《The Call (Lucy/Caspian)》Chapter 6
Lucy laid in her bed feeling restless and uneasy. For hours she tossed and turned, but to no avail. During her reign, there was only one place she could go that always lifted her spirits.
Mr. Tumnus' house
Besides, a long ride would also make her feel better. She looked outside and saw the dark night filled with stars. She figured it was close to three in the morning. Plenty of time to go to the Western Wood and return close to supper. No one would really even notice except for Rilian. But surely Rilian would forgive her for a one day absence. Lucy hated disappointing anyone, but she yearned to go and mourn and reminisce in the Fawns house. She quickly dressed into a dark maroon riding gown which brought out the auburn brilliance in her hair, and tied a cream colored cloak around her neck. She walked down to the stables and breathed in the aroma of the barns. The entire stable was quiet as all of the servants had retired for the evening. Her eyes landed on a white mare, and knew that that was the horse she wanted to ride. She collected the necessary equipment and began the process of saddling a horse. It had been so long since she had prepared a horse she joyously immersed her entire being into the task and did not hear someone lurking behind her.
"What are you doing?"
Lucy jumped at the familiar voice.
"Caspian! You scared me." Lucy flustered. "I was just going to go for a ride." She replied as she threw a saddle on her horse's back.
"But it is not even dawn Lucy."
"I could not sleep." She answered nonchalantly as she bent down to fasten the saddle.
"And what makes you think you can just go riding in the middle of the night when there are possible invaders?" He asked worriedly.
She shrugged her shoulders and started putting the bridle on, which only frustrated Caspian.
"Lucy." He cupped her shoulders with his hands and turned her around so she was facing him. Since they were standing so close together, Lucy had to look up, since he was taller than her by over six inches.
"I don't want you riding alone, it's far too dangerous." He said, looking down at her.
"I am not helpless Caspian." She narrowed her gaze at him.
"I am not saying that, I just want you to be careful." He concerned.
"Fine," she snorted. "I should be back by supper, just tell Rilian I'm sorry." She stated as she mounted the mare.
"Lucy you are not listening to me, you shouldn't leave-"
"Caspian I'll be fine." She responded icily. He watched her for several moments before sighing heavily.
"Alright, I suppose I shall have to go with you since you won't change your mind." He was slightly annoyed that she would not listen to him, but Caspian knew he could not just let her wonder around alone when there were traitors in their midst.
Fifteen minutes later, Caspian and Lucy were mounted on their horses and rode in silence through the city.
"It's so quiet." She whispered, breaking the silence.
"Well what do you expect," Caspian smiled, his frustrations long gone. "It is only three in the morning."
"Well I like it actually, because when we came to Narnia for the first time, there weren't many people at all, and I loved it that way." She said and then went off in another happy world, leaving Caspian to think of her words. Neither of them said anything until they exited the city and went into the nearest forest heading east. Only until they were walking in the forest for nearly ten minutes did Caspian speak in the moonlight.
"Hmm?" Lucy asked in confusion.
"Why did you love it when there were no humans here the first time?" He could not understand why someone could love having no humans in Narnia.
"Oh." He heard her laugh, and for some reason, it made him smile that he was the one who had made it happen.
"Because it felt so free." She said simply, and there was a long pause that followed. For a while Caspian thought she was going to continue, but when she did not, He turned and studied her in the moonlight, attempting to figure her out. Fortunately, it was nearly a full moon, so he could see her clearly.
Her long brown auburn hair lay in long thick curls, and on the top of her head sat her silver crown. She had high elegant cheekbones, and was wearing a deep red riding dress which suited her features elegantly. He remembered her plump cheeks and childlike figure, but as he stared at her now, he saw she had completely transformed into a woman.
She really has grown up to be very beautiful indeed.
He thought to himself as she rode right beside him elegantly. He suddenly cleared his throat, trying to get rid of the weird thought that just went though his head.
"So is that all your going to say? Do you not like it that there's an actual city next to the castle?" He asked seriously.
She looked at him in amusement.
"It's not that hard to understand Caspian."
"Well I just don't understand you sometimes." He mumbled.
She looked at him and smiled brightly .
"Of course you don't, I am far too smart for you to understand." She teased him comfortably, which made him grin.
