《Conditionally Married》33- Drive


Sia pov

I looked at the clock. It was 11.30.

Definitely something fishy

He never took me on drive...

I should say no

"A-actually I am really tired right now" I faked a yawn too

"Just for few minutes .." his eyes were softer shade of grey now. So I agreed

I sat in his car next to him and he started to drive.

We both were quite. I dont know why he wanted to go out with me. I just know that he have something in his mind, which he will spit out eventually.

"So, did you guys took pictures? Can you show me ?" He broke uncomfortable silence in car.

I don't know whether I should keep lying or tell him the truth. I bit my nails.

"Hmm... Well I forgot my phone in office. So I couldn't take any. Some of my friends were taking pictures. I will let you know when they come to me"

Okay... Now I have to get some pictures where there is no Tristan..

"Oh. Well I have some pictures, which I want you to see" he handed me his phone.

Uncertain of what to do, I, took phone from his hand and open pictures.

I felt like I have struck by electric current, my eyes popped out as I saw those.

Those were mine and Tristan's pictures, when we were dancing and when I went to sit with him in car.

I took a gulp of air as I see those pictures.

So he knew everything..

"Liked it?" He taunted

"Look I am so sorr-" before I complete my sentence, he put his feet on accelerator with all his might

I jerked back and hit my head with the seat."What are you doing" I screamed.

"You'll know soon " he said.

As time passed by I looked outside and saw that buildings were slowly disappearing. It was now obvious that we are almost out of city somewhere.

Finally, after dont know how long, he stopped the car.

We were at top of some place and it was all dark and empty.

Is he going to throw me from here ?

Or just run his car over me.??

He might kill me in car by strangling and throw my body for animals.

He had warned me not to get close with Tristan, and I did that. Guilty as charged.

But it was unintentional...

He took a deep breath which interrupted my thoughts. I looked towards him and saw him placing a stop watch on the dashboard with timer set for 4 minutes.

"Okay now, let listen very carefully. There is a forest below this place, and if we fall with our car from this place, there is 98% chance that we wont survive"

He said we... Is he thinking of dying with me and car???

My whole body was still as if I was sitting on time bomb. I was scared to breath even. Who knows what is going on in his mind...

"Did.you.understand.that?" He asked emphasizing on every word.

I lost power over my voice so I just nod.

"Say it" he raised his tone

"Yy-yeess" I managed to speak somehow.

"We are around 4 minutes away from the fall. Now, I am going to ask you some questions. If you answered all of them honestly, I will stop the car. But if you lied once, then we'll to meet our parents"

My mind had stopped working. I had become his puppet . I'll do whatever he wants me to do.

I nod ans closed my eyes trying to gather strength. I heard the car engine coming alive.


He started the timer...

"Did you know who planted bomb in our home?" He asked his first question.

"No" I said promptly.

"Eddy found blueprint of house and bomb details in your computer"

So. He is blaming me.. how could he?

Tears ran from my eyes as I was feeling being stabbed.

"You're wasting time" he said

Stay strong. You can cry after all this is over. Or else you will sleep for eternal

"I have no idea about this" I answered.

"Did you give your password to someone" .

I looked at the timer...





"I don't remember." I dont know how many questions he have. I better not waste time

"I need answer of my question. You better not waste time"




"I DONT KNOW MR. ASHAR." I shouted now with teary eyes and voice.





I tried hard to recall if I had given my password to someone.

But I cant think in this panic and death mode.

"I swear to God I didnt give my password to anyone except the IT department" It just came out of my mouth.

He looked at me with raised eyebrows.

I recalled and told him

"My computer had several issues. So I called IT department. That guy asked me to write my password and keep it near the screen and they will check it after working hours" I told him in one breath.

"Who was that guy?" He asked with loud voice

I played and replayed that incident again and again in my head.

But I cant recall his name.

May be I haven't asked.

"I dont know" I said with my head down.

"Why I was not informed about it?" He said with anger.




His stupid ego is wasting time

"Because all the important documents are locked in my pc, so I wasn't worried if anything got leaked or something. And they had numerous times did the repairing work like that earlier as well"

And timer hits 2:00

The horizon is coming near and near and I can see how close we are getting towards the fall.

I just can only see one side of his face. Eyes on the road maintaining speed of car. His strong fingers of his right hand are holding the steering wheel, while he move his fingers of the other hand in his hair.

Without wasting any extra second, he jumped to his new question.

"What is going on between you and that guy?"

Ok. I saw that coming..

"Mr. Ashar, I had already told you. There is NOTHING between him and me."




"Did he said that he like you. Or love you?" He asked with straight voice.

His masculine features enhances when he is angry.

"Yes" Crisp and short reply.

"Like or love?"

"Like" I said

"And do you feel the same?"




Why suddenly he care about what I think..

"Why do you care?" I asked

Shit ..

Did I really say that out loud.

"Just answer my question Sia. Do you feel the same about him?"

"That's something personal Mr. Ashar."





"You're wasting time Sia. Do you really wanna die?" He yelled.

"I died the day you married me" I looked outside at the death fall that was coming closer and closer


It wont came to me as surprise if at last moment he open the door and get out, leaving me alone.


