《Conditionally Married》35- The Bet


Sia pov

Who the hell think he is...

He hurts me whenever he wants and then sleep with me ....

So finally I have decided to keep my mouth shut.

No questions and no answers.

I wont talk to him

I asked Daisy to call him, since he didn't come to office.

I knew he was sleeping. He was in deep sleep when I woke up and found him next to me

I am tired of his mixed signals. So may be if I stopped talking to him, he'll stop talking to me.

May be we both can stay silent.

"Good morning " there he come.

He kept on talking and talking but I kept singing song in my head to stop my self from replying.

I looked at the watch and realized its just few minutes when Mr. Knight will be arriving.

This deal is important as Mr. Ashar was after it for so many days. It is like 50 Billion Dollar deal.

"Sia, why did you ask Daisy to call me? It's your job to call" he asked.

One day Im gonna fly away one day when heaven calls my name I lay down and close my eyes at night ....

"Sia, dammit can you please act professional and talk".

Since I am not talking to him, I wrote on a sticky note that he have only 20 minutes.

But rather, he scolded me for wasting paper.

Like it will take his billions...

Anyways my job was done, so I went out.

When our clients came, I greeted them and took them to meeting room.

Again I asked Daisy to let Mr. Ashar know that they are here.

Fumed with anger, Mr. Ashar arrived soon.

He was wearing grey suit with an off-white shirt. His grey eyes shinning like marble with short spiked hair..

I looked at him when he came walking in.

Why evils are attractive??

I now know why women use to throw themselves on him. May be if we had met in different circumstances, I would have done the same.

But the problem is that he is all mixed up. I don't know if he had sex after marriage thing. May be he is sexually frustrated. And I always become his aim, where he can dump his anger..


Mr. Grey can't keep his pants on!

Sometimes, I see desire and lust in his eyes, sometimes I see a softer caring side... And sometimes just hate.

I dont know which side should I trust.

He was always there for me when I was in trouble, whereas most the troubles are caused by him . But still. How can I forget what happened in Canada and then that blast.

He could easily let me die and term it accident. But he doesn't.

Instead, he doesn't let me fight my demons alone.

"We are so impressed Mr. Ashar" someone said.

I realized that I was daydreaming.

"We are honored to have this deal with you" The bald man said.

Mr. Ashar and everyone shook hands and I started to escort them out when I heard him.

"Ms. Sia, please stay here for a while. Tom, please take care of our guest" He said.

Seems like no one have any issue in that.

Dammit! I stood there still while everyone left.

He closed the door.

"Sia, what is the matter. Why are you acting like this?"

This is insane. It is a torture being alone with him...

I pressed my both lips together to stop myself saying anything. I turned around and started to gather everything from table.

"Are you still upset about that night?" He asked while inserting his hands in pocket.

Dont reply, dont talk....

"Can you please atleast talk, so we can discuss it" he came closer. But I stood there still.

"Sia. THIS IS STUPID AND CHILDISH" He said with little high tone.

Ok now he is making me angry.

I looked towards him with irritation. But as our eyes met. I felt that my tear glands have been activated.

My eyes were getting wet. Why we have to BE like this. Why we cant be at least friends. I have even stopped trying to run away. I am cooperating to my 100%. But it wont work if only I do adjustments.

Before my tears just burn me. I decided to leave the room.

But, he grabbed my arm fast enough and pushed me back.

"Stop.making.scene.Sia. We have our reception in few days" his words strong and hard.

Just like his heart.


Okay. He is worried about that fake reception and not me..

Fine by me!

I blink several times to stop any tears. But it seemed that they'll fall anytime. So I just jerked my arm from his hands and went out of the door.

Later in afternoon. He texted me


I am not talking to him at all. Just work related.

I remained strong the whole day. Whenever he asked anything, I just texted him or write on paper. I had avoided eye contacts and even try not to go in his room as much as possible.

Thank God I had asked my driver to stay in parking. I dont want to go with Mr. Ashar. Or else who knows he'll take me on another drive.

I reached home before him and took everything inside my room including food and water and locked myself up. I ate dinner in my room and then I drifted to sleep.

In morning, I woke up early and went out of home before he wakes up. I dont want him to catch me anytime.

Am I ignoring him?.. Yes, big time!

I got busy with my work when I saw him entering.

I kept my head down, but I saw him from my peripheral vision, he is angry.

His eyes seemed like he didn't sleep good.He stopped at my seat and gave me side glance...

I rolled my eyes on him.

"Sia, can I have a moment with you?" He asked politely..

No shouting... No screaming..


I just nodded and he went in his cabin.

"Wow Mrs. Ashar. Seems like he doesn't get enough of you at home" Tony passed comment.

"I am his assistant here. And we both are STRICTLY professional". I mocked him.

Such comments are now very common to me. I get to hear these alot. Like "ohh look Boss's wife" " I bet she complains about us at home" . "She might be pregnant that is why Ashar married her" and blah blah

Ignoring all the stares. I went in and handed over his schedule of today and stood in front of him for his instructions.

But, without reading it, he threw it on table and calmly stood in front of table with back touching it.

Today, he is wearing skyblue shirt with soft pink tie. Rolled up sleeves, loosened tie and top two buttons of his shirt are open.. He definitely look like Chris Hemsworth.

But his attitude is what always keeps me away from him.

He crossed his hands and said "So, you're not giving up?'

No.. never

I closed my eyes for brief moment and looked down. That's his answer.

"Fine. Then let's play this game together".

I lifted my upper eyelid to look at him.

He started to take steps towards me. One by one. Slow and small, like when lion walks when he aim its prey.

I instantly had goosebumps on body.

I bit my lower and upper lip as he came near and near. Finally he stopped like few centimeters away from me.

"You're nervous aren't you" he smirked.

How did he know..

I looked away from him and then I realize that I was biting my nails.

I instantly dropped my hands down.

He came dangerously close to me. Our bodies touched each other and his breath danced on my skin.

"36 hours. Try keeping your silence intact while I'll try to break it" he said

"If you win, then I wont ask you anything regarding Tristan and you can go out once every 15 days for 3 hours anywhere. But.."

He stopped for a while which felt like eternity.

"If I win, you'll do I'll ask you to do for 6 days" he emphasized whatever ..

Too much were on stake for me. I would love to have some time off from him, whereas I even dont want to imagine what he'll ask me to do..

"Come on. You're having second thoughts?" He reached back towards his seat, joined his fingers and placed his chin on it.

"You're scared that if I won , what I'll be doing with you? " He smirked again

Sia.. Its an opportunity... Finally you can have some space.. and show him that you can do it!

I took a deep breath..

"Deal" I wrote on paper and gave it to him.

He read and smiled.

"Its around 12pm.. and 36 hours means the next night 12 am. Good luck" he said

And I didn't even smiled back....

May the best person win!!


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