《love to die for | mattia polibio》t w e n t y f i v e


'check in! where are those criminals?' the yelling of the officer's voice filled the room.

'would you relax?' amber's voice followed, 'they're not convicted yet.'

'you're too soft.' the officer muttered.

'i think you need to remember who you're talking to, officer.' said amber, like the bad bitch she was.

mattia and i sighed simultaneously, a wave of relief crashing over the both of us.

i dried my hands quickly, and mattia and i began waving frantically from across the room, catching amber's attention.

'you check upstairs, make sure you search their rooms thoroughly.' amber said to the officer after noticing us.

'yes, boss.' he replied dimly, heading upstairs.

as soon as he was out of sight, the two of us rushed into amber and hugged her.

'i've missed you guys.' she said, softening up.

'aw how cute.' mattia teased.

'we got lucky so we better make this quick.' i whispered to mattia.

'make what quick?' said amber, raising an eyebrow.

'we have something we wanna ask you about.' said mattia as we dragged her into the living room and sat her between us on the couch.

'what do y'all want now.' she groaned.

'well.. we need a pregnancy test.' i spoke quickly, trying my best to rip off the bandaid.

'you what-'

'you heard her.' said mattia, trying to lighten the mood.

'you guys have literally lost your damn minds- i got you guys those condoms for a reason.' she said.

'please, we're literally desperate.' mattia and i begged, following the guidelines of our solid plan.

'you're gonna have to try harder than that.' she laughed.

'we'll let you be the godmother.' i smirked, jokingly.

'oh so you two are desperate desperate?' she replied.



'ugh fine, but y'all need to stop taking advantage of my soft spot for you.'

'mhm okay fine, but we'll need it asap.' i added, beaming at her convincingly.

'i got you,' she assured us, 'i better head out.'

'you're the best.' i said.

'we love you.' said mattia.

i shot him a look telling him to relax, by the way he rolled his eyes and chuckled i took it that the message was recieved.

the echoing sound of the other officer's footfalls on the stairs reached us just in time for amber to change her soft facial expression into a firm one, her reputation clearly meant a lot to her.

'yeah now get out of my sight.' she said to us.

we left the room and watched her from a corner as she guided her partner out of the door, sending a wink at us not long before shutting the door behind herself.

'i literally wish she was like my sister or something.' i turned to mattia.

'i fucking know, she's so nice.. and young.. and hot.' he said, exaggerating the last word and rolling his eyes to tease me.

'shut up.' i pushed him, 'you're mine and mine only.' i said.

'i'm cool with that.' he replied.

'...but seriously mattia,' i realized, 'you wouldn't leave me, right?' i asked.

'y/n, why would i ever downgrade from you.' he answered.

'well how do you know it would be a downgrade?' i pried.

'maybe because you're literally the most beautiful girl i've ever seen in my life?' he said.

i smiled at him, trying to control my uncontrollable blushing.

'come here.' he said, pulling me into his chest, 'y/n, i will literally never leave you, i promise.'


we hugged for a while, mattia rocking me back and forth, the feeling of the warm friction between our skin only making me want to hold onto him forever, and the feeling that he felt the same way making me even more affectionate. i translated the emotions i felt towards him into action, squeezing him as tight as possible suddenly becoming more important than the need for air to breathe.

after a few moments, we let go, the both of us gasping for breath slightly realizing that we may have been holding each other too tight.

we stared at each other silently for a moment or two before i leapt onto him and buried my fingers into his silk hair, kissing him aggressively.

the feeling of his firm hands gripping me at my thighs and keeping me up off the ground sent flutters through my entire body, the feeling of the cold silver rings that looped around his fingers intensifying them to an unbearable point.

i indulged and lost myself in the perfect sensation of our lips connecting like puzzle pieces, and the small sounds of our affection ringing in my ears.

but then i lost myself more, and more until i lost control completely, feeling my lips detach from mattia's against my will, and my body starting to fall limp, and everything suddenly going dark.

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