"Mmm yes joking. It has been a while since someone has mocked me. Glad I can always count on you to destroy my self confidence." He chuckled.
"What," she laughed. "I am simply doing you a favor and making sure you know that everything you are doing is wrong. I am keeping you humble." They both laughed heartily, just happy to be in one another's company.
"Caspian, how did you know I was in the stables?" He continued to look ahead as he responded.
"Oh my father always told me as a boy, that horses are the best listeners and companions, and when I couldn't sleep, I thought I would visit the horses. But I did not know you were already there." He said honestly.
"Why couldn't you sleep?" She asked curiously, looking at him.
"Why couldn't you sleep?" He asked her, trying to change the subject.
She sighed, knowing what he had just done.
"I kept thinking of a dear friend, and I couldn't get him out of my mind." She said looking down at her saddle.
"How close were you two?" He said looking straight ahead, not even wanting to look at the sadness on her face.
"Oh we were best friends." She said achingly. "And I never got to say goodbye."
He sighed.
"I'm sure when we defeat the people of Ettinsmoor, you will go back home and see him." He couldn't bear the thought of the closest thing he had to family, leaving and never coming back. And for some reason, it made him hurt that she was close to another man, was it a romantic understanding? Or merely friendship? Caspian hoped it was the latter, but was frustrated at himself for feeling that way.
She jerked her head up, breaking his thoughts, and looked at him so suddenly, he thought he said something horrible.
"Oh Caspian he was not in England. He was here. In Narnia." She said simply.
Caspian was confused. She was just a girl when she was here last. "Lucy, you are not making any sens-"
"It was in the Golden Age. I grew up there remember? And that is why I am going to the Western Woods, to see my friend." She explained.
It suddenly made sense.
"You are speaking of Tumnus the faun." He stated.
"Yes." She stated simply.
"I had just heard you were very close friends."
"Yes." She smiled. "Growing up, I would stay at his house for days at a time. Then Peter would often send messenger doves when they needed me back at the castle. Tumnus and I were very close." She said looking at him.
"Do you think if you would have stayed in Narnia longer, is it possible you would have married?" He asked her curiously.
She hesitated, and looked at him for several moments while blinking several times. She suddenly burst into laughter.
"Oh Caspian, you really do need to catch up on your history. Mr. Tumnus was over one hundred years my senior." Caspian suddenly wished he had not spoken so out of turn.
They rode hard, and reached the Fords of Beruna by dawn.
"Are you alright Lucy?" He asked her.
"Hmm? Oh yes." She smiled. "Just thinking."
"And pray tell, what are you thinking?" He smiled at her.
"How isolated it is." She said looking around. "Last time I was here, there were thousands of telmarines on one side of this river and just me and Aslan on the other." She answered with a smile thinking of that particular adventure.
It truly was beautiful, the river was completely isolated with the sun rising in between the eastern mountains in front of them.
"We better keep moving, if you want to get to the lamppost before midday." Caspian interrupted.
She shook her head of her memories.
"Yes. Yes of course." She replied while sitting in her saddle, completely silent the rest of the way.
The Fords of Beruna were the halfway point, so it took them six hours to reach Tumnus' house. Which meant if they arrived at midmorning, they would have to leave by midday to give them enough time to get home by supper.
"Lucy how much longer." Caspian asked.
"Just around this corner." She answered and sure enough they rounded the corner of the massive rock and down the small hill. Hidden in the rock stood Mr. Tumnus' house.
The sight made Lucy sad, because part of her felt as if her friend would be inside, but the other part told her that it wasn't true.
She and Caspian tied their horses to the nearest tree, and walked upto the grave, the door and the remains of a flower bed.
She sat for just a moment soaking it all in, and almost bolted thinking of how dead it would look inside.
Come on Lucy, you have to do this. She thought to herself and grabbed the door handle before she changed her mind.
As she creaked the door open, she was startled when she smelled the same sweet scent she used to smell often over a thousand years ago. She jerked her head back and looked at Caspian.
"Caspian how is?" He motioned her to move forward practically cutting her off.
She walked into the foyer with Caspian not far behind, and was almost expecting that this all was a dream and inside there would be a cozy fire stirred up near the fireplace with the smell of tea being brewed and tea cakes baking in the oven. And most of all, she expected to see a happy faun inside, sitting near the warm fire sipping tea and reading one of his many books, and seeing the happy smile come to his face when she would surprise him with a visit...