He shouted on top of his lungs.

He doesn't have right to get personal.

No.. I wont feed his ego this time.

If it means death... Then death it is.

I stayed quiet, just my eyes were talking.

I kept my face in front. I dont want to see his angry face as last thing I see...




I closed my eyes covered it with my hands and kept it on my lap




I waited for the fall, but I guess I was so numb that I couldn't feel anything...

May be death would be easier this way.

I even didn't hear him getting out of the car.

Or may be my senses had stopped working.

May be I had died of heart attack already, even before falling..

But my heart was beating.... I can hear it.

And I can feel myself with my fingers.

I was alive.

I looked up and saw that he had stopped the car just before the fall.

He was sitting on driver's seat. Silent.

I opened the door and got out. I was hyperventilating so I took deep breaths from nose and exhaling from mouth.

Its ok Sia. You're safe and alive.. breath breath

Mr. Ashar came after and saw me as I compose myself.

I turned towards him, angry rushed into my blood. All the hatred I had for him and hardship which he had given me and that I was carrying in my heart for so long was now bursting in my system.

And with that I gave him a tight slap on his left cheek, which made his face move towards right.

I grab the collar of his tshirt with my damp hands

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE? ARE YOU MY HUSBAND? Why do you care so much about who I love?"

He kept looking at me. His dark grey eyes was sinking in me. But this time I am not falling in his trap.

"You had underestimated my silence. I just want this 2 year contract to be over peacefully. But this was last nail in the coffin of my patience. So let me make this very clear Mr. Ashar, I am NOT your property. You don't have any right over me and my heart."

I was yelling at him. Shouting. My voice was echoing at this empty place.

I let go his collar which I was holding. I still have tears which were falling like rain.

"You know why your father make you marry me... Because he KNEW that you love no one except yourself"

I finally broke down and sat on my toes

"I am not a toy Mr. Ashar. So please stop playing with me."

I hid my face in palm of my hands and cried. It felt good that I finally spoke what I had in my heart.

His hands grabbed my arms and pulled me up. I stood up, still hiding my face in my hands. His fingers brushed against mine and then he hold them to remove them from my face.

Uncertain of what to expect, I kept looking down towards my feet. His fingers grazed against my chin and through his thumb, he raised my face to meet his.

I looked upward towards him. He was still calm, like nothing happened. He started to lean in. Inch by inch closer,till I can feel the refreshing smell of his breath that touches my face. Our bodies touch each other as we breath. He, instead of going for my lips, he went towards my eye and placed a small yet deep kiss on it. I lost my sense of time and place. It started to feel like some kind of wild ward breeze is flowing in my body. As he moved back, I looked to him again, but he went towards my other eye and placed his lips there too.

As his lips left my other eye, he moved towards my cheek which were still wet because of tears. He thoroughly planted his lips deeply on both sides, as if he is trying to take all my pain through his kisses.

I was certainly not expecting this. As much as I was scared, my heart had found its long gone solace.

He cupped my face in his hands and whispered "let's go home"

I stood there quietly. Just few moments ago, I slapped him, but he isn't angry or mad at me, rather he is being caring.

I dont want to fall for him. What if he is playing again?

He went to driving seat and opened the door of passenger seat for me. Same seat where I was watching my last seconds.

I stood there. Not knowing whether I could trust him or not.

"No" I said and moved towards other side. I rather stay here till I get some lift, rather going with him.

Moving towards other way, I tried looking for some kind of help, but it looked like it was 2-3 AM.

Bad luck... Just bad luck.

All of sudden, I felt someone holding my wrist. I know its him. He jerked me towards himself and I landed in his arms, holding his shoulders.

Without saying another word, he bend on his feet and lifted me on his shoulder.

"What the hell. Let go of me" but he started to walk. I was punching his back but he was unaffected. His muscular arms are really strong enough.

I shouted but no one came. As he reached to car, he dropped me on the back seat, locked the door and went towards his driving seat.

I decided not to fight anymore. I have nowhere to go at this time. But this car was giving me creeps and all memories came again.

We both reached home after few minutes. And I ran towards my room without facing him and locked the door.

I managed to change clothes and went to bed. But as soon as I close my eyes,the timer starts to run in front of me.

I dont know how long I was crying, when I heard my door being unlocked. It has to be him. No one else have keys to all the rooms.

If I would be in my sane condition, I would definitely fight with him as he was entering without permission. But right now, I was empty. I dont have strength. So I just closed my eyes, pretended to be asleep.

Depression on my bed told me that he sat on my bed. It was definitely him, I recognize his smell. He laid down with me on my bed and moved his fingers in my hairs. He kissed my forehead and a water droplet dropped on my face.

Is he crying. No way!

"I am so sorry" he whispered as he was trying not to wake me up. " You're scared, so I am sleeping next to you so that I can protect you from your bad dreams. You'll be mad in morning, when you'll find me in bed. But that's okay, atleast I can help to keep your bad dreams away, so you can sleep peacefully."

His one arm encircled my abdomen and carefully he lifted my head so he can keep his other arm around my neck. He pushed himself towards me so my face can rest over the junction of his shoulder and chest.

I never felt this much safer before....


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