《Always With You (Completed)》Chapter 18


Nandini was brought back home. Everyone behaved normally. No one asked her about the incident. Nandini was feeling strange as no one was nagging her like before. But she stayed quite. They had their meal and Manik took Nandini to take rest. Nandini didn't sleep so Manik brought his laptop and sat beside her. Nandini pulled out her book and started studying. Manik wanted to stop her but he didn't but Nandini realized it.

Nandini - Don't you have to study? You also have your exam, but just staying on your laptop for your business. Sir, you have to graduate to have a reputed business.

Manik - Miss, I know you know more about business than me after all you are to be CEO of the company...

Nandini - (showing angry face with biting her lips) Shut up!

Manik - (smiling brightly) Nandini, I don't need to revise now.

Nandini - Fine, I am going to sleep. You work hard. Good night.

Manik - Good night.

The day of 2nd exam,

Manik, Nandini, Navya and Kabir went to university campus. Nandini was a lot better now. She was looking energetic.

They all went to their respective halls and wrote their exams, then met at cafetaria and had lunch.

Mukti - So, Ms. Nandini how are you now?

Nandini - Very well. (blinked in approval)

Dhruv - That's more like you, Nandini. Just stay healthy always.

Alia - Exactly, you look the best when cheerful.

Nandini - It's Saturday today, our next and last exam is on Friday. And..... I am moving back to dorms on Wednesday!

All - Yayyy!!!!

They all were happy then went back.

On Friday, At Ahluwalia Mansion,

Manik, Nandini and Kabir had their breakfast and were ready to leave. They hugged their fathers and went in the car. Manik drove to the university. After parking the car, they dropped Nandini at girl's dormitory and then went to their dormitory.


Navya, Mukti and Alia were all happy to see Nandini and welcomed her with a cake, on the other hand, when Manik went inside his room, he was ignored. Dhruv and Abhimanyu were talking to Kabir but not Manik. He tried to talk but no one responded.

Manik went on and sat on chair and got busy on his laptop.

Around and hour passed, and Manik didn't even try to talk to anyone.

Dhruv - (frustrated, went to Manik) Will you die, if you will not keep cool face for some time.

Abhimanyu - Exactly, you could have requested us but no!

Manik - (smiled) Then....., if you guys are done with your joke, go and study.

Dhruv and Abhimanyu - WE KNOW!!

On Friday,

All went to give exams. Nandini was totally fine. They all decided to meet in cafeteria after exam at 1 pm. And as decided, they all gathered there.

Alia - Finally, this semester came to an end. And we the seniors of our course. Just a year and we will graduate.

Kabir - You guys can, but what about us? (putting arms around Navya's and Nandini's shoulder)

Nandini - (shook off Kabir's arm) Don't worry. Navya will take care of you!

Dhruv - come on. you guys are worried about your relationships. I am worrying about the projects we will have in last year. urff (sighed)

Alia - Right. Also, freshers will disturb us a lt for a month at least! My goodness. I am feeling dizzy just with the thought. (holding her head)

Nandini - Ok. ok. Let's see.

Fifth semester started....

There was freshness, desire and a great environment with full motivation. All went to their respective classes. There were a lot of freshers in the university.

Within two weeks, a fresher named of computer science departmentbecame renowned in campus for her looks, beauty and being rich. She would come in long metal cars and dressed up properly. A lot started to talk saying Manik would even leave Nandini for Soha. From this, Soha got to know more about Manik and started to have a crush on him but she never cared to see even a single pic of Nandini. But Manik and Nandini stayed away from the gossips and were not bothered at all.


In the university, there are projects given to the first year and last year students with same topics. For that, freshers are allowed to take help from seniors or even team up with them to present their project. This time, for computer science the project topic was famous hackers and computer programmers and atleast two.

Manik chose to prepare project report about MS. KEREN and MK and somehow Soha chose the same.

Two days later....

Manik was sitting alone in library working on his laptop, when a girl approached him. Manik saw the shadow and didn't bother to even look up and just ignored.

Girl - Senior, I know you don't like talking to anyone but this is related to project work. We freshers are allowed to approach our seniors and they are obliged to help us.

Manik still ignored.

Girl - Are you even listening to me? (no response) Am I air to you?

Manik - (sighed and closed laptop) Fine, sit! (pointing at chair on opposite side)

Girl - Thank you. (sat down) Hello Manik, I am Soha. Soha Verma.

Manik - Wait. Firstly, I am not interested in your introduction because I don't care who you are. Secondly, You haven't gone through the rules properly, I am not obliged to help you! It's totally on me if I want to help you or avoid you..

Soha - Manik...

Manik - I am not done, yet! And.. I want to avoid you. You can leave.

Soha left in disappointment.

Nandini was seeing everything from a nearby bookshelf. She went to Manik.

Nandini - So.., she needed your help and you refused. Right?

Manik - Then, what I should have done?

Nandini - Helped her!

Manik - Are you serious?

Nandini - I am very serious. (sighs) Manik.., it's just about helping your junior. You see the way you have behaved just now what kind of impression are you going to leave behind. So, if she approaches you again, just help her. (held his hand) Okay?

Manik - Okay!

Nandini - By the way, which two personalities you have chosen?

Manik - Ms. Keren and MK.

Nandini - Oh... for first one, ask me but who is this MK?

Manik - MK? (took deep breath) Nandini, this MK is currently the most famous and successful hacker and programmer not just nationally but internationally also. MK is demanded everywhere. Mk is in this industry from age of 14.

Nandini - Woah! Amazing. Any pic?

Manik - (laughs) You asking about pic? Girl, we don't even know if this MK is he or she? I mean male or female.

Nandini - What! This must.... My goodness. All the best for your research on this MK. (thumbs up and still shocked)

It ends here.

your writer,


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