"I had a feeling you were going to come today." Tumnus said looking up from his book, as Lucy hung her coat.
"Oh really." She turned around with a smirk.
"You see us fauns just get those feelings." He smiled.
"Ah yes well us humans get certain feelings too." She smiled mysteriously.
"I don't think humans get a anything." He laughed.
"Of course we do! I had the feeling you were going to offer me some tea."
"Yes well, that's different."
"I think not sir! Don't try to sneak around it! Now were you or were you not?" Lucy asked.
"Was I what?" He asked confused.
"Am I going to have any tea? Or were you planning on starving me this whole visit." She grinned.
"I was actually considering it." He teased as got up and hurried to the little kitchen in the next room, while Lucy walked over to the bookshelf next to the fireplace.
She looked at all of the familiar pictures. Some were of her and her family, some were of his family, but in the middle sat her very favorite picture. It was painted when she was just a girl, but her favorite just the same. She was sitting on Tumnus' lap, and she and him had been inseparable even then.
"Every time I come in here your always looking at that same picture." Tumnus said as he handed her a cup of tea and stood beside her. She thanked him and looked back at the picture.
"Well yes because it is my favorite one." She smiled.
She knew she was expecting too much, but when she walked into the foyer, her heart broke. She slowly walked down the two steps that led into the living room, and looked around. It wasn't a home at all, there were pieces of glass everywhere and everything was broken from age or rusted through.
She looked at the bookshelf that used to be filled with beautiful books, but was now only filled with aged, rusted novels. This was all too much for Lucy. She broke down with a sob and couldn't hold it back. She couldn't stop the tears and she knew it. She felt so ripped up inside, and she felt so alone. Until she felt comforting hands touch her shoulders, and she felt herself being slowly turned around.
She tilted her head up with sorrow to look into Caspian's face, but it hurt even more when she saw that he looked just as torn up as she was. She knew he never knew Tumnus, but she did know that he cared about her, and that he wanted to encourage her. Without thinking, she wrapped herself around him. And she felt complete when he enveloped his strong arms around her creating a safe haven for her. She laid her head against his chest and sobbed uncontrollably. He held her tightly as she wept, and he whispered soothing words that went deep into her heart.
"He must have felt so lonely after we left." She said with despair, making Caspian's heart ache at seeing her so upset. He had not known what happened, but he felt his protective side take over, and before he knew it, he was pulling her in his arms.
"I'm so so sorry Lucy." He said truthfully, and began to slowly rub her back trying to soothe her.
"It's all my fault." She said angrily. "We should not have chased that white stag. If we would have stayed we would not have found the wardrobe." She groaned, and pushed her head deeper into his chest.
"You can't change what happened." He said gently.
"Caspian, he was my best friend!" She suddenly wanted to be away from him. He had no idea what she was going through. She flung herself away from his comforting touch, and accidentally threw her arm out and knocked over an old picture. As she bent to pick it up, she realized it was her favorite one. She smiled softly at the memory of sitting on his lap for over two hours, and remembered laughing when his legs would cramp from her sitting on them for so long.
"I'm sorry." She said as she leaned back and tilted her head upward to search Caspian's face.
He looked down at her and she realized after a moment that he was studying her face. He held an odd expression as he gazed upon her silently.
"Are you alright?" She asked with concern.
Caspian only heard her voice vaguely as he stared at her, and he realized he did not want to stop looking at her. What was wrong with him? He had not meant to stare. He just had not noticed that she had little freckles on her cheeks and nose. And that she had cute dimples just beneath her cheeks. He could not stop himself from continuing upward and stopped at her cheekbones. High and prominent, yet gentle and smooth. And then he made the mistake of looking into her eyes, and everything around him seemed to completely stop. Her eyes were glassy and water filled from her sobs, but they were the most beautiful pair of eyes he had ever seen before. They were filled with different colors. Before, if asked, he would have described her eyes as a forest green. But now that he was close and could see her eyes clearly, they were as green and bright as a pool of emeralds. And if looking really close, there were also specks of brown, grey, and blue in her eyes.
