his thoughts. He did not come to spend time with Lucy, but to spend it with his son. He finally cleared his throat.
"Lucy perhaps you can talk to Peter and Edmund? I'm sure they would love to talk to you." Caspian suggested.
She looked up opening her mouth to reply.
"But father, I like playing with Lucy." Rilian pouted, his rich chocolate eyes and chubby cheeks making him irresistibly adorable. Caspian opened his mouth to reply, then closed it when he saw Lucy squeeze Rilian's cheeks.
"And I like playing with you too Rilian. Worry not, for Edmund and Peter can surely wait until supper to speak with me." She grinned and squeezed him, making him giggle. Caspian still stood there trying to think of what he could do. Finally, he exhaled and decided to go along with their playtime and kneeled down across from Lucy.
"Would you like to do a puzzle?" Caspian asked his son seriously as if he were talking to a grown up.
Lucy could see right through him, and knew he felt awkward with her there.
"Caspian, he's only two years old." She said gently. "You don't have to treat him like a grown up when other people are around. Treat him like you would if I'm not here." She smiled sweetly and released Rilian off of her lap.
"Rilian, would you like it if all three of us did a puzzle?" Lucy asked excitedly to the dark haired boy.
"Yes!" Rilian exclaimed, causing Caspian to chuckle softly.
There! Finally he's relaxing.
Lucy, Caspian and Rilian all worked on puzzles till supper was announced, and up until then, Lucy noticed Caspian was having fun playing with his son.
"I lost track of time." Caspian said, then smiled and picked up his son. "You be good and eat your supper." He said and kissed his cheek.
"But father!" Rilian cried.
"Perhaps we can do another puzzle tomorrow?" Caspian suggested with a smile.
"Oh, alright." Rilian smiled and then started playing with his flash cards of letters on his bed.
Caspian walked over to his son to ruffle his sons thick dark hair, and placed a kiss on the toddlers cheek.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled and turned to Lucy, holding out his arm. "Are you ready?"
"Why yes of course." She said smiling, though it never reached her eyes.
They began walking down the hall out of Rilian's bedroom when Caspian spoke.
"Is something wrong?" He asked with concern.
She thought for a moment.
"Yes, I think you should let Rilian eat supper with us. Peter and Edmund have never seen him before, and he deserves to eat with his family." She spoke truthfully.
"Did your father shun you away as a child?" Lucy asked. "I think not Caspian, and you know it. You had a great father figure growing up, and now it's your turn. For Rilian." She finished gently.
Caspian reflected as they walked and realized he had been busy with the welfare of Narnia and recovering from his past in the last year. He agreed with Lucy that he had severely neglected time spent with his son.
They kept walking for a few moments, and then they stopped.
"You're right." He mumbled quietly while releasing her arm to turn and walk back to his sons room.
Lucy waited until Caspian came back with Rilian, and when she saw Caspians face, she saw him beam with pride. When she looked at little Rilian, his face was practically glowing.
"Lucy, Lucy! I'm eating with you tonight!" He exclaimed.
"That is what I heard! Would you like to sit next to me Rilian?" She smiled.
After he agreed, the three of them ended up being late for supper.
"Ah so this is Rilian." Peter said kindly as he and Edmund stood up when Lucy entered. "It is a pleasure to meet you." He smiled.
Rilian smiled shyly at Peter and then sat in between Lucy and Caspian.
Everyone enjoyed supper, but Rilian was beaming the whole time. She could tell he was beginning to love being the center of attention, and she knew he loved being around Peter and Ed.
After the meal, Lucy picked up Rilian, and they all retired in Caspians library and talked and laughed about just about anything. Soon it was past bedtime for Rilian, and seeing the boys in a deep conversation, Lucy decided to put him in bed herself.
She and Rilian left the library without the boys giving her or Rilian any notice whatsoever, so when she got to Rilian's bedroom, she decided she wasn't done having fun yet.
"Rilian, would you like to play a game of hide and seek?" She asked him.
"What's that?"
"It's a game me my family and I played back in England quite often when I was younger." She answered. After she was done telling him how to play, he was practically twitching to play the game. Since she didn't want him meddling in places he shouldn't belong, Lucy decided Rilian should be the seeker and she be the hider.
"Okay you can start counting to ten." She said gently.
"Otay." He answered and stood in a corner and counted to ten. Since she didnt want to make it too hard for him, she decided to hide out of his bedroom, and laid right in the center of the floor in the hallway.
