《Conditionally Married》34- Pep talk


Ashar pov

I was tired of playing this cat and mouse game. She says she doesn't have feeling for him, then why did she dance and sit in the car with him.

It had forced me to to take her to my ultimate timer drive, as I call it. It always brings me the result.

But she is something else.

Stubborn Swan...

She told me everything, but didn't tell me how does she feels about him..

I saw her normalizing her breathing. So I went to check on her.

But she slapped me.

How dare she raised her hand on me...

Does she forgot what I can do to her??

I had revenge in my mind, but when I saw tears in her eyes, I changed my mind.

My heart was in more pain than my cheek.

She begged me to stop playing games. But its HER who is playing not me...

My heart always believed in her innocency. I just need some proof to believe it. And now, when she told me about her computer thing, there is someone definitely who is framing her.

I know the truth, now I need proof.

Trying to calm her down, I pulled her towards me and lifted her face to meet mine.

Those eyes. They were mix shades of brown and black. But now they are red and watery. It felt like someone had grabbed my heart and squeezed it.

I dragged her towards myself and went for her bare lips, which are more tempting than any wine..

But the pain in her eyes were too much to handle, I felt suffocating seeing her like that. So, unable to resist, I kissed her angry eyes and drank away her tears which were flowing from her eyes.

May be that will ease her pain..and mine too

She doesn't trust me and she doesn't want to go home with me. So I just lifted her on my shoulder and threw her on backseat of car. As soon we reached home, she locked herself in her room.

I can't forget her scared face. Yeah definitely she was hell scared of what I could have done, and all of things she said were just the outburst.

I dont know why I am just being pulled towards her. But it boils my blood when I see her with that a**hole.

I wont share what is mine. At least she is mine for now.

I sat on the bed and my mind kept on drifting towards her. I never saw her making any move to seduce me. She hadn't used her authority in company matters as she does have rights as per will of my father.

She is difficult and different.

And I sleep peacefully with her...

Without thinking for any other moment, I took the keys of the other room and went in her room.


I was invading her privacy and right now I would be the last man on the Earth she wanted to see. But all these doesnt deny the fact that we both need each other.

As I unlocked the door, I found her sleeping, but she is a bad actor. She had just closed her eyes. The wet spots on her pillow are telling me the real story.

So, I just took her in my embrace and slept with her. I'll deal with her in morning.


I woke up when I found the cold side of bed. Sia should be sleeping with me, but she wasn't there.

She should be the one waking me up by screaming

I knocked the bathroom, but it was empty. I checked the cupboard, all of her belongings were there.

So, where she went??

I instantly went to grab my phone to track her. But fortunately I found her SMS.

Ok, she is mad. And its not good since our reception is just few days later.

I took bath and called Eddy. I want to clear my head, so I called him at my home.

He reached in 30 minutes

"Now what did you do?" He said as he saw me.

"Hello to you too" Sarcastic comment.

He took a seat on the lounge

"Is Sia here?" His eyes started to look around and he grabbed his favourite juice from refrigerator.

"Nope, she is in office" I said in low voice.

He sighed and made himself comfortable.

"What happen?" He asked

"Someone is trapping Sia" I said as I took my coffee.

"And.. how do you know?" He asked

"She told me that she gave her password to some IT person." I told him story.

"How can you trust her? I mean she is still a suspect since we have something against her"

"I KNOW it" emphasizing in 'know'

He raised his both hands in air "how can you be so sure if she is telling ....." and then something struck him as his eyes popped out.

"Oh my God. You took her to your drive?" He asked had I nodded

He got angry

"You remember last time you took that girl Astrid. She had jumped from the car and hit by tree. She was in coma for like 3 months" he recalled

"3 months and 10 days. And she deserve that" I told him. "She told me that she needed money for her ailing parents, whereas she was just using my money for herself and drugs. Bloody golddigger" I exhaled from my nostrils with force.

"Ashar, you had evidences about her. You could have handled it in a easier way" he grabbed snacks now from the table.

"Everything can be deceiving. I wanted to hear truth from herself" I took a deep breath


"When I got those photos of Tristan and her, I wanted to know if there is really something going on...."

