《Living together, apart》~3~


We poured into the hall being greeted by our parents beaming faces. We had assigned seats like Elementary Students. I found my seat in between one of Ryder's friends and a Red head. I was tense and very nervous as I noticed my mom eyeing me from the stage.

I knew this would be a very long affair, because they called each of our names in alphabetical order with whoever's partners last name came first. The people around me, were excitedly murmuring with their friends, and the people next to them. Half of them saying who they wanted to be with and the others dabbing fake tears. I recognized the parent, of one of Ryder's friends as she took the stage.

"Please please, quiet down kids. We are ready to get started!".

The volume of chattering died down, with every word she spoke. She switched with my father, as he took a stack of papers off the table set next to them.

"Ahem, please walk to the red carpet, when I call you with your future living mates". He said gruffly

He started with the A's, but I wasn't really paying attention until he got to the B's. Camilla's last name starts with a B, and she hasn't been paired with anybody yet. I was dying to know.

"Camilla Blanchard, Oxford University. You will be paired with Elliot Jacobs".

Her followers, that were once holding her hands let her go quickly when she started twitching. I wanted so badly to laugh, I had to fake cough a couple times to hold it in. She got up and walked over to the guy, who I'm sure was Elliot Jacobs. He held his arm out to her, and she reluctantly took it as they walked on the red carpet to get seated on the "already paired" side.



They got to the L section, and I suddenly started listening again. If Ryder isn't paired with Camilla who is he paired with? When my father went through the list of names, he stopped at one. He exchanged a secretive look with the other adults before saying the words that shook the daylights out of me.

"Ryder Lakes, Oxford University. You will be Paired with Ivy McClain".

I heard a dramatic gasp in the crowd, as I sat there with my mouth open. Everybody, except the parents, were shocked that the nerd got paired with the 'Perfect boy. I saw him stand up from where he was sitting and walk towards the red carpet. He was wearing one of his famous smiles, but even he looked a little shocked and confused. He craned his neck until his grey orbs landed on me. He outstretched his arm, as I quickly got up in fear of getting yelled by my mother.

My face probably looked like a Strawberry, as I took his arm looking away. We walked over to the other side and I took a seat next to him. My breathing was getting out of control. I had never been this close the THE RYDER LAKES. I think I'm about to pass out.


The rest of the assembly was a really big blur. I was still surprised at the out come. The whole time I could feel Camilla glaring daggers at me. Then came the second worst part. The first dance of the pairs. I was so not ready to actually face Ryder, and make small talk with him. I wish I could crawl into a hole and die.

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