While he studied her, he saw her lips moving, lips that were full and well formed, but her lovely voice sounded muffled. The voice of when one is trying to wake up from a dream. He did not care though. All he suddenly wanted to do was look at her forever. He took a deep breath and was near enough to smell her hair. Magnificent auburn curls which smelled like sweet daisies. How had he not noticed these things before? Her voice sounded like a distant dream as he looked at her face for what felt like the first time. Finally, his mind registered that he should probably speak.
"What? Oh yes I was just-" He had no idea what had just happened, and why he could not stop staring at her beautiful face, but it felt like something had awakened inside that he had thought was long lost. He did not know if he liked this unfamiliar feeling.
"We need to start heading back, this isn't a good environment for you." He lied as he started heading outside without a backward glance. He was already to the horses when she came out of the mountain with the picture she had dropped. He helped her up on her horse and they began heading back east.
"Caspian what's wrong?" She asked after they had risen hard for over an hour. He had not made a single sound.
Was he mad at her?
"Nothing's wrong." He said bluntly. Maybe he was not mad at her. Maybe he was thinking about the a special person he had lost. Perhaps Rilian's mother?
"Are you thinking of her?" She asked softly.
"Yes" He lied.
"Please tell me about her."
"You've met her." He said looking straight ahead.
"Have I?" She thought for a moment. "Ah Liliandil." She smiled at him.
He finally looked at her and held her gaze for a long moment. "Yes."
"What happened to her?" She asked innocently.
"She died." He said simply and looked straight ahead.
"Oh I'm truly sorry." She said sympathetically. "Did you love each other? Oh I'm sorry." She said shaking her head and looked away.
"I think we were friends," He began slowly, as he answered her question. "but no I don't think I ever loved her, I feel as if that is too strong a word for what I felt towards her. "She was most beautiful though, and I'm sure in time we would have grown to love each other as my parents had." He ended softly, and a comfortable silence followed.
"Well Rilian doesn't look a thing like her, he's all you in fact. His personality couldn't be more like you. His great demand for attention, his temper, his rudeness, his competitiveness, his-"
"Alright, alright." Caspian laughed.
"Oh don't beat yourself up Caspian, because I'll work on him, and before you know it, he will be the most handsome, kind, and best dagger thrower in all of Narnia." She smiled brilliantly, the sun shining on her hair making it look fiery red, which set off her magnificent blue eyes and made Caspian's stomach tie in knots.
She is the most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes upon.
- In Serial56 Chapters
Tome of the Mind
SPOILER WARNING: This is a sequel to Tome of the Body. If you have not read it, please do before reading this story, otherwise, a lot of things will not make sense. It can be found here. ~SYNOPSIS~ Every great story needs an author. Samuel Bragg, now the chosen champion of Arcana, has returned to the world of Ahya after one hundred years of being presumed dead. He awakes in his old home village, tended to by his last living friend, now an old woman. He spends some time enjoying the peace he finds but finds that his time away from the world has weakened him. Struggling with his new purpose in life and the returned boredom of village life, Samuel sets out on a nostalgic trip back to the capital city of Milagre. He is surprised to see that much of the world remains unchanged in the past hundred years, with a few exceptions. Accepted back at the Mage’s College with high honors, Samuel is offered the chance to teach his own class and educate future mages, but declines, deciding he needs more experience. Desperate to learn more about the mysteries of magic, he takes an apprentice and travels to the distant land of Zaban, where it is rumored that mages skilled in unique magic live. He is given a new title and permission to travel from the Royal Family of Gorteau and sets out for the natural nation of Zaban. On his journey, he learns new skills and discovers his talent for teaching. Powered by Arcana and guided by his influence, Samuel returns to the capital city Milagre, to find those small parts of his life that were lost. He encounters his old friends Shigeru and Grimr, each now well-known for their services to the world. But upon connecting with the world as he knows it, he also learns of a terrible war brewing beneath the surface, filling everyone with unease. With a god behind him and a new ally at his side, Samuel steps once more into the unknown. Can he continue to grow as a mage and find triumph again? Read Tome of the Mind, the second book in the Tomes of Ahya series, to witness the truly thrilling tale of a growing legend and the challenges he will face. This story is also available on Scribblehub.
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