"Wait wait.... " Eddy interrupted me "You wanted to know about her and Tristan? You were not interested in knowing if she planted the bomb?"

"I knew from the beginning that she is not the culprit" I stood up from my seat and stretched myself a little.

"And why?" He asked

"Because that night when you called telling me about the bomb, she was going upstairs. If she knew about bomb,she would have walked towards gate, rather going upstairs"

Eddy joined his fingers and placed his chin on it. "May be you are right. But still that doesn't explain the blue prints we got from her computer"

"Computer is a funny thing Eddy. It just recognize people with passwords and not see the actual person. Her computer doesn't feel feminine and refreshing scent of her body. It doesn't know that tranquilizing feeling that runs in the body when she touches. It doesn't know how tempting and delicious her lips could feel when it comes in touch with yours, it doesn't know that she bites her nails when she is thinking" Her face came around my eyes.

Eddy laughed and I came back to reality. "Oh my God. Are you falling for her?"

"I hated her so much when we got married. But I dont know since when I started to care for her. She haven't asked anything. Even didn't try to seduce me like every other woman do.."

I stood up and ran my hands in hair

"Even though we kissed, we slept on one bed multiple times. But she never tried anything".

"May be she is a lesbian then" he joked

"Nope. I felt heat radiating from her body when I touch her".

"But, does she love you ?? I mean she can have feelings for Tristan?"

"I need to know what is in her heart" I sighed

Eddy laughed."I can't believe you are having difficulty in getting a woman"

We both laughed. Then he continued "Look, jokes apart. But Sia is still in grey zone for me because I haven't find anything that proves that she is innocent. So dont blame me if she breaks your heart. I am your friend since childhood, I will help you, but warned you too'.

I lowered my head on the sofa now.

"Did you talked to your uncle lawyer about hiding the last part of will?" He threw another question.

"Not yet. Burke is like family I have. I have good memories of him. I don't think he hid that intentionally"

"Ashar, that was your father's will. And as per law, he should be telling you all things crystal clear. He can be sued if you want"

"I will talk to him. But this is not a big deal. I know my father well. He really wished for my failure so that I get nothing. He could have written anyone's name, he wrote Burke's. So what?"

"It's not the name, its the reason of not telling you that worries me." Eddy told me.

Our conversation was broken by my ringtone.

Its from office.


"Sir, you have meeting with Mr. Knight in one hour."

Why Daisy called me instead of her....

"Thanks Daisy. Where is Sia?"

"She had asked me to call you." She said

"Is she in office?" I asked

"Yes sir"

Then why the hell she didn't call me herself.

"Tell Sia to prepare meeting room." I said and hung up.

"This girl " I slammed my fist on the sofa.

"I had never seen you such frustrated man" Eddy straighten his legs.

"I don't know what to do. She is being framed. Someone is after both of us. All I need her to do is to cooperate. But rather she is always being irrational and... and stubborn. She doesn't miss any chance to piss me off" Words came out all in one breath.

"It's your fault Ashar" Eddy replied

"You enforced yourself on her. You both didn't like each other but got married. Even after that,you are not ready to lower down the walls around your heart" he just kept on saying...

I looked at him with questions.

"You don't like when she talks with someone else. So be the man with whom she can talk, rather just fight."

May be he is right..

May be the problem is not her, its me.

"Let's go Eddy" I said and we both went out.

I went to my office building and went inside elevator

Okay Ashar, keep it calm and cool. Try to answer everything normally

I kept chanting myself to stay calm. As I entered, I saw Sia taking out some files from the cabinet.

"Good morning" I said and she turned.

But no reply.

She didn't even acknowledge my presence.

"I said good morning"

Still no answer.

May be she isnt mood to talk

Ok well..

"Sia, why did you ask Daisy to call me? It's your job to call" I asked.

But again... Same poker face.

What the hell is wrong with her.

"Sia, dammit can you please act professional and talk" now she is getting over my nerves

She wrote something on paper and gave to me

I curled the paper in my hand and threw it in bin

"You can open your bloody mouth, rather wasting papers Sia" I shouted

But still no voice... No expression

What the hell is wrong....


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