She laid there for a few moments before hearing someone clear their throat above her.
"What are you doing?" Caspian asked suddenly. She looked up at his face and saw amusement twinkling in his dark eyes. "Couldn't make it to bed could you?" He teased.
Lucy laughed. "No Caspian I-"
"I found you Lucy!" Rilian exclaimed as he jumped on her making her grunt.
"Yes you did." She laughed.
"What are you two-"
"Hide and seek." Rilian and Lucy interrupted in unison, answering his question.
"Oh that English game." Caspian mumbled.
"Yes. Now Rilian, I do believe we can play some more tomorrow. What do you think?" She smiled.
"Otay!" Rilian exclaimed.
She laughed and stood up.
"Well then we all have to get plenty of sleep, so we can play tomorrow." She said gently.
"Otay." He said yawning happily.
She picked him up and placed him on her hip, and then walked into his bedroom and placed the child on the bed. Caspian followed her to say goodnight to his son.
"Goodnight Rilian." Lucy said gently as she placed him on his bed.
"Goodnight Rilian." Caspian said, his voice far more deep than Lucy's.
"Goodnight father, goodnight Lucy." He said properly.
"Goodnight." They said in unison, but Rilian had already fallen asleep.
He held out his arm.
"Peter and Ed have already gone to bed, but I ache for a walk in the moonlight. Would you care to join me?" He asked gently.
"That sounds wonderful." Lucy smiled as she put her arm in his.
As they strolled outside late that evening, they talked about many things, nothing important really, just catching up.
"And how have you adjusted to the new Cair Paravel? I hope it is not too different from the one you knew and loved." Caspian stated as they continued to stroll in the quiet gardens.
"Well there are various things that are different: furnishings, decorations, and so forth, but the most important things have remained the same."
"And what is that?" Caspian asked curiously.
"The peace." She whispered. "It flows like a river through the walls and seeps into every room. Some say it is magic." She smiled.
Caspian could not help but smile in return. "And I would argue with anyone that the peace and joy that seeps into the castle is from you."
She blushed mildly. "Caspian, you really are too kind. You know I have missed you." She said genuinely. Lucy realized she hadn't been able to talk to Caspian alone yet so far, and she had already been in Narnia for over a month. It was nice to talk to him again, with everything they had gone through.
"And I, you." He said in return. For the first time since the Pevensie's arrival, Caspian realized how much he truly missed Lucy's friendship. He had been so busy with Edmund and Peter that he had not spent any time with her. Although he would see her at meals when he was in the Cair, he would be conducting business with Ed and Peter in between bites or the four of them would be in pleasant conversations. Caspian realized that he had forgotten how much he enjoyed being with Lucy when it was only the two of them. He always felt that Lucy understood him more than anyone else. Memories of him and her sitting on deck of the Dawn Treader came flooding back. He remembered the few times it would be late in the night and all were fast asleep making it only the two of them. They had the best conversations. They would talk and laugh about so many things. Caspian remembered how much he shared with her on that voyage. His struggles as king of Narnia as well as his struggles in his self-esteem as he so desired to be good and kind like his father. He would remember sharing the fears in his with Lucy and her attentiveness and wisdom always made him feel better each time he spoke with her. He could not deny they had a kindred connection aboard the Dawn Treader. But she had grown up so much in the last three years, and so had he. Had that deep friendship changed, or did it remain the same? As she held onto his arm, he could not deny she had grown into a beautiful wom-
"Caspian. Are you alright?" Lucy interrupted suddenly, preventing his thoughts from going further.
"Yes. Yes of course." He said seriously, focusing his attention on a serious topic.
"Lucy, I have been wanting to ask you something. Do you think Aslan knew you three were going to come back?" She squeezed his arm as she looked at him and didn't say anything until he looked at her.
"What does Aslan not know?" She whispered.
"I suppose you are right." He answered and kept walking straight, his mind in another world.
"You know Aslan isn't disappointed in you. Because we came back." She reminded him. "You said so yourself."
"Yes but my mind keeps telling me different." He answered softly.
"Then don't listen to it."
"It is not that easy." He whispered.
She sighed. "I know. But you have to try."
"Why? You can never beat it." He said in a frustrated tone.
"Yes you can." She replied firmly.
"How do you know?" He asked looking down at her soft face.
"Because I used to let my thoughts beat me up too." She answered softly.
"And pray tell, how did you beat it?" He asked desperately.
She paused.
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